3 from monitor.wrapper import plc, plccache
7 from monitor import util
8 from monitor import parser as parsermodule
10 from monitor.database.info.model import *
11 from monitor import reboot
14 from monitor.model import *
15 from monitor.common import *
16 #from monitor.model import node_end_record, PersistFlags
18 parser = parsermodule.getParser()
19 parser.set_defaults(node=None,
22 parser.add_option("", "--node", dest="node", metavar="nodename.edu",
23 help="A single node name to add to the nodegroup")
24 parser.add_option("", "--endrecord", dest="endrecord", action="store_true",
25 help="Force an end to the action record; to prompt Montior to start messaging again.")
26 parser.add_option("", "--findbad", dest="findbad", action="store_true",
27 help="Re-run findbad on the nodes we're going to check before acting.")
28 parser.add_option("", "--bootcd", dest="bootcd", action="store_true",
29 help="A stock help message for fetching a new BootCD from the PLC GUI.")
30 config = parsermodule.parse_args(parser)
33 def plc_print_nodeinfo(plcnode):
34 url = "https://www.planet-lab.org/db/nodes/index.php?nodepattern="
35 plcnode['url'] = url + plcnode['hostname']
37 print "%(hostname)s %(url)s" % plcnode
38 print " Checked: %s" % time.ctime()
40 print "\t boot_state | created | updated | last_contact | key"
41 print "\t %5s | %11.11s | %11.11s | %12s | %s" % \
42 (color_boot_state(plcnode['boot_state']), diff_time(plcnode['date_created']),
43 diff_time(plcnode['last_updated']),
44 diff_time(plcnode['last_contact']), plcnode['key'])
46 def fb_print_nodeinfo(fbnode):
47 pf = HistoryNodeRecord.get_by(hostname= fbnode['hostname'])
49 fbnode['last_change'] = diff_time(pf.last_changed)
51 fbnode['last_change'] = diff_time(time.time())
53 if 'checked' in fbnode:
54 print "%11.11s " % diff_time(fbnode['checked'])
57 print "\t state | ssh | pcu | bootcd | category | last change | kernel"
58 if 'bootcd' in fbnode and fbnode['bootcd']:
59 fbnode['bootcd'] = fbnode['bootcd'].split()[-1]
61 fbnode['bootcd'] = "unknown"
63 fbnode['state'] = color_boot_state(get_current_state(fbnode))
65 fbnode['state'] = "none"
66 if 'kernel' in fbnode and len(fbnode['kernel'].split()) > 2:
67 fbnode['kernel'] = fbnode['kernel'].split()[2]
70 print "\t %(state)5s | %(ssh_status)5.5s | %(bootcd)6.6s | %(observed_category)8.8s | %(last_change)11s | %(kernel)s" % fbnode
72 def act_print_nodeinfo(actnode, header):
74 if 'date_created' in actnode:
75 print " Created: %11.11s" % diff_time(actnode['date_created'])
76 print " LastTime %11.11s" % diff_time(actnode['time'])
77 print "\t RT | category | action | msg"
80 if 'rt' in actnode and 'Status' in actnode['rt']:
81 print "\t %5.5s %5.5s | %8.8s | %15.15s | %s" % \
82 (actnode['rt']['Status'], actnode['rt']['id'][7:],
83 actnode['category'], actnode['action'][0], actnode['info'][1:])
85 if type(actnode['action']) == type([]):
86 action = actnode['action'][0]
88 action = actnode['action']
89 if 'category' in actnode:
90 category = actnode['category']
94 if 'msg_format' in actnode:
95 print "\t %5.5s | %8.8s | %15.15s | %s" % \
96 (actnode['ticket_id'],
98 actnode['msg_format'][:-1])
100 print "\t %5.5s | %8.8s | %15.15s" % \
101 (actnode['ticket_id'],
104 def pcu_print_info(pcuinfo, hostname):
106 pcuinfo.update(pcuinfo['plc_pcu_stats'])
107 if 'checked' in pcuinfo:
108 print "%11.11s " % diff_time(pcuinfo['checked'])
112 print "\t user | password | port | pcu_id | hostname "
113 print "\t %17s | %17s | %4s | %6s | %30s | %s" % \
114 (pcuinfo['username'], pcuinfo['password'],
