# Thierry Parmentelat - INRIA # $Id$ # $URL$ from types import NoneType from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Accessor import Accessor, AccessorSingleton from PLC.Nodes import Nodes, Node from PLC.NodeTags import NodeTags, NodeTag from PLC.Interfaces import Interfaces, Interface from PLC.InterfaceTags import InterfaceTags, InterfaceTag from PLC.Slices import Slices, Slice from PLC.SliceTags import SliceTags, SliceTag from PLC.Sites import Sites, Site from PLC.SiteTags import SiteTags, SiteTag from PLC.Persons import Persons, Person from PLC.PersonTags import PersonTags, PersonTag # this is another story.. #from PLC.Ilinks import Ilink from PLC.TagTypes import TagTypes, TagType # known classes : { class -> secondary_key } taggable_classes = { Node : {'table_class' : Nodes, 'joins_class' : NodeTags, 'join_class' : NodeTag, 'secondary_key': 'hostname'}, Interface : {'table_class' : Interfaces, 'joins_class': InterfaceTags, 'join_class': InterfaceTag, 'secondary_key' : 'ip'}, Slice: {'table_class' : Slices, 'joins_class': SliceTags, 'join_class': SliceTag, 'secondary_key':'name'}, Site: {'table_class' : Sites, 'joins_class': SiteTags, 'join_class': SiteTag, 'secondary_key':'login_base'}, Person: {'table_class' : Persons, 'joins_class': PersonTags, 'join_class': PersonTag, 'secondary_key':'email'}, # Ilink : xxx } # xxx probably defined someplace else admin_roles = ['admin'] all_roles = [ 'admin', 'pi', 'tech', 'user', 'node' ] tech_roles = [ 'admin', 'pi', 'tech' ] # # generates 2 method classes: # Get (auth, id_or_name) -> value or None # Set (auth, id_or_name, value) -> value # value is always a string, no cast nor typecheck for now # # The expose_in_api flag tells whether this tag may be handled # through the Add/Get/Update methods as a native field # # note: tag_min_role_id gets attached to the tagtype instance, # while get_roles and set_roles get attached to the created methods # this might need a cleanup # # in addition a convenience method like e.g. LocateNodeArch is defined # in the Accessor class; its purpose is to retrieve the tag, or to create it if needed def define_accessors (module, objclass, methodsuffix, tagname, category, description, get_roles=['admin'], set_roles=['admin'], tag_min_role_id=10, expose_in_api = False): if objclass not in taggable_classes: try: raise PLCInvalidArgument,"PLC.Accessors.Factory: unknown class %s"%objclass.__name__ except: raise PLCInvalidArgument,"PLC.Accessors.Factory: unknown class ??" # side-effect on, say, Node.tags, if required if expose_in_api: getattr(objclass,'tags')[tagname]=Parameter(str,"accessor") classname=objclass.__name__ get_name = "Get" + classname + methodsuffix set_name = "Set" + classname + methodsuffix locator_name = "Locate" + classname + methodsuffix # accessor method objects under PLC.Method.Method get_class = type (get_name, (Method,), {"__doc__":"Accessor 'get' method designed for %s objects using tag %s"%\ (classname,tagname)}) set_class = type (set_name, (Method,), {"__doc__":"Accessor 'set' method designed for %s objects using tag %s"%\ (classname,tagname)}) # accepts get_accepts = [ Auth () ] primary_key=objclass.primary_key secondary_key = taggable_classes[objclass]['secondary_key'] get_accepts += [ Mixed (objclass.fields[primary_key], objclass.fields[secondary_key]) ] # for set, idem set of arguments + one additional arg, the new value set_accepts = get_accepts + [ Parameter (str,"New tag value") ] # returns get_returns = Mixed (Parameter (str), Parameter(NoneType)) set_returns = Parameter(NoneType) # store in classes setattr(get_class,'roles',get_roles) setattr(get_class,'accepts',get_accepts) setattr(get_class,'returns', get_returns) setattr(get_class,'skip_typecheck',True) setattr(set_class,'roles',set_roles) setattr(set_class,'accepts',set_accepts) setattr(set_class,'returns', set_returns) setattr(set_class,'skip_typecheck',True) table_class = taggable_classes[objclass]['table_class'] joins_class = taggable_classes[objclass]['joins_class'] join_class = taggable_classes[objclass]['join_class'] # locate the tag and create it if needed # this method is attached to the Accessor class def locate_or_create_tag (self): return self.locate_or_create_tag (tagname=tagname, category=category, description=description, min_role_id=tag_min_role_id) # attach it to the Accessor class setattr(Accessor,locator_name,locate_or_create_tag) # body of the get method def get_call (self, auth, id_or_name): # locate the tag, see above locator = getattr(Accessor,locator_name) tag_type_id = locator(AccessorSingleton(self.api)) filter = {'tag_type_id':tag_type_id} if isinstance (id_or_name,int): filter[primary_key]=id_or_name else: filter[secondary_key]=id_or_name joins = joins_class (self.api,filter,['value']) if not joins: # xxx - we return None even if id_or_name is not valid return None else: return joins[0]['value'] # attach it setattr (get_class,"call",get_call) # body of the set method def set_call (self, auth, id_or_name, value): # locate the object if isinstance (id_or_name, int): filter={primary_key:id_or_name} else: filter={secondary_key:id_or_name} objs = table_class(self.api, filter,[primary_key,secondary_key]) if not objs: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Cannot set tag on %s %r"%(objclass.__name__,id_or_name) primary_id = objs[0][primary_key] # locate the tag, see above locator = getattr(Accessor,locator_name) tag_type_id = locator(AccessorSingleton(self.api)) # locate the join object (e.g. NodeTag, SliceTag or InterfaceTag) filter = {'tag_type_id':tag_type_id} if isinstance (id_or_name,int): filter[primary_key]=id_or_name else: filter[secondary_key]=id_or_name joins = joins_class (self.api,filter) # setting to something non void if value is not None: if not joins: join = join_class (self.api) join['tag_type_id']=tag_type_id join[primary_key]=primary_id join['value']=value join.sync() else: joins[0]['value']=value joins[0].sync() # providing an empty value means clean up else: if joins: join=joins[0] join.delete() # log it self.event_objects= { objclass.__name__ : [primary_id] } self.message=objclass.__name__ if secondary_key in objs[0]: self.message += " %s "%objs[0][secondary_key] else: self.message += " %d "%objs[0][primary_key] self.message += "updated" return value # attach it setattr (set_class,"call",set_call) # define in module setattr(module,get_name,get_class) setattr(module,set_name,set_class) # add in .methods try: methods=getattr(module,'methods') except: methods=[] methods += [get_name,set_name] setattr(module,'methods',methods)