- use new 0.30.208 util-vserver-vars variable names
[util-vserver.git] / doc / configuration.html
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6     <title>The /etc/vservers directory</title>
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13   <body>
14     <h1>The content of the /etc/vservers directory</h1>
15     <ul>
16       <li>
17         <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span></span>
18         <br />
19         <ul>
20           <li id="global-nonamespace">
21             <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/nonamespace">nonamespace</span>
22             <br />
23             <div class="description">
24 Disable namespace usage globally. It can be overridden for a single vserver
25 by setting the <a class="optionref" href="#global-namespace">namespace</a> flag
26 there.
28 In this mode the <span class="directoryname">/vservers</span> directory must have
29 the 'barrier' attribute. Else, common chroot(2) exploits are possible.
30       </div>
31           </li>
32           <li>
33             <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/run.rev">run.rev</span>
34             <br />
35             <div class="description">
36 Path of the vserver run reverse directory. This directory contains
37 symlinks named with XID numbers which point back to the configuration
38 directory of vservers. Under kernel 2.4 this is required for the XID
39 to VSERVER mapping; Under kernel 2.6 it is unused.
41 NOTE: this link exists in 0.30.202+ only; in previous versions it was
42 a vserver specific setting.
43       </div>
44           </li>
45           <li>
46             <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase">vdirbase</span>
47             <br />
48             <div class="description">A link to the default vserver rootdirectory.</div>
49           </li>
50           <li>
51             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span></span>
52             <br />
53             <ul>
54               <li>
55                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">debootstrap</span></span>
56                 <br />
57                 <ul>
58                   <li>
59                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/debootstrap/mirror">mirror</span>
60                     <br />
61                     <div class="description">
62 The Debian mirror to use with the <code class="tool">debootstrap</code> program
63           </div>
64                   </li>
65                   <li>
66                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/debootstrap/uri">uri</span>
67                     <br />
68                     <div class="description">
69 When the <code class="tool">debootstrap</code> package is not installed; fetch it
70 from this uri and install it at a temporary place.
71           </div>
72                   </li>
73                 </ul>
74               </li>
75               <li>
76                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">init</span></span>
77                 <br />
78                 <ul>
79                   <li>
80                     <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/init/tty">tty</span>
81                     <br />
82                     <div class="description">
83 A symlink to the TTY device where input/output will be redirected from/to
84 at startup via initscript.
85           </div>
86                   </li>
87                 </ul>
88               </li>
89               <li>
90                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">pkgmgmt</span></span>
91                 <br />
92                 <ul>
93                   <li>
94                     <span class="data" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/pkgmgmt/apt.conf">apt.conf</span>
95                     <br />
96                     <div class="description">The default apt.conf which is going to be used. It is overridden by
97 distribution specific configuration file.
98           </div>
99                   </li>
100                   <li>
101                     <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/pkgmgmt/base">base</span>
102                     <br />
103                   </li>
104                 </ul>
105               </li>
106               <li>
107                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vprocunhide</span></span>
108                 <br />
109                 <ul>
110                   <li>
111                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vprocunhide/files">files</span>
112                     <br />
113                     <div class="description">
114 A list of files which will be made visibly by vprocunhide. Wildcards are
115 allowed and anything ending in '/' will be processed recursively. When this file exists,
116 it overrides the defaults in SYSDEFAULTDIR/vprocunhide-files. The entries there must be
117 absolute filenames inclusive the leading '/proc'.
118           </div>
119                   </li>
120                 </ul>
121               </li>
122               <li>
123                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vshelper</span></span>
124                 <br />
125                 <ul>
126                   <li>
127                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vshelper/debug">debug</span>
128                     <br />
129                     <div class="description">
130 When existing, the vshelper execution will be traced.
131           </div>
132                   </li>
133                   <li>
134                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vshelper/disabled">disabled</span>
135                     <br />
136                     <div class="description">
137 When existing, the vshelper functionality will be disabled for all
138 vservers.
139           </div>
140                   </li>
141                   <li>
142                     <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vshelper/logfile">logfile</span>
143                     <br />
144                     <div class="description">
145 The file where output will be logged to when <code class="tool">vshelper</code>
146 is invoked from the kernel. This should point somewhere e.g. into
147 <span class="directoryname">/var/log</span>.
148           </div>
149                   </li>
150                   <li>
151                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vshelper/warning-disabled">warning-disabled</span>
152                     <br />
153                     <div class="description">
154 When existing, sanity checks for the vshelper functionality will be
155 skipped.
