1 In order to run this module in standalone mode
3 * install python and django for your OS (see devel/django-install.txt)
9 although this is not really needed anymore now that we have a single
10 location for tempaltes and static, but if any static file gets added
11 in some other place, this will be important
13 * manage.py runserver
14 for a one-shot run of the local server
16 * if you need to often restart the server, you can use
18 that runs 'manage runserver ...' in an endless loop, just hit ctrl-C
19 to kill the current server instance and run another one
22 * as a final note, it is explained here
23 https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#createsuperuser
24 how it seems easily possible to have 'make syncdb', or at least the
25 part that prompts for login/password, run non-interactively
26 for example as part of the packaging install
28 manage.py createsuperuser --username root --email support@myslice.info --noinput
32 django-admin.py createsuperuser --username root --email support@myslice.info --noinput
33 except that on my MAC for now I haven't been able to find the port command to select this
34 version, to for me it's still django-admin-2.7.py
36 a caveat though is, this cannot be run several times (it fails the second time, duplicate column of course)
37 it's still doable to redirect >& /dev/null and not worry about the result I guess
38 I'm not even sure it's really useful ?!?