1 {% extends "layout.html" %}
6 <h1><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/icon_user_small.png" alt="User Registration" /> User sign-up</h1>
9 <h3>Sign up information received.</h3>
10 <p>You can now log in to the portal. You will have limited access. </p>
11 <p>To gain full access, two steps are required:</p>
13 <li>1. You confirm your signup request by clicking on the link in the email that we have sent to your email address.<br>
14 Please be aware that it can happen that this email was automatically filtered to your spam box.<br>
15 Please check your spam box if you do not receive the email in a few minutes</li>
16 <li>2. A manager from your organization validates your request. Upon confirmation of your signup request,<br>
17 we will send an email to the managers at your organization with a validation request.</li>