from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Table import Row, Table verbose_flag=False; #verbose_flag=True; def verbose (*args): if verbose_flag: print (args) def class_attributes (classname): """ locates various attributes defined in the row class """ topmodule = __import__ ('PLC.%ss'%classname) module = topmodule.__dict__['%ss'%classname] # local row-like class, e.g. Node row_class = module.__dict__['%s'%classname] # local tab-like class, e.g. Nodes table_class = module.__dict__['%ss'%classname] return {'row_class':row_class, 'table_class':table_class, 'primary_key': row_class.__dict__['primary_key'], 'class_key': row_class.__dict__['class_key'], 'foreign_fields': row_class.__dict__['foreign_fields'], 'foreign_xrefs': row_class.__dict__['foreign_xrefs'], } class Cache: # an attempt to provide genericity in the caching algorithm # the Peer object we are syncing with def __init__ (self, api, peer_id, peer_server, auth): # import PLC.Peers self.api = api # assert isinstance(peer,PLC.Peers.Peer) # self.peer = peer self.peer_id = peer_id self.peer_server = peer_server self.auth = auth class Transcoder: def __init__ (self, api, classname, alien_objects): self.api = api attrs = class_attributes (classname) self.primary_key = attrs['primary_key'] self.class_key = attrs['class_key'] # cannot use dict, it's acquired by xmlrpc and is untyped self.alien_objects_byid = dict( [ (x[self.primary_key],x) for x in alien_objects ] ) # retrieve local objects local_objects = attrs['table_class'] (api) self.local_objects_byname = local_objects.dict(self.class_key) verbose ('Transcoder init :',classname, self.alien_objects_byid.keys(), self.local_objects_byname.keys()) def transcode (self, alien_id): """ transforms an alien id into a local one """ # locate alien obj from alien_id verbose ('entering transcode with alien_id',alien_id,) alien_object=self.alien_objects_byid[alien_id] verbose ('located alien_obj',) name = alien_object [self.class_key] verbose ('got name',name,) local_object=self.local_objects_byname[name] verbose ('found local obj') local_id=local_object[self.primary_key] verbose ('and local_id',local_id) return local_id class XrefTable: def __init__ (self, api, tablename, class1, class2): self.api = api self.tablename = tablename self.lowerclass1 = class1.lower() self.lowerclass2 = class2.lower() def delete_old_items (self, id1, id2_set): if id2_set: sql = "" sql += "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id=%d"%(self.tablename,self.lowerclass1,id1) sql += " AND %s_id IN ("%self.lowerclass2 sql += ",".join([str(i) for i in id2_set]) sql += ")" (sql) def insert_new_items (self, id1, id2_set): ### xxx needs to be optimized ### tried to figure a way to use a single sql statement ### like: insert into table (x,y) values (1,2),(3,4); ### but apparently this is not supported under postgresql for id2 in id2_set: sql = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%d,%d)"%(self.tablename,id1,id2) (sql) def update_item (self, id1, old_id2s, new_id2s): news = set (new_id2s) olds = set (old_id2s) to_delete = olds-news self.delete_old_items (id1, to_delete) to_create = news-olds self.insert_new_items (id1, to_create) self.api.db.commit() # classname: the type of objects we are talking about; e.g. 'Slice' # peer_object_list list of objects at a given peer - e.g. peer.GetSlices() # alien_xref_objs_dict : a dict {'classname':alien_obj_list} e.g. {'Node':peer.GetNodes()} # his must match the keys in xref_specs # lambda_ignore : the alien objects are ignored if this returns true def update_table (self, classname, alien_object_list, alien_xref_objs_dict = {}, lambda_ignore=lambda x:False, report_name_conflicts = True): # peer = self.peer # peer_id = peer['peer_id'] peer_id=self.peer_id attrs = class_attributes (classname) row_class = attrs['row_class'] table_class = attrs['table_class'] primary_key = attrs['primary_key'] class_key = attrs['class_key'] foreign_fields = attrs['foreign_fields'] foreign_xrefs = attrs['foreign_xrefs'] ## allocate transcoders and xreftables once, for each item in foreign_xrefs # create a dict 'classname' -> {'transcoder' : ..., 'xref_table' : ...} accessories = dict( [ (xref_classname, {'transcoder':Cache.Transcoder (self.api,xref_classname,alien_xref_objs_dict[xref_classname]), 'xref_table':Cache.XrefTable (self.api,xref_spec['table'],classname,xref_classname)}) for xref_classname,xref_spec in foreign_xrefs.iteritems()]) ### get current local table # get ALL local objects so as to cope with # (*) potential moves between plcs # (*) or naming conflicts local_objects = table_class (self.api) ### index upon class_key for future searches #verbose ('local objects:',local_objects) verbose ('class_key',class_key) local_objects_index = local_objects.dict(class_key) verbose ('update_table',classname,local_objects_index.keys()) ### mark entries for this peer outofdate old_count=0; for local_object in local_objects: if local_object['peer_id'] == peer_id: local_object.uptodate=False old_count += 1 else: