update dependencies for 4.3
[www-register-wizard.git] / application / views / stage8_rebootpcu.php
1 <div class="plroundedupdate">
2 <div class="plroundedwhite">
3 <h3>Confirm Reboot Node With PCU</h3>
4 <dl>
5         <?php if ( $node['boot_state'] == "disabled" ): ?>
6         <dt>Step 1</dt>
7                 <dd>
8                         <span class='error'>
9                         Use the 'Test Reboot' button.  This will set the boot state to 'reinstall' and 
10                         attempt to reboot your machine using the registered PCU.
11                         </span>
12                 </dd>
13         <?php elseif ( $node['boot_state'] == "reinstall" ): ?>
14 <?php if ( isset($error) && ! empty($error) ): ?>
15         <dt>If Reboot fails,</dt><dd>
16                         there will be an error displayed that will assist you in
17                         diagnosing the error.  Otherwise, please double check the
18                         registered information for the PCU, and that you can operate the
19                         PCU manually (using it's web or ssh interface).
20                         <br>
21                         To try the test again, use 'Test Reboot'.<br>
22                         If you need help diagnosing the problem, please contact 
23                         <a href="mailto:support@planet-lab.org?subject=Reboot Failed: <?= $error ?>">PlanetLab Support</a>.
24         </dd>
25                 <dt> <span class='error'> Reboot Failure: </span> </dt>
26                 <dd> <span class='error'> <?= $error ?> </span> </dd>
27         <?php else: ?>
28         <dt>If Reboot succeeds,</dt><dd>
29                         your machine will reboot, install the bootstrap image, and 
30                         contacted PLC.  Finally, the boot state will be updated to 'boot'.
31                         <br>
32                         Continue using the 'Reload' button to check whether the node has
33                         completed its installation.
34         </dd>
35                 <dt> Reboot without error: </dt>
36                 <dd> No errors were reported for your reboot.  Please double check by
37                 confirming at the console.  If the reboot failed, please report this
38                 to <a href="mailto:support@planet-lab.org?subject=No error for failed PCU reboot">PlanetLab Feedback</a>.
39                 </dd>
40 <?php endif; ?>
41         <?php else: ?>
42         <dt><b>Success!!</b></dt><dd>
43                         The installation is complete; your machine has reached the final
44                         'boot' state.  You can continue to the final stage.</dd>
45         <?php endif; ?>
46 </dl>
48 <table><tbody>
49         <tr><th>Site: </th><td> <a href='/db/sites/index.php?id=<?= $site_id ?>'><?= $site['name'] ?></a></td></tr>
50         <tr><th>Hostname: </th><td nowrap><?= $node['hostname'] ?></td></tr>
51         <tr><th>Boot State: </th><td><?= $node['boot_state'] ?> </td>
52                 <td>
53                 <?php if ( $node['boot_state'] == "disable" ): ?>
54                         <span class='error'> Start with the 'Test Reboot' button.</span>
55                 <?php elseif ( $node['boot_state'] == "reinstall" ): ?>
56                         <br>'Test Reboot' to start again.<br>
57                         'Reload' to Reload this page.
58                 <?php else: ?>
59                         <b>Success!!</b> Your machine has booted and contacted PLC.
60                         'Continue' to the final stage.
61                 <?php endif; ?>
62                 </td>
63         </tr>
64         <tr><th>Model: </th><td><?= $node['model'] ?></td></tr>
65         <tr><th>Version: </th><td nowrap='1'><?= $node['version'] ?></td></tr>
66         <tr><th>Last Contact: </th><td><?= $last_contact_str ?></td></tr>
67         <tr>
68                 <td>
69                 </td>
70                 <td colspan='2'>
71                         <?= form_open("confirm/reboot/$site_id/$pcu_id/$node_id", 
72                                                    array('style' => 'display: inline; margin: 0px')) ?>
73                                 <input type='submit' name='reboot_node' value='Test Reboot'>
74                         </form>
75                         <?= form_open("confirm/stage8_rebootpcu/$pcu_id/$site_id/$node_id", array('style' => 'display: inline; margin: 0px')) ?>
76                                 <input type='submit' name='reload_contact' value='Reload'>
77                         </form>
78                         <?= form_open("confirm/complete/$site_id/$pcu_id/$node_id", 
79                                                    array('style' => 'display: inline; margin: 0px')) ?>
80                 <?php if ( $node['boot_state'] == "boot" ): ?>
81                                 <input type='submit' value='Continue'>
82                 <?php else: ?>
83                                 <input type='submit' disabled value='Continue'>
84                 <?php endif; ?>
85                                 <!--input type='submit' value='Debug Continue'-->
86                 </form>
87 </tbody></table><br />
88 </div>
89 </div>
91 <h3>Tips:</h3>
92 <ul>
93     <li>
94                         If you do not see an error, this does not mean that none have
95                         occurred.  We need your help in verifying that the PCU function is
96                         configured correctly.
97         </li>
98     <li>
99                         Please be patient.  Installations may take between 10 to 30
100                         minutes depending on the speed of your hardware and network.  Checking the
101                         console is the fastest way to verify that the installation is proceeding.
102         </li>
103 </ul>