Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[myslice.git] / third-party / codemirror-3.15 / demo / preview.html
1 <!doctype html>
2 <html>
3   <head>
4     <meta charset="utf-8">
5     <title>CodeMirror: HTML5 preview</title>
6     <script src=../lib/codemirror.js></script>
7     <script src=../mode/xml/xml.js></script>
8     <script src=../mode/javascript/javascript.js></script>
9     <script src=../mode/css/css.js></script>
10     <script src=../mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js></script>
11     <link rel=stylesheet href=../lib/codemirror.css>
12     <link rel=stylesheet href=../doc/docs.css>
13     <style type=text/css>
14       .CodeMirror {
15         float: left;
16         width: 50%;
17         border: 1px solid black;
18       }
19       iframe {
20         width: 49%;
21         float: left;
22         height: 300px;
23         border: 1px solid black;
24         border-left: 0px;
25       }
26     </style>
27   </head>
28   <body>
29     <h1>CodeMirror: HTML5 preview</h1>
30     <textarea id=code name=code>
31 <!doctype html>
32 <html>
33   <head>
34     <meta charset=utf-8>
35     <title>HTML5 canvas demo</title>
36     <style>p {font-family: monospace;}</style>
37   </head>
38   <body>
39     <p>Canvas pane goes here:</p>
40     <canvas id=pane width=300 height=200></canvas>
41     <script>
42       var canvas = document.getElementById('pane');
43       var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
45       context.fillStyle = 'rgb(250,0,0)';
46       context.fillRect(10, 10, 55, 50);
48       context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 250, 0.5)';
49       context.fillRect(30, 30, 55, 50);
50     </script>
51   </body>
52 </html></textarea>
53     <iframe id=preview></iframe>
54     <script>
55       var delay;
56       // Initialize CodeMirror editor with a nice html5 canvas demo.
57       var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('code'), {
58         mode: 'text/html',
59         tabMode: 'indent'
60       });
61       editor.on("change", function() {
62         clearTimeout(delay);
63         delay = setTimeout(updatePreview, 300);
64       });
66       function updatePreview() {
67         var previewFrame = document.getElementById('preview');
68         var preview =  previewFrame.contentDocument ||  previewFrame.contentWindow.document;
70         preview.write(editor.getValue());
71         preview.close();
72       }
73       setTimeout(updatePreview, 300);
74     </script>
75   </body>
76 </html>