relayfs - a high-speed data relay filesystem ============================================ relayfs is a filesystem designed to provide an efficient mechanism for tools and facilities to relay large amounts of data from kernel space to user space. The main idea behind relayfs is that every data flow is put into a separate "channel" and each channel is a file. In practice, each channel is a separate memory buffer allocated from within kernel space upon channel instantiation. Software needing to relay data to user space would open a channel or a number of channels, depending on its needs, and would log data to that channel. All the buffering and locking mechanics are taken care of by relayfs. The actual format and protocol used for each channel is up to relayfs' clients. relayfs makes no provisions for copying the same data to more than a single channel. This is for the clients of the relay to take care of, and so is any form of data filtering. The purpose is to keep relayfs as simple as possible. Usage ===== In addition to the relayfs kernel API described below, relayfs implements basic file operations. Here are the file operations that are available and some comments regarding their behavior: open() enables user to open an _existing_ channel. A channel can be opened in blocking or non-blocking mode, and can be opened for reading as well as for writing. Readers will by default be auto-consuming. mmap() results in channel's memory buffer being mmapped into the caller's memory space. read() since we are dealing with circular buffers, the user is only allowed to read forward. Some apps may want to loop around read() waiting for incoming data - if there is no data available, read will put the reader on a wait queue until data is available (blocking mode). Non-blocking reads return -EAGAIN if data is not available. write() writing from user space operates exactly as relay_write() does (described below). poll() POLLIN/POLLRDNORM/POLLOUT/POLLWRNORM/POLLERR supported. close() decrements the channel's refcount. When the refcount reaches 0 i.e. when no process or kernel client has the file open (see relay_close() below), the channel buffer is freed. In order for a user application to make use of relayfs files, the relayfs filesystem must be mounted. For example, mount -t relayfs relayfs /mountpoint The relayfs kernel API ====================== relayfs channels are implemented as circular buffers subdivided into 'sub-buffers'. kernel clients write data into the channel using relay_write(), and are notified via a set of callbacks when significant events occur within the channel. 'Significant events' include: - a sub-buffer has been filled i.e. the current write won't fit into the current sub-buffer, and a 'buffer-switch' is triggered, after which the data is written into the next buffer (if the next buffer is empty). The client is notified of this condition via two callbacks, one providing an opportunity to perform start-of-buffer tasks, the other end-of-buffer tasks. - data is ready for the client to process. The client can choose to be notified either on a per-sub-buffer basis (bulk delivery) or per-write basis (packet delivery). - data has been written to the channel from user space. The client can use this notification to accept and process 'commands' sent to the channel via write(2). - the channel has been opened/closed/mapped/unmapped from user space. The client can use this notification to trigger actions within the kernel application, such as enabling/disabling logging to the channel. It can also return result codes from the callback, indicating that the operation should fail e.g. in order to restrict more than one user space open or mmap. - the channel needs resizing, or needs to update its state based on the results of the resize. Resizing the channel is up to the kernel client to actually perform. If the channel is configured for resizing, the client is notified when the unread data in the channel passes a preset threshold, giving it the opportunity to allocate a new channel buffer and replace the old one. Reader objects -------------- Channel readers use an opaque rchan_reader object to read from channels. For VFS readers (those using read(2) to read from a channel), these objects are automatically created and used internally; only kernel clients that need to directly read from channels, or whose userspace applications use mmap to access channel data, need to know anything about rchan_readers - others may skip this section. A relay channel can have any number of readers, each represented by an rchan_reader instance, which is used to encapsulate reader settings and state. rchan_reader objects should be treated as opaque by kernel clients. To create a reader object for directly accessing a channel from kernel space, call the add_rchan_reader() kernel API function: rchan_reader *add_rchan_reader(rchan_id, auto_consume) This function returns an rchan_reader instance if successful, which should then be passed to relay_read() when the kernel client is interested in reading from the channel. The auto_consume parameter indicates whether a read done by this reader will automatically 