local_object.uptodate=True new_count=0 # scan the peer's local objects for alien_object in alien_object_list: object_name = alien_object[class_key] ### ignore, e.g. system-wide slices if lambda_ignore(alien_object): verbose('Ignoring',object_name) continue verbose ('update_table - Considering',object_name) # create or update try: ### We know about this object already local_object = local_objects_index[object_name] if local_object ['peer_id'] is None: if report_name_conflicts: ### xxx send e-mail print '==================== We are in trouble here' print 'The %s object named %s is natively defined twice'%(classname,object_name) print 'Once on this PLC and once on peer %d'%peer_id print 'We dont raise an exception so that the remaining updates can still take place' continue if local_object['peer_id'] != peer_id: ### the object has changed its plc, ### Note, this is not problematic here because both definitions are remote ### we can assume the object just moved ### needs to update peer_id though local_object['peer_id'] = peer_id verbose ('update_table FOUND',object_name) except: ### create a new entry local_object = row_class(self.api, {class_key :object_name,'peer_id':peer_id}) # insert in index local_objects_index[class_key]=local_object verbose ('update_table CREATED',object_name) # go on with update for field in foreign_fields: local_object[field]=alien_object[field] # this row is now valid local_object.uptodate=True new_count += 1 local_object.sync() # manage cross-refs for xref_classname,xref_spec in foreign_xrefs.iteritems(): field=xref_spec['field'] alien_xref_obj_list = alien_xref_objs_dict[xref_classname] alien_value = alien_object[field] transcoder = accessories[xref_classname]['transcoder'] if isinstance (alien_value,list): verbose ('update_table list-transcoding ',xref_classname,' aliens=',alien_value,) local_values=[] for a in alien_value: try: local_values.append(transcoder.transcode(a)) except: # could not transcode - might be from another peer that we dont know about.. pass verbose (" transcoded as ",local_values) xref_table = accessories[xref_classname]['xref_table'] # newly created objects dont have xrefs yet try: former_xrefs=local_object[xref_spec['field']] except: former_xrefs=[] xref_table.update_item (local_object[primary_key], former_xrefs, local_values) elif isinstance (alien_value,int): verbose ('update_table atom-transcoding ',xref_classname,' aliens=',alien_value,) new_value = transcoder.transcode(alien_value) local_object[field] = new_value local_object.sync() ### delete entries that are not uptodate for local_object in local_objects: if not local_object.uptodate: local_object.delete() self.api.db.commit() ### return delta in number of objects return new_count-old_count def get_locals (self, list): return [x for x in list if x['peer_id'] is None] def refresh_peer (self): # so as to minimize the numer of requests # we get all objects in a single call and sort afterwards # xxx ideally get objects either local or the ones attached here # requires to know remote peer's peer_id for ourselves, mmhh.. # does not make any difference in a 2-peer deployment though ### uses GetPeerData to gather all info in a single xmlrpc request # xxx see also GetPeerData - peer_id arg unused yet all_data = self.peer_server.GetPeerData (self.auth,0) # refresh sites #all_sites = self.peer_server.GetSites(self.auth) all_sites = all_data['Sites'] local_sites = self.get_locals (all_sites) nb_new_sites = self.update_table('Site', local_sites) # refresh keys #all_keys = self.peer_server.GetKeys(self.auth) all_keys = all_data['Keys'] local_keys = self.get_locals (all_keys) nb_new_keys = self.update_table('Key', local_keys) # refresh nodes #all_nodes = self.peer_server.GetNodes(self.auth) all_nodes = all_data['Nodes'] local_nodes = self.get_locals(all_nodes) nb_new_nodes = self.update_table('Node', local_nodes, { 'Site' : all_sites } ) # refresh persons #all_persons = self.peer_server.GetPersons(self.auth) all_persons = all_data['Persons'] local_persons = self.get_locals(all_persons) nb_new_persons = self.update_table ('Person', local_persons, { 'Key': all_keys, 'Site' : all_sites } ) # refresh slice attribute types all_slice_attribute_types = all_data ['SliceAttibuteTypes'] local_slice_attribute_types = self.get_locals(all_slice_attribute_types) nb_new_slice_attribute_types = self.update_table ('SliceAttributeType', local_slice_attribute_types, report_name_conflicts = False) # refresh slices #local_slices = self.peer_server.GetSlices(self.auth,{'peer_id':None}) local_slices = all_data['Slices'] def is_system_slice (slice): return slice['creator_person_id'] == 1 nb_new_slices = self.update_table ('Slice', local_slices, {'Node': all_nodes, 'Person': all_persons}, is_system_slice) ### returned as-is by RefreshPeer return {'plcname':self.api.config.PLC_NAME, 'new_sites':nb_new_sites, 'new_keys':nb_new_keys, 'new_nodes':nb_new_nodes, 'new_persons':nb_new_persons, 'new_slice_attribute_types':nb_new_slice_attribute_types, 'new_slices':nb_new_slices, }