Usage of CKRM without a classification engine ----------------------------------------------- 1. Create a class # mkdir /rcfs/taskclass/c1 creates a taskclass named c1 , while # mkdir /rcfs/socket_class/s1 creates a socketclass named s1 The newly created class directory is automatically populated by magic files shares, stats, members, target and config. 2. View default shares # cat /rcfs/taskclass/c1/shares "guarantee=-2,limit=-2,total_guarantee=100,max_limit=100" is the default value set for resources that have controllers registered with CKRM. 3. change shares of a One or more of the following fields can/must be specified res= #mandatory guarantee= limit= total_guarantee= max_limit= e.g. # echo "res=numtasks,limit=20" > /rcfs/taskclass/c1 If any of these parameters are not specified, the current value will be retained. 4. Reclassify a task (listening socket) write the pid of the process to the destination class' target file # echo 1004 > /rcfs/taskclass/c1/target write the "\" string to the destination class' target file # echo "\32770" > /rcfs/taskclass/c1/target 5. Get a list of tasks (sockets) assigned to a taskclass (socketclass) # cat /rcfs/taskclass/c1/members lists pids of tasks belonging to c1 # cat /rcfs/socket_class/s1/members lists the ipaddress\port of all listening sockets in s1 6. Get the statictics of different resources of a class # cat /rcfs/tasksclass/c1/stats shows c1's statistics for each resource with a registered resource controller. # cat /rcfs/socket_class/s1/stats show's s1's stats for the listenaq controller. 7. View the configuration values of the resources associated with a class # cat /rcfs/taskclass/c1/config shows per-controller config values for c1. 8. Change the configuration values of resources associated with a class Configuration values are different for different resources. the comman field "res=" must always be specified. # echo "res=numtasks,parameter=value" > /rcfs/taskclass/c1/config to change (without any effect), the value associated with .