156           </div>
157                   </li>
158                   <li>
159                     <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vshelper</span>/<span class="">vshelper-methods</span></span>
160                     <br />
161                     <ul>
162                       <li>
163                         <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vshelper/vshelper-methods/$handler">handler</span>
164                         <br />
165                         <div class="description">
166 See vshelper/action.
167             </div>
168                       </li>
169                     </ul>
170                   </li>
171                 </ul>
172               </li>
173               <li>
174                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vunify</span></span>
175                 <br />
176                 <ul>
177                   <li>
178                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vunify/exclude">exclude</span>
179                     <br />
180                     <div class="description">Static list of excluded files.</div>
181                   </li>
182                   <li>
183                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vunify/pgkmgmt-force">pgkmgmt-force</span>
184                     <br />
185                     <div class="description">
186 When existing, information from packagemanagement will be used to
187 create dynamic exclude-lists. This option requires that (a known)
188 packagemanagement is configured for the vserver; else the requested
189 operation will fail. Most tools assume 'on' as the default value.
190           </div>
191                   </li>
192                   <li>
193                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vunify/pkgmgmt-ignore">pkgmgmt-ignore</span>
194                     <br />
195                     <div class="description">
196 When existing, information from packagemanagement will not be used to
197 create dynamic exclude-lists.
198           </div>
199                   </li>
200                   <li>
201                     <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vunify</span>/<span class="">hash</span></span>
202                     <br />
203                     <div class="description">
204 A directory which will be used as the storage place for the
205 <code class="tool">vhashify</code> command.
206           </div>
207                     <ul>
208                       <li>
209                         <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vunify/hash/$id">id</span>
210                         <br />
211                         <div class="description">
212 Points to a directory within the filesystems which are used for the
213 vservers. There must be not more than one of such a directory per
214 filesystem.
215             </div>
216                       </li>
217                       <li>
218                         <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vunify/hash/method">method</span>
219                         <br />
220                         <div class="description">The used hash method.</div>
221                       </li>
222                     </ul>
223                   </li>
224                 </ul>
225               </li>
226             </ul>
227           </li>
228           <li>
229             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.defaults</span>/<span class="fixed">init</span></span>
230             <br />
231             <ul>
232               <li>
233                 <span class="data" title="/etc/vservers/.defaults/init/mtab">mtab</span>
234                 <br />
235                 <div class="description">Default mtab file</div>
236               </li>
237             </ul>
238           </li>
239         </ul>
240       </li>
241       <li>
242         <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span></span>
243         <br />
244         <ul>
245           <li>
246             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span>/<span class="symbolic">dist</span></span>
247             <br />
248             <ul>
249               <li>
250                 <span class="data" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/apt.conf">apt.conf</span>
251                 <br />
252                 <div class="description">
253 The default apt.conf which is going to be used. It overrides the
254 apt.conf from CONFDIR/.defaults/apps/pkgmgmt.
255         </div>
256               </li>
257               <li>
258                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/dev">dev</span>
259                 <br />
260                 <div class="description"></div>
261               </li>
262               <li>
263                 <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/execdir">execdir</span>
264                 <br />
265                 <div class="description">
266 Directory with all executables and libraries which are required for
267 this distribution.
268         </div>
269               </li>
270               <li>
271                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/initpost">initpost</span>
272                 <br />
273                 <div class="description">
274 Script which will be executed after packages are installed.
275           </div>
276               </li>
277               <li>
278                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/initpre">initpre</span>
279                 <br />
280                 <div class="description">
281 Script which will be executed before packages will be installed.
282           </div>
283               </li>
284               <li>
285                 <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/rpmlib">rpmlib</span>
286                 <br />
287                 <div class="description">
288 Directory which overrides <span class="directoryname">/usr/lib/rpm</span>.
289         </div>
290               </li>
291               <li>
292                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span>/<span class="symbolic">dist</span>/<span class="">apt</span></span>
293                 <br />
294                 <div class="description">
295 Default content of the <span class="directoryname">/etc/apt/</span> directory.
296         </div>
297               </li>
298               <li>
299                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span>/<span class="symbolic">dist</span>/<span class="">pkgs</span></span>
300                 <br />
301                 <div class="description">
302 Contains files with packagenames.
303         </div>
304                 <ul>
305                   <li>
306                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/pkgs/list">list</span>
307                     <br />
308                     <div class="description">
309 File which contains the name of packages. On top of file the special
310 keywords '--reinstall' and '--can-fail' are possible.
311           </div>
312                   </li>
313                 </ul>
314               </li>
315               <li>
316                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span>/<span class="symbolic">dist</span>/<span class="">pubkeys</span></span>
317                 <br />
318                 <div class="description">
319 Directory with GPG pubkeys which are used to sign the packages of this
320 distribution.
321         </div>
322               </li>
323               <li>
324                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span>/<span class="symbolic">dist</span>/<span class="">rpm</span></span>
325                 <br />
326                 <div class="description">
327 Default content of the <span class="directoryname">/etc/rpm</span> directory.
328         </div>
329               </li>
330               <li>
331                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span>/<span class="symbolic">dist</span>/<span class="">yum</span></span>
332                 <br />
333                 <div class="description">
334 The default, yum-related content of the <span class="directoryname">/etc</span>
335 directory.