'consume' that portion of the unread channel buffer when relay_read() is called (see below for more details). To close the reader, call remove_rchan_reader(reader) which will remove the reader from the list of current readers. To create a reader object representing a userspace mmap reader in the kernel application, call the add_map_reader() kernel API function: rchan_reader *add_map_reader(rchan_id) This function returns an rchan_reader instance if successful, whose main purpose is as an argument to be passed into relay_buffers_consumed() when the kernel client becomes aware that data has been read by a user application using mmap to read from the channel buffer. There is no auto_consume option in this case, since only the kernel client/user application knows when data has been read. To close the map reader, call remove_map_reader(reader) which will remove the reader from the list of current readers. Consumed count -------------- A relayfs channel is a circular buffer, which means that if there is no reader reading from it or a reader reading too slowly, at some point the channel writer will 'lap' the reader and data will be lost. In normal use, readers will always be able to keep up with writers and the buffer is thus never in danger of becoming full. In many applications, it's sufficient to ensure that this is practically speaking always the case, by making the buffers large enough. These types of applications can basically open the channel as RELAY_MODE_CONTINOUS (the default anyway) and not worry about the meaning of 'consume' and skip the rest of this section. If it's important for the application that a kernel client never allow writers to overwrite unread data, the channel should be opened using RELAY_MODE_NO_OVERWRITE and must be kept apprised of the count of bytes actually read by the (typically) user-space channel readers. This count is referred to as the 'consumed count'. read(2) channel readers automatically update the channel's 'consumed count' as they read. If the usage mode is to have only read(2) readers, which is typically the case, the kernel client doesn't need to worry about any of the relayfs functions having to do with 'bytes consumed' and can skip the rest of this section. (Note that it is possible to have multiple read(2) or auto-consuming readers, but like having multiple readers on a pipe, these readers will race with each other i.e. it's supported, but doesn't make much sense). If the kernel client cannot rely on an auto-consuming reader to keep the 'consumed count' up-to-date, then it must do so manually, by making the appropriate calls to relay_buffers_consumed() or relay_bytes_consumed(). In most cases, this should only be necessary for bulk mmap clients - almost all packet clients should be covered by having auto-consuming read(2) readers. For mmapped bulk clients, for instance, there are no auto-consuming VFS readers, so the kernel client needs to make the call to relay_buffers_consumed() after sub-buffers are read. Kernel API ---------- Here's a summary of the API relayfs provides to in-kernel clients: int relay_open(channel_path, bufsize, nbufs, channel_flags, channel_callbacks, start_reserve, end_reserve, rchan_start_reserve, resize_min, resize_max, mode, init_buf, init_buf_size) int relay_write(channel_id, *data_ptr, count, time_delta_offset, **wrote) rchan_reader *add_rchan_reader(channel_id, auto_consume) int remove_rchan_reader(rchan_reader *reader) rchan_reader *add_map_reader(channel_id) int remove_map_reader(rchan_reader *reader) int relay_read(reader, buf, count, wait, *actual_read_offset) void relay_buffers_consumed(reader, buffers_consumed) void relay_bytes_consumed(reader, bytes_consumed, read_offset) int relay_bytes_avail(reader) int rchan_full(reader) int rchan_empty(reader) int relay_info(channel_id, *channel_info) int relay_close(channel_id) int relay_realloc_buffer(channel_id, nbufs, async) int relay_replace_buffer(channel_id) int relay_reset(int rchan_id) ---------- int relay_open(channel_path, bufsize, nbufs, channel_flags, channel_callbacks, start_reserve, end_reserve, rchan_start_reserve, resize_min, resize_max, mode) relay_open() is used to create a new entry in relayfs. This new entry is created according to channel_path. channel_path contains the absolute path to the channel file on relayfs. If, for example, the caller sets channel_path to "/xlog/9", a "xlog/9" entry will appear within relayfs automatically and the "xlog" directory will be created in the filesystem's root. relayfs does not implement any policy on its content, except to disallow the opening of two channels using the same file. There are, nevertheless a set of guidelines for using relayfs. Basically, each facility using relayfs should use a top-level directory identifying it. The entry created above, for example, presumably belongs to the "xlog" software. The remaining parameters for relay_open() are as follows: - channel_flags - an ORed combination of attribute values controlling common channel characteristics: - logging scheme - relayfs use 2 mutually exclusive schemes for logging data to a channel. The 'lockless scheme' reserves and writes data