4 from django.core.mail import send_mail
5 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
6 from django.views.generic import View
7 from django.template.loader import render_to_string
8 from django.shortcuts import render
10 from unfold.page import Page
11 from unfold.loginrequired import FreeAccessView
12 from ui.topmenu import topmenu_items_live
14 from manifold.manifoldapi import execute_admin_query
15 from manifold.core.query import Query
17 from portal.models import PendingUser
18 from portal.actions import authority_get_pi_emails, manifold_add_user,manifold_add_account
20 # since we inherit from FreeAccessView we cannot redefine 'dispatch'
21 # so let's override 'get' and 'post' instead
23 class RegistrationView (FreeAccessView):
25 def post (self, request):
26 return self.get_or_post (request, 'POST')
28 def get (self, request):
29 return self.get_or_post (request, 'GET')
31 def get_or_post (self, request, method):
34 # Using cache manifold-tables to get the list of authorities faster
35 authorities_query = Query.get('authority').select('name', 'authority_hrn')
37 #onelab_enabled_query = Query.get('local:platform').filter_by('platform', '==', 'ple').filter_by('disabled', '==', 'False')
38 #onelab_enabled = not not execute_admin_query(request, onelab_enabled_query)
42 #authorities_query = Query.get('ple:authority').select('name', 'authority_hrn').filter_by('authority_hrn', 'included', ['ple.inria', 'ple.upmc', 'ple.ibbtple', 'ple.nitos'])
47 authorities = execute_admin_query(request, authorities_query)
48 authorities = sorted(authorities)
49 # xxx tocheck - if authorities is empty, it's no use anyway
50 # (users won't be able to validate the form anyway)
53 page.add_js_files ( [ "js/jquery.validate.js", "js/my_account.register.js" ] )
54 page.add_css_files ( [ "css/onelab.css", "css/registration.css" ] )
55 page.add_css_files ( [ "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" ] )
57 print 'registration view, method',method
59 user_query = Query().get('local:user').select('user_id','email')
60 user_details = execute_admin_query(self.request, user_query)
63 # We shall use a form here
65 #get_email = PendingUser.objects.get(email)
66 reg_fname = request.POST.get('firstname', '')
67 reg_lname = request.POST.get('lastname', '')
68 #reg_aff = request.POST.get('affiliation','')
69 reg_auth = request.POST.get('authority_hrn', '')
70 reg_login = request.POST.get('login', '')
71 reg_email = request.POST.get('email','').lower()
73 split_email = reg_email.split("@")[0]
74 split_email = split_email.replace(".", "_")
75 user_hrn = reg_auth + '.' + split_email
77 #POST value validation
78 if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_fname)==None):
79 errors.append('First Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
80 if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_lname) == None):
81 errors.append('Last Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
82 # XXX validate authority hrn !!
83 if PendingUser.objects.filter(email__iexact=reg_email):
84 errors.append('Email is pending for validation. Please provide a new email address.')
85 for user_detail in user_details:
86 if user_detail['email']==reg_email:
87 errors.append('Email already exists in Manifold. Please provide a new email address.')
89 # XXX TODO: Factorize with portal/accountview.py
90 if 'generate' in request.POST['question']:
91 from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
92 private = RSA.generate(1024)
93 private_key = json.dumps(private.exportKey())
94 public = private.publickey()
95 public_key = json.dumps(public.exportKey(format='OpenSSH'))
97 # # Generate public and private keys using SFA Library
98 # from sfa.trust.certificate import Keypair
99 # k = Keypair(create=True)
100 # public_key = k.get_pubkey_string()
101 # private_key = k.as_pem()
102 # private_key = ''.join(private_key.split())
103 # public_key = "ssh-rsa " + public_key
105 keypair = '{"user_public_key":'+ public_key + ', "user_private_key":'+ private_key + ', "user_hrn":"'+ user_hrn + '"}'
106 auth_type = 'managed'
107 #keypair = re.sub("\r", "", keypair)
108 #keypair = re.sub("\n", "\\n", keypair)
109 #keypair = keypair.rstrip('\r\n')
110 #keypair = ''.join(keypair.split())
111 #for sending email: removing existing double qoute
112 public_key = public_key.replace('"', '');
114 up_file = request.FILES['user_public_key']
115 file_content = up_file.read()
116 file_name = up_file.name
117 file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1]
118 allowed_extension = ['.pub','.txt']
119 if file_extension in allowed_extension and re.search(r'ssh-rsa',file_content):
120 keypair = '{"user_public_key":"'+ file_content + '", "user_hrn":"'+ user_hrn +'"}'
121 keypair = re.sub("\r", "", keypair)
122 keypair = re.sub("\n", "\\n",keypair)
123 keypair = ''.join(keypair.split())
126 public_key = file_content
127 public_key = ''.join(public_key.split())
129 errors.append('Please upload a valid RSA public key [.txt or .pub].')
131 #b = PendingUser(first_name=reg_fname, last_name=reg_lname, affiliation=reg_aff,
132 # email=reg_email, password=request.POST['password'], keypair=keypair)
134 #saving to django db 'portal_pendinguser' table
137 first_name = reg_fname,
138 last_name = reg_lname,
139 #affiliation = reg_aff,
140 authority_hrn = reg_auth,
143 password = request.POST['password'],
147 # saves the user to django auth_user table [needed for password reset]
148 user = User.objects.create_user(reg_fname, reg_email, request.POST['password'])
149 #creating user to manifold local:user
150 config = '{"firstname":"'+ reg_fname + '", "lastname":"'+ reg_lname + '", "authority":"'+ reg_auth + '"}'
151 user_params = {'email': reg_email, 'password': request.POST['password'], 'config': config}
152 manifold_add_user(request,user_params)
153 #creating local:account in manifold
154 user_id = user_detail['user_id']+1 # the user_id for the newly created user in local:user
155 user_params = {'platform_id': 5, 'user_id': user_id, 'auth_type': auth_type, 'config': keypair}
156 manifold_add_account(request,user_params)
160 'first_name' : reg_fname,
161 'last_name' : reg_lname,
162 'authority_hrn' : reg_auth,
164 'user_hrn' : user_hrn,
165 'keypair' : 'Public Key: ' + public_key,
166 'cc_myself' : True # form.cleaned_data['cc_myself']
168 recipients = authority_get_pi_emails(request,reg_auth)
171 recipients.append(ctx['email'])
173 msg = render_to_string('user_request_email.txt', ctx)
174 send_mail("Onelab New User request for %s submitted"%reg_email, msg, reg_email, recipients)
175 return render(request, 'user_register_complete.html')
178 'topmenu_items': topmenu_items_live('Register', page),
180 'firstname': request.POST.get('firstname', ''),
181 'lastname': request.POST.get('lastname', ''),
182 #'affiliation': request.POST.get('affiliation', ''),
183 'authority_hrn': request.POST.get('authority_hrn', ''),
184 'email': request.POST.get('email', ''),
185 'password': request.POST.get('password', ''),
186 'authorities': authorities,
188 template_env.update(page.prelude_env ())
189 return render(request, 'registration_view.html',template_env)