from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons from PLC.Auth import Auth class AdmGetPersonRoles(Method): """ Deprecated. See GetPersons. Return the roles that the specified person has as a struct: {'10': 'admin', '30': 'user', '20': 'pi', '40': 'tech'} Admins can get the roles for any user. PIs can only get the roles for members of their sites. All others may only get their own roles. Note that because of XML-RPC marshalling limitations, the keys to this struct are string representations of the integer role identifiers. """ status = "deprecated" roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'user', 'tech'] accepts = [ Auth(), Mixed(Person.fields['person_id'], Person.fields['email']) ] returns = dict def call(self, auth, person_id_or_email): # Get account information persons = Persons(self.api, [person_id_or_email]) if not persons: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such account" person = persons.values()[0] # Authenticated function assert self.caller is not None # Check if we can view this account if not self.caller.can_view(person): raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not allowed to view specified account" # Stringify the keys! role_ids = map(str, person['role_ids']) roles = person['roles'] return dict(zip(role_ids, roles))