from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.NodeGroups import NodeGroup, NodeGroups from PLC.Auth import Auth can_update = lambda (field, value): field in NodeGroup.fields.keys() and field != NodeGroup.primary_field class AddNodeGroup(Method): """ Adds a new node group. Any values specified in nodegroup_fields are used, otherwise defaults are used. Returns the new nodegroup_id (> 0) if successful, faults otherwise. """ roles = ['admin'] nodegroup_fields = dict(filter(can_update, NodeGroup.fields.items())) accepts = [ Auth(), nodegroup_fields ] returns = Parameter(int, 'New nodegroup_id (> 0) if successful') def call(self, auth, nodegroup_fields): nodegroup_fields = dict([f for f in nodegroup_fields.items() if can_update(f)]) nodegroup = NodeGroup(self.api, nodegroup_fields) nodegroup.sync() # Logging variables self.event_objects = {'NodeGroup': [nodegroup['nodegroup_id']]} self.message = 'Node group %d created' % nodegroup['nodegroup_id'] return nodegroup['nodegroup_id']