to a channel without the need of any type of locking on the channel. This is the preferred scheme, but may not be available on a given architecture (it relies on the presence of a cmpxchg instruction). It's specified by the RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS flag. The 'locking scheme' either obtains a lock on the channel for writing or disables interrupts, depending on whether the channel was opened for SMP or global usage (see below). It's specified by the RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKING flag. While a client may want to explicitly specify a particular scheme to use, it's more convenient to specify RELAY_SCHEME_ANY for this flag, which will allow relayfs to choose the best available scheme i.e. lockless if supported. - overwrite mode (default is RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS) - If RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS is specified, writes to the channel will succeed regardless of whether there are up-to-date consumers or not. If RELAY_MODE_NO_OVERWRITE is specified, the channel becomes 'full' when the total amount of buffer space unconsumed by readers equals or exceeds the total buffer size. With the buffer in this state, writes to the buffer will fail - clients need to check the return code from relay_write() to determine if this is the case and act accordingly - 0 or a negative value indicate the write failed. - SMP usage - this applies only when the locking scheme is in use. If RELAY_USAGE_SMP is specified, it's assumed that the channel will be used in a per-CPU fashion and consequently, the only locking that will be done for writes is to disable local irqs. If RELAY_USAGE_GLOBAL is specified, it's assumed that writes to the buffer can occur within any CPU context, and spinlock_irq_save will be used to lock the buffer. - delivery mode - if RELAY_DELIVERY_BULK is specified, the client will be notified via its deliver() callback whenever a sub-buffer has been filled. Alternatively, RELAY_DELIVERY_PACKET will cause delivery to occur after the completion of each write. See the description of the channel callbacks below for more details. - timestamping - if RELAY_TIMESTAMP_TSC is specified and the architecture supports it, efficient TSC 'timestamps' can be associated with each write, otherwise more expensive gettimeofday() timestamping is used. At the beginning of each sub-buffer, a gettimeofday() timestamp and the current TSC, if supported, are read, and are passed on to the client via the buffer_start() callback. This allows correlation of the current time with the current TSC for subsequent writes. Each subsequent write is associated with a 'time delta', which is either the current TSC, if the channel is using TSCs, or the difference between the buffer_start gettimeofday timestamp and the gettimeofday time read for the current write. Note that relayfs never writes either a timestamp or time delta into the buffer unless explicitly asked to (see the description of relay_write() for details). - bufsize - the size of the 'sub-buffers' making up the circular channel buffer. For the lockless scheme, this must be a power of 2. - nbufs - the number of 'sub-buffers' making up the circular channel buffer. This must be a power of 2. The total size of the channel buffer is bufsize * nbufs rounded up to the next kernel page size. If the lockless scheme is used, both bufsize and nbufs must be a power of 2. If the locking scheme is used, the bufsize can be anything and nbufs must be a power of 2. If RELAY_SCHEME_ANY is used, the bufsize and nbufs should be a power of 2. NOTE: if nbufs is 1, relayfs will bypass the normal size checks and will allocate an rvmalloced buffer of size bufsize. This buffer will be freed when relay_close() is called, if the channel isn't still being referenced. - callbacks - a table of callback functions called when events occur within the data relay that clients need to know about: - int buffer_start(channel_id, current_write_pos, buffer_id, start_time, start_tsc, using_tsc) - called at the beginning of a new sub-buffer, the buffer_start() callback gives the client an opportunity to write data into space reserved at the beginning of a sub-buffer. The client should only write into the buffer if it specified a value for start_reserve and/or channel_start_reserve (see below) when the channel was opened. In the latter case, the client can determine whether to write its one-time rchan_start_reserve data by examining the value of buffer_id, which will be 0 for the first sub-buffer. The address that the client can write to is contained in current_write_pos (the client by definition knows how much it can write i.e. the value it passed to relay_open() for start_reserve/ channel_start_reserve). start_time contains the gettimeofday() value for the start of the buffer and start TSC contains the TSC read at the same time. The using_tsc param indicates whether or not start_tsc is valid (it wouldn't be if TSC timestamping isn't being used). The client should return the number of bytes it wrote to the channel, 0 if none. - int buffer_end(channel_id, current_write_pos, end_of_buffer, end_time, end_tsc, using_tsc) called