336         </div>
337                 <ul>
338                   <li>
339                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/.distributions/$dist/yum/yum.conf">yum.conf</span>
340                     <br />
341                     <div class="description">
342 The master yum configuration file. It supports the @YUMETCDIR@,
343 @YUMCACHEDIR@ and @YUMLOGDIR@ placeholder which will be replaced at
344 <code class="command">vserver ... build</code> time.
345           </div>
346                   </li>
347                 </ul>
348               </li>
349               <li>
350                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="">.distributions</span>/<span class="symbolic">dist</span>/<span class="">yum.repos.d</span></span>
351                 <br />
352                 <div class="description">A directory with yum repositories.</div>
353               </li>
354             </ul>
355           </li>
356         </ul>
357       </li>
358       <li>
359         <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span></span>
360         <br />
361         <div class="description">
362 The configuration directory for the vserver vserver-name.
363     </div>
364         <ul>
365           <li id="bcapabilities">
366             <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/bcapabilities">bcapabilities</span>
367             <br />
368             <div class="description">
369 [experimental; name is subject of possible change] Contains the system capabilities. See
370 <a href="http://savannah.nongnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/util-vserver/util-vserver/lib/bcaps-v13.c?rev=HEAD">lib/bcaps-v13.c</a>
371 for possible values.
372       </div>
373           </li>
374           <li>
375             <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/capabilities">capabilities</span>
376             <br />
377             <div class="description">
378 Contains per line a capability. This file is used for the 2.4 kernel
379 only; for 2.6 use <a class="optionref" href="#bcapabilities">bcapabilities</a>.
380       </div>
381           </li>
382           <li>
383             <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/ccapabilities">ccapabilities</span>
384             <br />
385             <div class="description">
386 [experimental; name is subject of possible change] Contains the
387 context capabilities. See <a href="http://savannah.nongnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/util-vserver/util-vserver/lib/ccaps-v13.c?rev=HEAD">lib/ccaps-v13.c</a>
388 for possible values.
389       </div>
390           </li>
391           <li>
392             <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/context">context</span>
393             <br />
394             <div class="description">
395 Contains the context which shall be used for the vserver.
396         </div>
397           </li>
398           <li>
399             <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/flags">flags</span>
400             <br />
401             <div class="description">
402 Contains per line a flag. See <a href="http://savannah.nongnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/util-vserver/util-vserver/lib/cflags-v13.c?rev=HEAD">lib/cflags-v13.c</a>
403 for possible values.
404       </div>
405             <div class="elements">
406               <dl>
407                 <dt class="elements">fakeinit</dt>
408                 <dd class="elements">
409                   <div class="description">
410 The new process will believe it is process number 1. Useful to run a
411 real /sbin/init in a vserver. Warning: this flag should not be used
412 unless you know what you are doing. Often, it is better to use the
413 'plain' initstyle.
414           </div>
415                 </dd>
416                 <dt class="elements">lock</dt>
417                 <dd class="elements">
418                   <div class="description">
419 The new process is trapped and can't use chcontext anymore.
420           </div>
421                 </dd>
422                 <dt class="elements">nproc</dt>
423                 <dd class="elements">
424                   <div class="description">
425 Limit the number of process in the vserver according to
426 ulimit setting. Normally, ulimit is a per user thing.
427 With this flag, it becomes a per vserver thing.  
428           </div>
429                 </dd>
430                 <dt class="elements">private</dt>
431                 <dd class="elements">
432                   <div class="description">
433 No one can join this security context once created.
434           </div>
435                 </dd>
436                 <dt class="elements">sched</dt>
437                 <dd class="elements">
438                   <div class="description">
439 The new process and its children will share a common
440           </div>
441                 </dd>
442                 <dt class="elements">ulimit</dt>
443                 <dd class="elements">
444                   <div class="description">
445 Apply the current ulimit to the whole context
446           </div>
447                 </dd>
448               </dl>
449             </div>
450           </li>
451           <li id="fstab">
452             <span class="data" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/fstab">fstab</span>
453             <br />
454             <div class="description">
455 The fstab file for the vserver. Entries in this file will be mounted
456 within the network context of the host. Use the
457 <a class="optionref" href="#fstab.remote">fstab.remote</a> file when you want that the
458 mounting happens in the network context of the vserver. In most cases
459 the 'fstab' file should be used.
460       </div>
461           </li>
462           <li id="fstab.remote">
463             <span class="data" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/fstab.remote">fstab.remote</span>
464             <br />
465             <div class="description">
466 The fstab file for the vserver. Entries in this file will be mounted
467 within the network context of the host; this means that mount will be
468 called as <code class="command">chbind &lt;options&gt; mount ...</code>. See
469 <a class="optionref" href="#fstab">fstab</a> also.
