from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.ConfFiles import ConfFile, ConfFiles from PLC.NodeGroups import NodeGroup, NodeGroups from PLC.Auth import Auth class AddConfFileToNodeGroup(Method): """ Adds a configuration file to the specified node group. If the node group is already linked to the configuration file, no errors are returned. Returns 1 if successful, faults otherwise. """ roles = ['admin'] accepts = [ Auth(), ConfFile.fields['conf_file_id'], Mixed(NodeGroup.fields['nodegroup_id'], NodeGroup.fields['groupname']) ] returns = Parameter(int, '1 if successful') def call(self, auth, conf_file_id, nodegroup_id_or_name): # Get configuration file conf_files = ConfFiles(self.api, [conf_file_id]) if not conf_files: raise PLCInvalidArgument("No such configuration file") conf_file = conf_files[0] # Get node nodegroups = NodeGroups(self.api, [nodegroup_id_or_name]) if not nodegroups: raise PLCInvalidArgument("No such node group") nodegroup = nodegroups[0] # Link configuration file to node if nodegroup['nodegroup_id'] not in conf_file['nodegroup_ids']: conf_file.add_nodegroup(nodegroup) # Log affected objects self.event_objects = {'ConfFile': [conf_file_id], 'NodeGroup': [nodegroup['nodegroup_id']] } return 1