at the end of a sub-buffer, the buffer_end() callback gives the client an opportunity to perform end-of-buffer processing. Note that the current_write_pos is the position where the next write would occur, but since the current write wouldn't fit (which is the trigger for the buffer_end event), the buffer is considered full even though there may be unused space at the end. The end_of_buffer param pointer value can be used to determine exactly the size of the unused space. The client should only write into the buffer if it specified a value for end_reserve when the channel was opened. If the client doesn't write anything i.e. returns 0, the unused space at the end of the sub-buffer is available via relay_info() - this data may be needed by the client later if it needs to process raw sub-buffers (an alternative would be to save the unused bytes count value in end_reserve space at the end of each sub-buffer during buffer_end processing and read it when needed at a later time. The other alternative would be to use read(2), which makes the unused count invisible to the caller). end_time contains the gettimeofday() value for the end of the buffer and end TSC contains the TSC read at the same time. The using_tsc param indicates whether or not end_tsc is valid (it wouldn't be if TSC timestamping isn't being used). The client should return the number of bytes it wrote to the channel, 0 if none. - void deliver(channel_id, from, len) called when data is ready for the client. This callback is used to notify a client when a sub-buffer is complete (in the case of bulk delivery) or a single write is complete (packet delivery). A bulk delivery client might wish to then signal a daemon that a sub-buffer is ready. A packet delivery client might wish to process the packet or send it elsewhere. The from param is a pointer to the delivered data and len specifies how many bytes are ready. - void user_deliver(channel_id, from, len) called when data has been written to the channel from user space. This callback is used to notify a client when a successful write from userspace has occurred, independent of whether bulk or packet delivery is in use. This can be used to allow userspace programs to communicate with the kernel client through the channel via out-of-band write(2) 'commands' instead of via ioctls, for instance. The from param is a pointer to the delivered data and len specifies how many bytes are ready. Note that this callback occurs after the bytes have been successfully written into the channel, which means that channel readers must be able to deal with the 'command' data which will appear in the channel data stream just as any other userspace or non-userspace write would. - int needs_resize(channel_id, resize_type, suggested_buf_size, suggested_n_bufs) called when a channel's buffers are in danger of becoming full i.e. the number of unread bytes in the channel passes a preset threshold, or when the current capacity of a channel's buffer is no longer needed. Also called to notify the client when a channel's buffer has been replaced. If resize_type is RELAY_RESIZE_EXPAND or RELAY_RESIZE_SHRINK, the kernel client should arrange to call relay_realloc_buffer() with the suggested buffer size and buffer count, which will allocate (but will not replace the old one) a new buffer of the recommended size for the channel. When the allocation has completed, needs_resize() is again called, this time with a resize_type of RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACE. The kernel client should then arrange to call relay_replace_buffer() to actually replace the old channel buffer with the newly allocated buffer. Finally, once the buffer replacement has completed, needs_resize() is again called, this time with a resize_type of RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACED, to inform the client that the replacement is complete and additionally confirming the current sub-buffer size and number of sub-buffers. Note that a resize can be canceled if relay_realloc_buffer() is called with the async param non-zero and the resize conditions no longer hold. In this case, the RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACED suggested number of sub-buffers will be the same as the number of sub-buffers that existed before the RELAY_RESIZE_SHRINK or EXPAND i.e. values indicating that the resize didn't actually occur. - int fileop_notify(channel_id, struct file *filp, enum relay_fileop) called when a userspace file operation has occurred or will occur on a relayfs channel file. These notifications can be used by the kernel client to trigger actions within the kernel client when the corresponding event occurs, such as enabling logging only when a userspace application opens or mmaps a relayfs file and disabling it again when the file is closed or unmapped. The kernel client can also return its own return value, which can affect the outcome of file operation - returning 0 indicates that the operation should succeed, and returning a negative value indicates that the operation should be failed, and that the returned value should be returned to