470       </div>
471           </li>
472           <li>
473             <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/name">name</span>
474             <br />
475             <div class="description">
476 Contains the name of the vserver. When not given, the basename of the directory
477 will be assumed as this name.
478       </div>
479           </li>
480           <li id="global-namespace">
481             <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/namespace">namespace</span>
482             <br />
483             <div class="description">
484 Overrides the global <a class="optionref" href="#global-nonamespace">nonamespace</a> flag and enables
485 namespace usage for the current vserver.
486       </div>
487           </li>
488           <li>
489             <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/nice">nice</span>
490             <br />
491             <div class="description">
492 The nice-level on which the vserver will be started.
493       </div>
494           </li>
495           <li>
496             <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/nonamespace">nonamespace</span>
497             <br />
498             <div class="description">
499 Disables namespace usage for the current vserver.
501 In this mode the <span class="directoryname">/vservers</span> directory must have
502 the 'barrier' attribute. Else, common chroot(2) exploits are possible.
503       </div>
504           </li>
505           <li>
506             <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/personality">personality</span>
507             <br />
508             <div class="description">
509 Used to set the personality of the vserver. First line in the file
510 is the personality-type followed by flags (one item per line). See
511 <a class="filename" href="file:///usr/include/linux/personality.h">/usr/include/linux/personality.h</a> for possible
512 values.
513       </div>
514           </li>
515           <li>
516             <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/run">run</span>
517             <br />
518             <div class="description">
519 Points to a file which will contain the XID of the running vserver. When
520 the vserver is stopped, this can be a dangling symlink.
521       </div>
522           </li>
523           <li>
524             <span class="hash" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/schedule">schedule</span>
525             <br />
526             <div class="description">
527 [experimental; name is subject of possible change] Contains the
528 scheduler parameters, one per line.
530 The Hard CPU limit uses a mechanism called a Token Bucket.  the
531 concept is simple: you have a bucket of a certain size which is
532 filled with a specified amount R of tokens each interval T until the
533 maximum is reached (excess tokens are spilled). At each timer tick,
534 a running process consumes one token from the bucket, unless the
535 bucket is empty. If the bucket is empty the process is put in the
536 hold queue. When the bucket has been refilled to at least M tokens,
537 all on hold processes are rescheduled.
538       </div>
539           </li>
540           <li>
541             <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/shell">shell</span>
542             <br />
543             <div class="description">
544 Contains the pathname of the shell which will be used by the "vserver
545 ... enter" command.
546       </div>
547           </li>
548           <li>
549             <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/vdir">vdir</span>
550             <br />
551             <div class="description">
552 Path of the vserver root directory
553       </div>
554           </li>
555           <li>
556             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">apps</span></span>
557             <br />
558             <ul>
559               <li>
560                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">init</span></span>
561                 <br />
562                 <ul>
563                   <li>
564                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/cmd.prepare">cmd.prepare</span>
565                     <br />
566                     <div class="description">
567 The command which is used to setup the init-system (e.g. to set the
568 runlevel in the utmp-file). Each option must be on a separate line.
569           </div>
570                   </li>
571                   <li>
572                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/cmd.start">cmd.start</span>
573                     <br />
574                     <div class="description">
575 The command which is used to start the vserver. Each option must be on
576 a separate line.
577           </div>
578                   </li>
579                   <li>
580                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/cmd.start-sync">cmd.start-sync</span>
581                     <br />
582                     <div class="description">
583 The command which is used to wait on the vserver after it has been
584 started. Each option must be on a separate line. This file will be
585 ignored when the <a class="optionref" href="#sync">sync</a> flag does not exist and the
586 '--sync' option was not used.
587           </div>
588                   </li>
589                   <li>
590                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/cmd.stop">cmd.stop</span>
591                     <br />
592                     <div class="description">
593 The command which is used to stop the vserver. Each option must be on
594 a separate line.
595           </div>
596                   </li>
597                   <li>
598                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/cmd.stop-sync">cmd.stop-sync</span>
599                     <br />
600                     <div class="description">
601 The command which is used to wait on the vserver after it has been
602 stopped. Each option must be on a separate line. This file will be
603 ignored when the <a class="optionref" href="#sync">sync</a> flag does not exist and the
604 '--sync' option was not used.
605           </div>
606                   </li>
607                   <li>
608                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/depends">depends</span>
609                     <br />
610                     <div class="description">
611 This file is used to configure vservers which must be running before
612 the current vserver can be started. At shutdown, the current vserver
613 will be stopped before its dependencies. Content of this file are
614 vserver ids (one name per line).
