# # Base class for all PLCAPI functions # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: Method.py,v 1.14 2006/10/31 21:47:21 mlhuang Exp $ # import xmlrpclib from types import * import textwrap import os import time import pprint from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Debug import profile, log from PLC.Events import Event, Events from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons class Method: """ Base class for all PLCAPI functions. At a minimum, all PLCAPI functions must define: roles = [list of roles] accepts = [Parameter(arg1_type, arg1_doc), Parameter(arg2_type, arg2_doc), ...] returns = Parameter(return_type, return_doc) call(arg1, arg2, ...): method body Argument types may be Python types (e.g., int, bool, etc.), typed values (e.g., 1, True, etc.), a Parameter, or lists or dictionaries of possibly mixed types, values, and/or Parameters (e.g., [int, bool, ...] or {'arg1': int, 'arg2': bool}). Once function decorators in Python 2.4 are fully supported, consider wrapping calls with accepts() and returns() functions instead of performing type checking manually. """ # Defaults. Could implement authentication and type checking with # decorators, but they are not supported in Python 2.3 and it # would be hard to generate documentation without writing a code # parser. roles = [] accepts = [] returns = bool status = "current" def call(self, *args): """ Method body for all PLCAPI functions. Must override. """ return True def __init__(self, api): self.name = self.__class__.__name__ self.api = api # Auth may set this to a Person instance (if an anonymous # method, will remain None). self.caller = None # API may set this to a (addr, port) tuple if known self.source = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Main entry point for all PLCAPI functions. Type checks arguments, authenticates, and executes call(). """ try: start = time.time() (min_args, max_args, defaults) = self.args() # Check that the right number of arguments were passed in if len(args) < len(min_args) or len(args) > len(max_args): raise PLCInvalidArgumentCount(len(args), len(min_args), len(max_args)) for name, value, expected in zip(max_args, args, self.accepts): self.type_check(name, value, expected, args) result = self.call(*args, **kwds) runtime = time.time() - start if self.api.config.PLC_API_DEBUG: self.log(0, runtime, *args) return result except PLCFault, fault: # Prepend method name to expected faults fault.faultString = self.name + ": " + fault.faultString runtime = time.time() - start self.log(fault.faultCode, runtime, *args) raise fault def log(self, fault_code, runtime, *args): """ Log the transaction """ # Do not log system or Get calls if self.name.startswith('system') or self.name.startswith('Get'): return False # Create a new event event = Event(self.api) event['fault_code'] = fault_code event['runtime'] = runtime # Redact passwords and sessions if args and isinstance(args[0], dict): for password in 'AuthString', 'session': if args[0].has_key(password): auth = args[0].copy() auth[password] = "Removed by API" args = (auth,) + args[1:] # Log call representation # XXX Truncate to avoid DoS event['call'] = self.name + pprint.saferepr(args) # Both users and nodes can call some methods if isinstance(self.caller, Person): event['person_id'] = self.caller['person_id'] elif isinstance(self.caller, Node): event['node_id'] = self.caller['node_id'] event.sync(commit = False) # XXX object_ids is currently defined as a class variable if hasattr(self, 'object_ids'): for object_id in self.object_ids: event.add_object(object_id, commit = False) # Commit event.sync(commit = True) def help(self, indent = " "): """ Text documentation for the method. """ (min_args, max_args, defaults) = self.args() text = "%s(%s) -> %s\n\n" % (self.name, ", ".join(max_args), xmlrpc_type(self.returns)) text += "Description:\n\n" lines = [indent + line.strip() for line in self.__doc__.strip().split("\n")] text += "\n".join(lines) + "\n\n" text += "Allowed Roles:\n\n" if not self.roles: roles = ["any"] else: roles = self.roles text += indent + ", ".join(roles) + "\n\n" def param_text(name, param, indent, step): """ Format a method parameter. """ text = indent # Print parameter name if name: param_offset = 32 text += name.ljust(param_offset - len(indent)) else: param_offset = len(indent) # Print parameter type param_type = python_type(param) text += xmlrpc_type(param_type) + "\n" # Print parameter documentation right below type if isinstance(param, Parameter): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width = 70, initial_indent = " " * param_offset, subsequent_indent = " " * param_offset) text += "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(param.doc)) + "\n" param = param.type text += "\n" # Indent struct fields and mixed types if isinstance(param, dict): for name, subparam in param.iteritems(): text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step) elif isinstance(param, Mixed): for subparam in param: text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step) elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple)): for subparam in param: text += param_text("", subparam, indent + step, step) return text