the ultimate caller e.g. returning -EPERM from the open fileop will cause the open to fail with -EPERM. Among other things, the return value can be used to restrict a relayfs file from being opened or mmap'ed more than once. The currently implemented fileops are: RELAY_FILE_OPEN - a relayfs file is being opened. Return 0 to allow it to succeed, negative to have it fail. A negative return value will be passed on unmodified to the open fileop. RELAY_FILE_CLOSE- a relayfs file is being closed. The return value is ignored. RELAY_FILE_MAP - a relayfs file is being mmap'ed. Return 0 to allow it to succeed, negative to have it fail. A negative return value will be passed on unmodified to the mmap fileop. RELAY_FILE_UNMAP- a relayfs file is being unmapped. The return value is ignored. - void ioctl(rchan_id, cmd, arg) called when an ioctl call is made using a relayfs file descriptor. The cmd and arg are passed along to this callback unmodified for it to do as it wishes with. The return value from this callback is used as the return value of the ioctl call. If the callbacks param passed to relay_open() is NULL, a set of default do-nothing callbacks will be defined for the channel. Likewise, any NULL rchan_callback function contained in a non-NULL callbacks struct will be filled in with a default callback function that does nothing. - start_reserve - the number of bytes to be reserved at the start of each sub-buffer. The client can do what it wants with this number of bytes when the buffer_start() callback is invoked. Typically clients would use this to write per-sub-buffer header data. - end_reserve - the number of bytes to be reserved at the end of each sub-buffer. The client can do what it wants with this number of bytes when the buffer_end() callback is invoked. Typically clients would use this to write per-sub-buffer footer data. - channel_start_reserve - the number of bytes to be reserved, in addition to start_reserve, at the beginning of the first sub-buffer in the channel. The client can do what it wants with this number of bytes when the buffer_start() callback is invoked. Typically clients would use this to write per-channel header data. - resize_min - if set, this signifies that the channel is auto-resizeable. The value specifies the size that the channel will try to maintain as a normal working size, and that it won't go below. The client makes use of the resizing callbacks and relay_realloc_buffer() and relay_replace_buffer() to actually effect the resize. - resize_max - if set, this signifies that the channel is auto-resizeable. The value specifies the maximum size the channel can have as a result of resizing. - mode - if non-zero, specifies the file permissions that will be given to the channel file. If 0, the default rw user perms will be used. - init_buf - if non-NULL, rather than allocating the channel buffer, this buffer will be used as the initial channel buffer. The kernel API function relay_discard_init_buf() can later be used to have relayfs allocate a normal mmappable channel buffer and switch over to using it after copying the init_buf contents into it. Currently, the size of init_buf must be exactly buf_size * n_bufs. The caller is responsible for managing the init_buf memory. This feature is typically used for init-time channel use and should normally be specified as NULL. - init_buf_size - the total size of init_buf, if init_buf is specified as non-NULL. Currently, the size of init_buf must be exactly buf_size * n_bufs. Upon successful completion, relay_open() returns a channel id to be used for all other operations with the relay. All buffers managed by the relay are allocated using rvmalloc/rvfree to allow for easy mmapping to user-space. ---------- int relay_write(channel_id, *data_ptr, count, time_delta_offset, **wrote_pos) relay_write() reserves space in the channel and writes count bytes of data pointed to by data_ptr to it. Automatically performs any necessary locking, depending on the scheme and SMP usage in effect (no locking is done for the lockless scheme regardless of usage). It returns the number of bytes written, or 0/negative on failure. If time_delta_offset is >= 0, the internal time delta, the internal time delta calculated when the slot was reserved will be written at that offset. This is the TSC or gettimeofday() delta between the current write and the beginning of the buffer, whichever method is being used by the channel. Trying to write a count larger than the bufsize specified to relay_open() (taking into account the reserved start-of-buffer and end-of-buffer space as well) will fail. If wrote_pos is non-NULL, it will receive the location the data was written to, which may be needed for some applications but is not normally interesting. Most applications should pass in NULL for this param. ---------- struct rchan_reader *add_rchan_reader(int rchan_id, int auto_consume) add_rchan_reader creates and initializes a reader object for a channel. An opaque rchan_reader object is returned on success, and is passed to relay_read() when reading the channel. If the boolean auto_consume parameter is 1, the reader is defined to be