615           </div>
616                   </li>
617                   <li>
618                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/killseq">killseq</span>
619                     <br />
620                     <div class="description">
621 Contains the 'signal [wait signal]*' sequence which is used to stop
622 the vserver.
623           </div>
624                   </li>
625                   <li>
626                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/mark">mark</span>
627                     <br />
628                     <div class="description">
629 This file is used to mark group of vservers which shall be started/stopped
630 together by the initscript. Content is a simple string like 'default'.
631           </div>
632                   </li>
633                   <li>
634                     <span class="data" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/mtab">mtab</span>
635                     <br />
636                     <div class="description">
637 The initial-mtab which will be used for the vserver.
638           </div>
639                   </li>
640                   <li>
641                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/runlevel">runlevel</span>
642                     <br />
643                     <div class="description">The start runlevel.</div>
644                   </li>
645                   <li>
646                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/runlevel.start">runlevel.start</span>
647                     <br />
648                     <div class="description">The start runlevel.</div>
649                   </li>
650                   <li>
651                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/runlevel.stop">runlevel.stop</span>
652                     <br />
653                     <div class="description">The stop runlevel.</div>
654                   </li>
655                   <li>
656                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/style">style</span>
657                     <br />
658                     <div class="description">
659 Contains the init-style.
660           </div>
661                   </li>
662                   <li id="sync">
663                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/sync">sync</span>
664                     <br />
665                     <div class="description">
666 If this file is not present, all 'cmd.*-sync files will be ignored.
667             </div>
668                   </li>
669                   <li>
670                     <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/init/tty">tty</span>
671                     <br />
672                     <div class="description">
673 A symlink to the TTY device where input/output will be redirected
674 from/to at startup via initscript.
675           </div>
676                   </li>
677                 </ul>
678               </li>
679               <li>
680                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vshelper</span></span>
681                 <br />
682                 <ul>
683                   <li>
684                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vshelper/action">action</span>
685                     <br />
686                     <div class="description">
687 The action which is going to be executed when a vshelper event
688 occurs. The default value is 'restart', but there can be defined own
689 methods by placing scripts into the
690 <a class="optionref" href="#vshelper-methods">vshelper-methods</a> directories. These scripts are
691 fed with the same arguments as the <code class="tool">vshelper</code> script.
692           </div>
693                   </li>
694                   <li>
695                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vshelper/debug">debug</span>
696                     <br />
697                     <div class="description">
698 When existing, the vshelper execution will be traced for this vserver.
699           </div>
700                   </li>
701                   <li>
702                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vshelper/disabled">disabled</span>
703                     <br />
704                     <div class="description">
705 When existing, the vshelper functionality will be disabled for this
706 vserver.
707           </div>
708                   </li>
709                   <li>
710                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vshelper/$event">event</span>
711                     <br />
712                     <div class="description">
713 When existing, these scripts will be executed *instead* of the default
714 handler defined in 'action'. Their name must match the event which caused
715 the execution of <code class="tool">vshelper</code>; e.g. 'restart' or 'poweroff'. See
716 the vs_reboot() function in the kernel for more details.
717           </div>
718                   </li>
719                   <li>
720                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vshelper/sync-timeout">sync-timeout</span>
721                     <br />
722                     <div class="description">
723 The timeout in seconds which is used when synchronising vserver
724 startup/shutdown with the vshelper. When no set, 30 seconds will be
725 assumed.
726           </div>
727                   </li>
728                   <li>
729                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vshelper/warning-disabled">warning-disabled</span>
730                     <br />
731                     <div class="description">
732 When existing, sanity checks for the vshelper functionality will be
733 skipped.
734           </div>
735                   </li>
736                 </ul>
737               </li>
738               <li id="vshelper-methods">
739                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vshelper-methods</span></span>
740                 <br />
741                 <ul id="vshelper-methods">
742                   <li>
743                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vshelper-methods/$handler">handler</span>
744                     <br />
745                     <div class="description">
746 See vshelper/action.
747           </div>
748                   </li>
749                 </ul>
750               </li>
751               <li>
752                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vunify</span></span>
753                 <br />
754                 <div class="description">
755 This directory contains configuration data required for vserver
756 unification.
757         </div>
758                 <ul>
759                   <li>
760                     <span class="list" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vunify/exclude">exclude</span>
761                     <br />
762                     <div class="description">
763 <div>Static list of files which are excluded for unification. This list
764 supports an rsync-like syntax: when a file is prefixed by '+', it is a
765 candidate for unification; when there is no prefix or a '-' or a '~' it
766 will be excluded. Shell-wildcards are allowed for the filenames.</div>
767 <div>When used with <code class="tool">vcopy</code>, the '~' prefix prevents copying
768 of the file entirely (e.g. for keyfiles). With this tool, the file will
769 be copied instead of hardlinked when the '-' prefix is used.</div>
770           </div>
771                   </li>
772                   <li>
773                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vunify/pgkmgmt-force">pgkmgmt-force</span>
774                     <br />
775                     <div class="description">
776 When existing, information from packagemanagement will be used to
777 create dynamic exclude-lists. This option requires that (a known)
778 packagemanagement is configured for the vserver; else the requested
779 operation will fail. Most tools assume 'on' as the default value.
