from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Roles import Roles from PLC.Auth import PasswordAuth class AdmGetAllRoles(Method): """ Return all possible roles as a struct: {'10': 'admin', '20': 'pi', '30': 'user', '40': 'tech'} Note that because of XML-RPC marshalling limitations, the keys to this struct are string representations of the integer role identifiers. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'user', 'tech'] accepts = [PasswordAuth()] returns = dict def call(self, auth): roles = Roles(self.api) # Just the role_id: name mappings roles = dict(filter(lambda (role_id, name): isinstance(role_id, (int, long)), \ roles.items())) # Stringify the keys! keys = map(str, roles.keys()) return dict(zip(keys, roles.values()))