from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.AddressTypes import AddressType, AddressTypes class Address(Row): """ Representation of a row in the addresses table. To use, instantiate with a dict of values. """ table_name = 'addresses' primary_key = 'address_id' join_tables = ['address_address_type'] fields = { 'address_id': Parameter(int, "Address identifier"), 'line1': Parameter(str, "Address line 1", max = 254, optional = False), 'line2': Parameter(str, "Address line 2", max = 254), 'line3': Parameter(str, "Address line 3", max = 254), 'city': Parameter(str, "City", max = 254, optional = False), 'state': Parameter(str, "State or province", max = 254, optional = False), 'postalcode': Parameter(str, "Postal code", max = 64, optional = False), 'country': Parameter(str, "Country", max = 128, optional = False), 'site_id': Parameter(str, "Site identifier"), 'address_type_ids': Parameter([int], "Address type identifiers", ro = True), 'address_types': Parameter([str], "Address types", ro = True), } def add_address_type(self, address_type, commit = True): """ Add address type to existing address. """ assert 'address_id' in self assert isinstance(address_type, AddressType) assert 'address_type_id' in address_type address_id = self['address_id'] address_type_id = address_type['address_type_id'] if address_type_id not in self['address_type_ids']: assert address_type['name'] not in self['address_types']"INSERT INTO address_address_type (address_id, address_type_id)" \ " VALUES(%(address_id)d, %(address_type_id)d)", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() self['address_type_ids'].append(address_type_id) self['address_types'].append(address_type['name']) def remove_address_type(self, address_type, commit = True): """ Add address type to existing address. """ assert 'address_id' in self assert isinstance(address_type, AddressType) assert 'address_type_id' in address_type address_id = self['address_id'] address_type_id = address_type['address_type_id'] if address_type_id in self['address_type_ids']: assert address_type['name'] in self['address_types']"DELETE FROM address_address_type" \ " WHERE address_id = %(address_id)d" \ " AND address_type_id = %(address_type_id)d", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() self['address_type_ids'].remove(address_type_id) self['address_types'].remove(address_type['name']) class Addresses(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the addresses table in the database. """ def __init__(self, api, address_id_list = None): self.api = api sql = "SELECT %s FROM view_addresses" % \ ", ".join(Address.fields) if address_id_list: sql += " WHERE address_id IN (%s)" % ", ".join(map(str, address_id_list)) rows = self.api.db.selectall(sql) for row in rows: self[row['address_id']] = address = Address(api, row) for aggregate in 'address_type_ids', 'address_types': if not address.has_key(aggregate) or address[aggregate] is None: address[aggregate] = [] else: elements = address[aggregate].split(',') try: address[aggregate] = map(int, elements) except ValueError: address[aggregate] = elements