780           </div>
781                   </li>
782                   <li>
783                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vunify/pkgmgmt-ignore">pkgmgmt-ignore</span>
784                     <br />
785                     <div class="description">
786 When existing, information from packagemanagement will not be used to
787 create dynamic exclude-lists.
788           </div>
789                   </li>
790                   <li>
791                     <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vunify/$refserver.X">refserver.X</span>
792                     <br />
793                     <div class="description">
794 These are symlinks to the configuration directory
795 (e.g. CONFDIR/vservers/&lt;id&gt;) of a refserver. There may be
796 multiple such symlinks but they must be prefixed by 'refserver.' and
797 will be processed in alphanumerical order.
798           </div>
799                   </li>
800                   <li>
801                     <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">apps</span>/<span class="">vunify</span>/<span class="">hash</span></span>
802                     <br />
803                     <div class="description">
804 A directory which will be used as the storage place for the
805 <code class="tool">vhashify</code> command.
806           </div>
807                     <ul>
808                       <li>
809                         <span class="symlink" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vunify/hash/$id">id</span>
810                         <br />
811                         <div class="description">
812 Points to a directory within the filesystems which are used for the
813 vservers. There must be not more than one of such a directory per
814 filesystem.
815             </div>
816                       </li>
817                       <li>
818                         <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/apps/vunify/hash/method">method</span>
819                         <br />
820                         <div class="description">The used hash method.</div>
821                       </li>
822                     </ul>
823                   </li>
824                 </ul>
825               </li>
826             </ul>
827           </li>
828           <li>
829             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">interfaces</span></span>
830             <br />
831             <ul>
832               <li>
833                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/bcast">bcast</span>
834                 <br />
835                 <div class="description">The default broadcast address.</div>
836               </li>
837               <li>
838                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/dev">dev</span>
839                 <br />
840                 <div class="description">The default network device.</div>
841               </li>
842               <li>
843                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/mask">mask</span>
844                 <br />
845                 <div class="description">The default network mask.</div>
846               </li>
847               <li>
848                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/prefix">prefix</span>
849                 <br />
850                 <div class="description">The default network prefix-length.</div>
851               </li>
852               <li>
853                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/scope">scope</span>
854                 <br />
855                 <div class="description">The default scope of the network interfaces.</div>
856               </li>
857               <li>
858                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">interfaces</span>/<span class="symbolic">iface</span></span>
859                 <br />
860                 <div class="description">
861 'iface' is an arbitrary name for the interface; the value itself is
862 not important but may be interesting regarding interface-creation and
863 usage with <code class="tool">chbind</code>. Both happens in alphabetical order and
864 numbers like '00' are good names for these directories.
865         </div>
866                 <ul>
867                   <li>
868                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/bcast">bcast</span>
869                     <br />
870                     <div class="description">The broadcast address.</div>
871                   </li>
872                   <li>
873                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/dev">dev</span>
874                     <br />
875                     <div class="description">The network device.</div>
876                   </li>
877                   <li>
878                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/disabled">disabled</span>
879                     <br />
880                     <div class="description">When this file exists, this interface will be ignored.</div>
881                   </li>
882                   <li>
883                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/ip">ip</span>
884                     <br />
885                     <div class="description">The ip which will be assigned to this interface.</div>
886                   </li>
887                   <li>
888                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/mask">mask</span>
889                     <br />
890                     <div class="description">The network mask.</div>
891                   </li>
892                   <li>
893                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/name">name</span>
894                     <br />
895                     <div class="description">
896 When this file exists, the interface will be named with the text in
897 this file. Without such an entry, the IP will not be shown by
898 <code class="tool">ifconfig</code> but by <code class="command">ip addr ls</code> only.  Such
899 a labeled interface is known as an "alias" also (e.g. 'eth0:foo').
900           </div>
901                   </li>
902                   <li>
903                     <span class="boolean" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/nodev">nodev</span>
904                     <br />
905                     <div class="description">
906 When this file exists, the interface will be assumed to exist
907 already. This can be used to assign primary interfaces which are
908 created by the host or another vserver.
