# $Id$ # $URL$ from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.TagTypes import TagType, TagTypes from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.SliceTags import SliceTag, SliceTags from PLC.NodeGroups import NodeGroup, NodeGroups from PLC.InitScripts import InitScript, InitScripts from PLC.Auth import Auth class AddSliceTag(Method): """ Sets the specified attribute of the slice (or sliver, if node_id_or_hostname is specified) to the specified value. Attributes may require the caller to have a particular role in order to be set or changed. Users may only set attributes of slices or slivers of which they are members. PIs may only set attributes of slices or slivers at their sites, or of which they are members. Admins may set attributes of any slice or sliver. Returns the new slice_tag_id (> 0) if successful, faults otherwise. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'user', 'node'] accepts = [ Auth(), Mixed(Slice.fields['slice_id'], Slice.fields['name']), Mixed(SliceTag.fields['tag_type_id'], SliceTag.fields['tagname']), Mixed(SliceTag.fields['value'], InitScript.fields['name']), Mixed(Node.fields['node_id'], Node.fields['hostname'], None), Mixed(NodeGroup.fields['nodegroup_id'], NodeGroup.fields['groupname']) ] returns = Parameter(int, 'New slice_tag_id (> 0) if successful') def call(self, auth, slice_id_or_name, tag_type_id_or_name, value, node_id_or_hostname = None, nodegroup_id_or_name = None): slices = Slices(self.api, [slice_id_or_name]) if not slices: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such slice %r"%slice_id_or_name slice = slices[0] tag_types = TagTypes(self.api, [tag_type_id_or_name]) if not tag_types: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such tag type %r"%tag_type_id_or_name tag_type = tag_types[0] if not isinstance(self.caller, Node): if ('admin' not in self.caller['roles']): if self.caller['person_id'] in slice['person_ids']: pass elif 'pi' not in self.caller['roles']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not a member of the specified slice" elif slice['site_id'] not in self.caller['site_ids']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Specified slice not associated with any of your sites" if tag_type['min_role_id'] is not None and \ min(self.caller['role_ids']) > tag_type['min_role_id']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not allowed to set the specified slice attribute" else: ### make node's min_role_id == PI min_role_id node_role_id = 20 if tag_type['min_role_id'] is not None and node_role_id > tag_type['min_role_id']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not allowed to set the specified slice attribute" # if initscript is specified, validate value if tag_type['tagname'] in ['initscript']: initscripts = InitScripts(self.api, {'enabled': True, 'name': value}) if not initscripts: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such plc initscript %r"%value slice_tag = SliceTag(self.api) slice_tag['slice_id'] = slice['slice_id'] slice_tag['tag_type_id'] = tag_type['tag_type_id'] slice_tag['value'] = unicode(value) # Sliver attribute if node is specified if node_id_or_hostname is not None or isinstance(self.caller, Node): node_id = None if isinstance(self.caller, Node): node = self.caller node_id = node['node_id'] if node_id_or_hostname is not None: nodes = Nodes(self.api, [node_id_or_hostname]) if not nodes: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such node" node = nodes[0] if node_id <> None and node_id <> node['node_id']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not allowed to set another node's sliver attribute" else: node_id = node['node_id'] system_slice_tags = SliceTags(self.api, {'tagname': 'system', 'value': '1'}).dict('slice_id') system_slice_ids = system_slice_tags.keys() if slice['slice_id'] not in system_slice_ids and node_id not in slice['node_ids']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "AddSliceTag: slice %s not on specified node %s nor is it a system slice (%r)"%(slice['name'],node['hostname'],system_slice_ids) slice_tag['node_id'] = node['node_id'] # Sliver attribute shared accross nodes if nodegroup is sepcified if nodegroup_id_or_name is not None: if isinstance(self.caller, Node): raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not allowed to set nodegroup slice attributes" nodegroups = NodeGroups(self.api, [nodegroup_id_or_name]) if not nodegroups: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such nodegroup %r"%nodegroup_id_or_name nodegroup = nodegroups[0] slice_tag['nodegroup_id'] = nodegroup['nodegroup_id'] # Check if slice attribute alreay exists slice_tags_check = SliceTags(self.api, {'slice_id': slice['slice_id'], 'tagname': tag_type['tagname'], 'value': value}) for slice_tag_check in slice_tags_check: # do not compare between slice tag and sliver tag if 'node_id' not in slice_tag and slice_tag_check['node_id'] is not None: continue # do not compare between sliver tag and slice tag if 'node_id' in slice_tag and slice_tag['node_id'] is not None and slice_tag_check['node_id'] is None: continue if 'node_id' in slice_tag and slice_tag['node_id'] == slice_tag_check['node_id']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Sliver attribute already exists" if 'nodegroup_id' in slice_tag and slice_tag['nodegroup_id'] == slice_tag_check['nodegroup_id']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Slice attribute already exists for this nodegroup" if node_id_or_hostname is None and nodegroup_id_or_name is None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Slice attribute already exists" slice_tag.sync() self.event_objects = {'SliceTag': [slice_tag['slice_tag_id']]} return slice_tag['slice_tag_id']