auto-consuming. auto-consuming reader objects are automatically created and used for VFS read(2) readers. ---------- void remove_rchan_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader) remove_rchan_reader finds and removes the given reader from the channel. This function is used only by non-VFS read(2) readers. VFS read(2) readers are automatically removed when the corresponding file object is closed. ---------- reader add_map_reader(int rchan_id) Creates and initializes an rchan_reader object for channel map readers, and is needed for updating relay_bytes/buffers_consumed() when kernel clients become aware of the need to do so by their mmap user clients. ---------- int remove_map_reader(reader) Finds and removes the given map reader from the channel. This function is useful only for map readers. ---------- int relay_read(reader, buf, count, wait, *actual_read_offset) Reads count bytes from the channel, or as much as is available within the sub-buffer currently being read. The read offset that will be read from is the position contained within the reader object. If the wait flag is set, buf is non-NULL, and there is nothing available, it will wait until there is. If the wait flag is 0 and there is nothing available, -EAGAIN is returned. If buf is NULL, the value returned is the number of bytes that would have been read. actual_read_offset is the value that should be passed as the read offset to relay_bytes_consumed, needed only if the reader is not auto-consuming and the channel is MODE_NO_OVERWRITE, but in any case, it must not be NULL. ---------- int relay_bytes_avail(reader) Returns the number of bytes available relative to the reader's current read position within the corresponding sub-buffer, 0 if there is nothing available. Note that this doesn't return the total bytes available in the channel buffer - this is enough though to know if anything is available, however, or how many bytes might be returned from the next read. ---------- void relay_buffers_consumed(reader, buffers_consumed) Adds to the channel's consumed buffer count. buffers_consumed should be the number of buffers newly consumed, not the total number consumed. NOTE: kernel clients don't need to call this function if the reader is auto-consuming or the channel is MODE_CONTINUOUS. In order for the relay to detect the 'buffers full' condition for a channel, it must be kept up-to-date with respect to the number of buffers consumed by the client. If the addition of the value of the bufs_consumed param to the current bufs_consumed count for the channel would exceed the bufs_produced count for the channel, the channel's bufs_consumed count will be set to the bufs_produced count for the channel. This allows clients to 'catch up' if necessary. ---------- void relay_bytes_consumed(reader, bytes_consumed, read_offset) Adds to the channel's consumed count. bytes_consumed should be the number of bytes actually read e.g. return value of relay_read() and the read_offset should be the actual offset the bytes were read from e.g. the actual_read_offset set by relay_read(). NOTE: kernel clients don't need to call this function if the reader is auto-consuming or the channel is MODE_CONTINUOUS. In order for the relay to detect the 'buffers full' condition for a channel, it must be kept up-to-date with respect to the number of bytes consumed by the client. For packet clients, it makes more sense to update after each read rather than after each complete sub-buffer read. The bytes_consumed count updates bufs_consumed when a buffer has been consumed so this count remains consistent. ---------- int relay_info(channel_id, *channel_info) relay_info() fills in an rchan_info struct with channel status and attribute information such as usage modes, sub-buffer size and count, the allocated size of the entire buffer, buffers produced and consumed, current buffer id, count of writes lost due to buffers full condition. The virtual address of the channel buffer is also available here, for those clients that need it. Clients may need to know how many 'unused' bytes there are at the end of a given sub-buffer. This would only be the case if the client 1) didn't either write this count to the end of the sub-buffer or otherwise note it (it's available as the difference between the buffer end and current write pos params in the buffer_end callback) (if the client returned 0 from the buffer_end callback, it's assumed that this is indeed the case) 2) isn't using the read() system call to read the buffer. In other words, if the client isn't annotating the stream and is reading the buffer by mmaping it, this information would be needed in order for the client to 'skip over' the unused bytes at the ends of sub-buffers. Additionally, for the lockless scheme, clients may need to know whether a particular sub-buffer is actually complete. An array of boolean values, one per sub-buffer, contains non-zero if the buffer is complete, non-zero otherwise. ---------- int relay_close(channel_id) relay_close() is used to close the channel. It finalizes the last sub-buffer (the one currently being written to) and marks the channel as finalized. The channel buffer and