text += "Parameters:\n\n" for name, param in zip(max_args, self.accepts): text += param_text(name, param, indent, indent) text += "Returns:\n\n" text += param_text("", self.returns, indent, indent) return text def args(self): """ Returns a tuple: ((arg1_name, arg2_name, ...), (arg1_name, arg2_name, ..., optional1_name, optional2_name, ...), (None, None, ..., optional1_default, optional2_default, ...)) That represents the minimum and maximum sets of arguments that this function accepts and the defaults for the optional arguments. """ # Inspect call. Remove self from the argument list. max_args = self.call.func_code.co_varnames[1:self.call.func_code.co_argcount] defaults = self.call.func_defaults if defaults is None: defaults = () min_args = max_args[0:len(max_args) - len(defaults)] defaults = tuple([None for arg in min_args]) + defaults return (min_args, max_args, defaults) def type_check(self, name, value, expected, args): """ Checks the type of the named value against the expected type, which may be a Python type, a typed value, a Parameter, a Mixed type, or a list or dictionary of possibly mixed types, values, Parameters, or Mixed types. Extraneous members of lists must be of the same type as the last specified type. For example, if the expected argument type is [int, bool], then [1, False] and [14, True, False, True] are valid, but [1], [False, 1] and [14, True, 1] are not. Extraneous members of dictionaries are ignored. """ # If any of a number of types is acceptable if isinstance(expected, Mixed): for item in expected: try: self.type_check(name, value, item, args) return except PLCInvalidArgument, fault: pass xmlrpc_types = [xmlrpc_type(item) for item in expected] raise PLCInvalidArgument("expected %s, got %s" % \ (" or ".join(xmlrpc_types), xmlrpc_type(type(value))), name) # If an authentication structure is expected, save it and # authenticate after basic type checking is done. if isinstance(expected, Auth): auth = expected else: auth = None # Get actual expected type from within the Parameter structure if isinstance(expected, Parameter): min = expected.min max = expected.max nullok = expected.nullok expected = expected.type else: min = None max = None nullok = False expected_type = python_type(expected) # If value can be NULL if value is None and nullok: return # Strings are a special case. Accept either unicode or str # types if a string is expected. if expected_type in StringTypes and isinstance(value, StringTypes): pass # Integers and long integers are also special types. Accept # either int or long types if an int or long is expected. elif expected_type in (IntType, LongType) and isinstance(value, (IntType, LongType)): pass elif not isinstance(value, expected_type): raise PLCInvalidArgument("expected %s, got %s" % \ (xmlrpc_type(expected_type), xmlrpc_type(type(value))), name) # If a minimum or maximum (length, value) has been specified if expected_type in StringTypes: if min is not None and \ len(value.encode(self.api.encoding)) < min: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "%s must be at least %d bytes long" % (name, min) if max is not None and \ len(value.encode(self.api.encoding)) > max: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "%s must be at most %d bytes long" % (name, max) else: if min is not None and value < min: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "%s must be > %s" % (name, str(min)) if max is not None and value > max: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "%s must be < %s" % (name, str(max)) # If a list with particular types of items is expected if isinstance(expected, (list, tuple)): for i in range(len(value)): if i >= len(expected): j = len(expected) - 1 else: j = i self.type_check(name + "[]", value[i], expected[j], args) # If a struct with particular (or required) types of items is # expected. elif isinstance(expected, dict): for key in value.keys(): if key in expected: self.type_check(name + "['%s']" % key, value[key], expected[key], args) for key, subparam in expected.iteritems(): if isinstance(subparam, Parameter) and \ subparam.optional is not None and \ not subparam.optional and key not in value.keys(): raise PLCInvalidArgument("'%s' not specified" % key, name) if auth is not None: auth.check(self, *args) def python_type(arg): """ Returns the Python type of the specified argument, which may be a Python type, a typed value, or a Parameter. """ if isinstance(arg, Parameter): arg = arg.type if isinstance(arg, type): return arg else: return type(arg) def xmlrpc_type(arg): """ Returns the XML-RPC type of the specified argument, which may be a Python type, a typed value, or a Parameter. """ arg_type = python_type(arg) if arg_type == NoneType: return "nil" elif arg_type == IntType or arg_type == LongType: return "int" elif arg_type == bool: return "boolean" elif arg_type == FloatType: return "double" elif arg_type in StringTypes: return "string" elif arg_type == ListType or arg_type == TupleType: return "array" elif arg_type == DictType: return "struct" elif arg_type == Mixed: # Not really an XML-RPC type but return "mixed" for # documentation purposes. return "mixed" else: raise PLCAPIError, "XML-RPC cannot marshal %s objects" % arg_type