# # Python "binding" for GPG. I'll write GPGME bindings eventually. The # intent is to use GPG to sign method calls, as a way of identifying # and authenticating peers. Calls should still go over an encrypted # transport such as HTTPS, with certificate checking. # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # import os import xmlrpclib import shutil from types import StringTypes from StringIO import StringIO from xml.dom import minidom import lxml from lxml import etree from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkdtemp from PLC.Faults import * def canonicalize(args, methodname = None, methodresponse = False): """ Returns a canonicalized XML-RPC representation of the specified method call (methodname != None) or response (methodresponse = True). """ xml = xmlrpclib.dumps(args, methodname, methodresponse, encoding = 'utf-8', allow_none = 1) parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) tree = etree.parse(StringIO(xml), parser) return etree.tostring(tree.getroot(), method='c14n') def gpg_export(keyring, armor = True): """ Exports the specified public keyring file. """ homedir = mkdtemp() args = ["gpg", "--batch", "--no-tty", "--homedir", homedir, "--no-default-keyring", "--keyring", keyring, "--export"] if armor: args.append("--armor") p = Popen(args, stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE, close_fds = True) export = p.stdout.read() err = p.stderr.read() rc = p.wait() # Clean up shutil.rmtree(homedir) if rc: raise PLCAuthenticationFailure, "GPG export failed with return code %d: %s" % (rc, err) return export def gpg_sign(args, secret_keyring, keyring, methodname = None, methodresponse = False, detach_sign = True): """ Signs the specified method call (methodname != None) or response (methodresponse == True) using the specified GPG keyring files. If args is not a tuple representing the arguments to the method call or the method response value, then it should be a string representing a generic message to sign (detach_sign == True) or sign/encrypt (detach_sign == False) specified). Returns the detached signature (detach_sign == True) or signed/encrypted message (detach_sign == False). """ # Accept either an opaque string blob or a Python tuple if isinstance(args, StringTypes): message = args elif isinstance(args, tuple): message = canonicalize(args, methodname, methodresponse) # Use temporary trustdb homedir = mkdtemp() cmd = ["gpg", "--batch", "--no-tty", "--homedir", homedir, "--no-default-keyring", "--secret-keyring", secret_keyring, "--keyring", keyring, "--armor"] if detach_sign: cmd.append("--detach-sign") else: cmd.append("--sign") p = Popen(cmd, stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE) p.stdin.write(message) p.stdin.close() signature = p.stdout.read() err = p.stderr.read() rc = p.wait() # Clean up shutil.rmtree(homedir) if rc: raise PLCAuthenticationFailure, "GPG signing failed with return code %d: %s" % (rc, err) return signature def gpg_verify(args, key, signature = None, methodname = None, methodresponse = False): """ Verifies the signature of the specified method call (methodname != None) or response (methodresponse = True) using the specified public key material. If args is not a tuple representing the arguments to the method call or the method response value, then it should be a string representing a generic message to verify (if signature is specified) or verify/decrypt (if signature is not specified). """ # Accept either an opaque string blob or a Python tuple if isinstance(args, StringTypes): message = args else: message = canonicalize(args, methodname, methodresponse) # Write public key to temporary file if os.path.exists(key): keyfile = None keyfilename = key else: keyfile = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix = '.pub') keyfile.write(key) keyfile.flush() keyfilename = keyfile.name # Import public key into temporary keyring homedir = mkdtemp() call(["gpg", "--batch", "--no-tty", "--homedir", homedir, "--import", keyfilename], stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE) cmd = ["gpg", "--batch", "--no-tty", "--homedir", homedir] if signature is not None: # Write detached signature to temporary file sigfile = NamedTemporaryFile() sigfile.write(signature) sigfile.flush() cmd += ["--verify", sigfile.name, "-"] else: # Implicit signature sigfile = None cmd.append("--decrypt") p = Popen(cmd, stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE) p.stdin.write(message) p.stdin.close() if signature is None: message = p.stdout.read() err = p.stderr.read() rc = p.wait() # Clean up shutil.rmtree(homedir) if sigfile: sigfile.close() if keyfile: keyfile.close() if rc: raise PLCAuthenticationFailure, "GPG verification failed with return code %d: %s" % (rc, err) return message