from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Sites import Site, Sites from PLC.Auth import PasswordAuth class AdmGetSiteNodes(Method): """ Return a dictionary containing a list of node_ids for each of the sites specified. Admins may retrieve details about all nodes on a site by not specifying site_id_or_name or by specifying an empty list. Users and techs may only retrieve details about themselves. PIs may retrieve details about themselves and others at their sites. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'user', 'tech'] accepts = [ PasswordAuth(), [Mixed(Site.fields['site_id'], Site.fields['name'])], ] returns = { Site.fields['site_id']: Site.fields['node_ids'] } def call(self, auth, site_id_or_name_list = None): # Get site information sites = Sites(self.api, site_id_or_name_list).values() if not sites: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such site" # Convert to {str(site_id): [node_id]} site_nodes = {} for site in sites: site_nodes[str(site['site_id'])] = site['node_ids'] return site_nodes