909           </div>
910                   </li>
911                   <li>
912                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/prefix">prefix</span>
913                     <br />
914                     <div class="description">The network prefix-length.</div>
915                   </li>
916                   <li>
917                     <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/interfaces/$iface/scope">scope</span>
918                     <br />
919                     <div class="description">The scope of the network interface.</div>
920                   </li>
921                 </ul>
922               </li>
923             </ul>
924           </li>
925           <li>
926             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">rlimits</span></span>
927             <br />
928             <div class="description">
929 A directory with resource limits. Possible resources are cpu, fsize,
930 data, stack, core, rss, nproc, nofile, memlock, as and locks. This
931 configuration will be honored for kernel 2.6 only.
932       </div>
933             <ul>
934               <li>
935                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/rlimits/$resource">resource</span>
936                 <br />
937                 <div class="description">
938 A file which contains the hard- and soft-limit of the given resource
939 in the first line. The special keyword 'inf' is recognized.
940         </div>
941               </li>
942               <li>
943                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/rlimits/$resource.hard">resource.hard</span>
944                 <br />
945                 <div class="description">
946 A file which contains the hard- of the given resource in the first
947 line. The special keyword 'inf' is recognized.
948         </div>
949               </li>
950               <li>
951                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/rlimits/$resource.min">resource.min</span>
952                 <br />
953                 <div class="description">
954 A file which contains the guaranted minimum of the given resource in
955 the first line. The special keyword 'inf' is recognized.
956         </div>
957               </li>
958               <li>
959                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/rlimits/$resource.soft">resource.soft</span>
960                 <br />
961                 <div class="description">
962 A file which contains the soft- of the given resource in the first
963 line. The special keyword 'inf' is recognized.
964         </div>
965               </li>
966             </ul>
967           </li>
968           <li>
969             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">scripts</span></span>
970             <br />
971             <div class="description">
972 A directory for scripts. By default, when one of these scripts will be
973 executed, the execution of defaultscripts (within .../.defaults/scripts)
974 will be skipped. To execute them nevertheless, the $DONT_SKIP_DEFAULTS
975 environment variable must be set by one of the in-shellcontext scripts
976 (the non-executable ones).
977       </div>
978             <ul>
979               <li>
980                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/post-start">post-start</span>
981                 <br />
982                 <div class="description">
983 The scriptlet which will be executed after the vserver has been
984 started. Before executing the script, the vserver root directory
985 will be made the working directory.
986         </div>
987               </li>
988               <li>
989                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/post-stop">post-stop</span>
990                 <br />
991                 <div class="description">
992 The scriptlet which will be executed after the vserver has been
993 stopped, but before the directories will be umounted and the the
994 interfaces disabled. Before executing the script, the vserver root
995 directory will be made the working directory.
996         </div>
997               </li>
998               <li>
999                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/postpost-stop">postpost-stop</span>
1000                 <br />
1001                 <div class="description">
1002 The scriptlet which will be executed after the vserver has been stopped
1003 completely. Before executing the script, the vserver root directory
1004 will be made the working directory.
1005         </div>
1006               </li>
1007               <li>
1008                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/pre-start">pre-start</span>
1009                 <br />
1010                 <div class="description">
1011 The scriptlet which will be executed after network-interfaces were
1012 enabled and the directories mounted, but before the vserver itself has
1013 been started.  Before executing the script, the vserver root directory
1014 will be made the working directory.
1015         </div>
1016               </li>
1017               <li>
1018                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/pre-stop">pre-stop</span>
1019                 <br />
1020                 <div class="description">
1021 The scriptlet which will be executed before the vserver will be
1022 stopped. Before executing the script, the vserver root directory
1023 will be made the working directory.
1024         </div>
1025               </li>
1026               <li>
1027                 <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/prepre-start">prepre-start</span>
1028                 <br />
1029                 <div class="description">
1030 The scriptlet which will be executed before the network-interfaces are
1031 enabled and the directories are mounted. Before executing the script,
1032 the configuration directory will be made the working directory.
1033         </div>
1034               </li>
1035               <li>
1036                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">scripts</span>/<span class="">post-start.d</span></span>
1037                 <br />
1038                 <div class="description">
1039 Repository of post-start like scripts. Before executing these scripts,
1040 the vserver root directory will be made the working directory.
1041         </div>
1042                 <ul>
1043                   <li>
1044                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/post-start.d/$script">script</span>
1045                     <br />
1046                     <div class="description">See post-start.</div>
1047                   </li>
1048                 </ul>
1049               </li>
1050               <li>
1051                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">scripts</span>/<span class="">post-stop.d</span></span>
1052                 <br />
1053                 <div class="description">
1054 Repository of post-stop like scripts. Before executing the script, the
1055 vserver root directory will be made the working directory.
1056         </div>
1057                 <ul>
1058                   <li>
1059                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/post-stop.d/$script">script</span>
1060                     <br />
1061                     <div class="description">See post-stop.</div>
1062                   </li>
1063                 </ul>
1064               </li>
1065               <li>
1066                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">scripts</span>/<span class="">postpost-stop.d</span></span>
1067                 <br />
1068                 <div class="description">
1069 Repository of postpost-stop like scripts. Before executing the script,
1070 the vserver root directory will be made the working directory.