channel data structure are then freed automatically when the last reference to the channel is given up. ---------- int relay_realloc_buffer(channel_id, nbufs, async) Allocates a new channel buffer using the specified sub-buffer count (note that resizing can't change sub-buffer sizes). If async is non-zero, the allocation is done in the background using a work queue. When the allocation has completed, the needs_resize() callback is called with a resize_type of RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACE. This function doesn't replace the old buffer with the new - see relay_replace_buffer(). This function is called by kernel clients in response to a needs_resize() callback call with a resize type of RELAY_RESIZE_EXPAND or RELAY_RESIZE_SHRINK. That callback also includes a suggested new_bufsize and new_nbufs which should be used when calling this function. Returns 0 on success, or errcode if the channel is busy or if the allocation couldn't happen for some reason. NOTE: if async is not set, this function should not be called with a lock held, as it may sleep. ---------- int relay_replace_buffer(channel_id) Replaces the current channel buffer with the new buffer allocated by relay_realloc_buffer and contained in the channel struct. When the replacement is complete, the needs_resize() callback is called with RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACED. This function is called by kernel clients in response to a needs_resize() callback having a resize type of RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACE. Returns 0 on success, or errcode if the channel is busy or if the replacement or previous allocation didn't happen for some reason. NOTE: This function will not sleep, so can called in any context and with locks held. The client should, however, ensure that the channel isn't actively being read from or written to. ---------- int relay_reset(rchan_id) relay_reset() has the effect of erasing all data from the buffer and restarting the channel in its initial state. The buffer itself is not freed, so any mappings are still in effect. NOTE: Care should be taken that the channnel isn't actually being used by anything when this call is made. ---------- int rchan_full(reader) returns 1 if the channel is full with respect to the reader, 0 if not. ---------- int rchan_empty(reader) returns 1 if the channel is empty with respect to the reader, 0 if not. ---------- int relay_discard_init_buf(rchan_id) allocates an mmappable channel buffer, copies the contents of init_buf into it, and sets the current channel buffer to the newly allocated buffer. This function is used only in conjunction with the init_buf and init_buf_size params to relay_open(), and is typically used when the ability to write into the channel at init-time is needed. The basic usage is to specify an init_buf and init_buf_size to relay_open, then call this function when it's safe to switch over to a normally allocated channel buffer. 'Safe' means that the caller is in a context that can sleep and that nothing is actively writing to the channel. Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise. Writing directly into the channel ================================= Using the relay_write() API function as described above is the preferred means of writing into a channel. In some cases, however, in-kernel clients might want to write directly into a relay channel rather than have relay_write() copy it into the buffer on the client's behalf. Clients wishing to do this should follow the model used to implement relay_write itself. The general sequence is: - get a pointer to the channel via rchan_get(). This increments the channel's reference count. - call relay_lock_channel(). This will perform the proper locking for the channel given the scheme in use and the SMP usage. - reserve a slot in the channel via relay_reserve() - write directly to the reserved address - call relay_commit() to commit the write - call relay_unlock_channel() - call rchan_put() to release the channel reference In particular, clients should make sure they call rchan_get() and rchan_put() and not hold on to references to the channel pointer. Also, forgetting to use relay_lock_channel()/relay_unlock_channel() has no effect if the lockless scheme is being used, but could result in corrupted buffer contents if the locking scheme is used. Limitations =========== Writes made via the write() system call are currently limited to 2 pages worth of data. There is no such limit on the in-kernel API function relay_write(). User applications can currently only mmap the complete buffer (it doesn't really make sense to mmap only part of it, given its purpose). Latest version ============== The latest version can be found at: Example relayfs clients, such as dynamic printk and the Linux Trace Toolkit, can also be found there. Credits ======= The ideas and specs for relayfs came about as a result of discussions on tracing involving the following: Michel Dagenais Richard Moore Bob Wisniewski Karim Yaghmour Tom Zanussi Also thanks to Hubertus Franke for a lot of useful suggestions and bug reports, and for contributing the klog code.