115 pcuinfo[hostname], pcuinfo['pcu_id'], reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo), pcuinfo['model'])
117 if 'port_status' in pcuinfo and pcuinfo['port_status'] != {} and pcuinfo['port_status'] != None:
118 if pcuinfo['port_status']['22'] == "open":
119 print "\t ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PubkeyAuthentication=no %s@%s" % (pcuinfo['username'], reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo))
120 if pcuinfo['port_status']['23'] == "open":
121 print "\t telnet %s" % (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo))
122 if pcuinfo['port_status']['80'] == "open" or \
123 pcuinfo['port_status']['443'] == "open":
124 print "\t https://%s" % (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo))
125 print "\t import %s.png" % (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo))
126 print """\t mutt -s "crash for %s" -a %s.png sapanb@cs.princeton.edu < /dev/null""" % (hostname, reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo))
127 if pcuinfo['port_status']['443'] == "open":
128 print "\t racadm.py -r %s -u %s -p '%s'" % (pcuinfo['ip'], pcuinfo['username'], pcuinfo['password'])
129 print "\t cmdhttps/locfg.pl -s %s -f iloxml/Reset_Server.xml -u %s -p '%s' | grep MESSAGE" % \
130 (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo), pcuinfo['username'], pcuinfo['password'])
131 print "\t cmdhttps/locfg.pl -s %s -f iloxml/License.xml -u %s -p '%s' | grep MESSAGE" % \
132 (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo), pcuinfo['username'], pcuinfo['password'])
133 if pcuinfo['port_status']['16992'] == "open":
134 print "\t ./cmdamt/remoteControl -A -verbose 'http://%s:16992/RemoteControlService' -user admin -pass '%s'" % (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo), pcuinfo['password'])
137 # rerun findbad with the nodes in the given nodes.
140 util.file.setFileFromList(file, config.args)
141 os.system("./findbad.py --cachenodes --debug=0 --dbname=findbad --increment --nodelist %s" % file)
143 for node in config.args:
146 plc_nodeinfo = plccache.GetNodeByName(config.node)
147 fb_noderec = FindbadNodeRecord.get_latest_by(hostname=node)
148 fb_nodeinfo = fb_noderec.to_dict()
149 plc_print_nodeinfo(plc_nodeinfo)
151 fb_nodeinfo['hostname'] = node
152 fb_print_nodeinfo(fb_nodeinfo)
154 if fb_nodeinfo['plc_pcuid'] > 0:
155 pcu = FindbadPCURecord.get_latest_by(plc_pcuid=fb_nodeinfo['plc_pcuid'])
156 if pcu: pcu_print_info(pcu.to_dict(), config.node)
159 act_all = database.dbLoad("act_all")
162 if config.node in act_all and len(act_all[config.node]) > 0:
166 node_end_record(config.node)
167 #a = Action(config.node, act_all[config.node][0])
169 #a.delField('found_rt_ticket')
170 #a.delField('second-mail-at-oneweek')
171 #a.delField('second-mail-at-twoweeks')
172 #a.delField('first-found')
174 #rec['action'] = ["close_rt"]
175 #rec['category'] = "UNKNOWN"
176 #rec['stage'] = "monitor-end-record"
177 #rec['time'] = time.time() - 7*60*60*24
178 #act_all[config.node].insert(0,rec)
179 #database.dbDump("act_all", act_all)
181 for act_nodeinfo in act_all[config.node]:
182 act_print_nodeinfo(act_nodeinfo, header)
183 else: act_nodeinfo = None
189 If you need a new bootcd, the steps are very simple:
192 * https://www.planet-lab.org/db/nodes/index.php?nodepattern=%s
193 * Select Download -> Download ISO image for %s
194 * Save the ISO, and burn it to a writable CD-ROM.
195 * Replace the old CD and reboot the machine.
197 Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
198 """ % (config.node, config.node)