1071         </div>
1072                 <ul>
1073                   <li>
1074                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/postpost-stop.d/$script">script</span>
1075                     <br />
1076                     <div class="description">See postpost-stop.</div>
1077                   </li>
1078                 </ul>
1079               </li>
1080               <li>
1081                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">scripts</span>/<span class="">pre-start.d</span></span>
1082                 <br />
1083                 <div class="description">
1084 Repository of pre-start like scripts. Before executing these scripts,
1085 the vserver root directory will be made the working directory.
1086         </div>
1087                 <ul>
1088                   <li>
1089                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/pre-start.d/$script">script</span>
1090                     <br />
1091                     <div class="description">See pre-start.</div>
1092                   </li>
1093                 </ul>
1094               </li>
1095               <li>
1096                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">scripts</span>/<span class="">pre-stop.d</span></span>
1097                 <br />
1098                 <div class="description">
1099 Repository of pre-stop like scripts. Before executing the script, the
1100 vserver root directory will be made the working directory.
1101         </div>
1102                 <ul>
1103                   <li>
1104                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/pre-stop.d/$script">script</span>
1105                     <br />
1106                     <div class="description">See pre-stop.</div>
1107                   </li>
1108                 </ul>
1109               </li>
1110               <li>
1111                 <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">scripts</span>/<span class="">prepre-start.d</span></span>
1112                 <br />
1113                 <div class="description">
1114 Repository of prepre-start like scripts.  Before executing the script,
1115 the configuration directory will be made the working directory.
1116         </div>
1117                 <ul>
1118                   <li>
1119                     <span class="script" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/scripts/prepre-start.d/$script">script</span>
1120                     <br />
1121                     <div class="description">See prepre-start.</div>
1122                   </li>
1123                 </ul>
1124               </li>
1125             </ul>
1126           </li>
1127           <li>
1128             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">ulimits</span></span>
1129             <br />
1130             <div class="description">
1131 A directory with ulimits. Possible resources are cpu, data, fsize,
1132 locks, memlock, nofile, nproc, rss and/or stack. This configuration
1133 will be honored for kernel 2.4 only.
1134       </div>
1135             <ul>
1136               <li>
1137                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/ulimits/$resource">resource</span>
1138                 <br />
1139                 <div class="description">
1140 A file which contains the hard- and soft-limit of the given resource
1141 in the first line. The special keyword 'inf' is recognized.
1142         </div>
1143               </li>
1144               <li>
1145                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/ulimits/$resource.hard">resource.hard</span>
1146                 <br />
1147                 <div class="description">
1148 A file which contains the hard- of the given resource in the first
1149 line. The special keyword 'inf' is recognized.
1150         </div>
1151               </li>
1152               <li>
1153                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/ulimits/$resource.soft">resource.soft</span>
1154                 <br />
1155                 <div class="description">
1156 A file which contains the soft- of the given resource in the first
1157 line. The special keyword 'inf' is recognized.
1158         </div>
1159               </li>
1160             </ul>
1161           </li>
1162           <li>
1163             <span class="directory">/etc/vservers/<span class="symbolic">vserver-name</span>/<span class="">uts</span></span>
1164             <br />
1165             <ul>
1166               <li>
1167                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/uts/context">context</span>
1168                 <br />
1169                 <div class="description">
1170 The context-name of the vserver. This file is listed for completeness
1171 only; the 'context' name is used and set internally by the util-vserver
1172 tools and can *not* be modified.
1173         </div>
1174               </li>
1175               <li>
1176                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/uts/domainname">domainname</span>
1177                 <br />
1178                 <div class="description">The NIS domainname of the vserver</div>
1179               </li>
1180               <li>
1181                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/uts/machine">machine</span>
1182                 <br />
1183                 <div class="description">The machine-type of the vserver</div>
1184               </li>
1185               <li>
1186                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/uts/nodename">nodename</span>
1187                 <br />
1188                 <div class="description">The node-/hostname of the vserver</div>
1189               </li>
1190               <li>
1191                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/uts/release">release</span>
1192                 <br />
1193                 <div class="description">The OS-release of the vserver</div>
1194               </li>
1195               <li>
1196                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/uts/sysname">sysname</span>
1197                 <br />
1198                 <div class="description">The sysname of the vserver</div>
1199               </li>
1200               <li>
1201                 <span class="file" title="/etc/vservers/$vserver-name/uts/version">version</span>
1202                 <br />
1203                 <div class="description">The OS-version of the vserver</div>
1204               </li>
1205             </ul>
1206           </li>
1207         </ul>
1208       </li>
1209     </ul>
1210   </body>
1211 </html>