# # Thierry Parmentelat - INRIA # # utility to clear all entries from a peer # initially duplicated from RefreshPeer # import sys from PLC.Logger import logger from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Peers import Peer, Peers from PLC.Sites import Site, Sites from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons from PLC.KeyTypes import KeyType, KeyTypes from PLC.Keys import Key, Keys from PLC.BootStates import BootState, BootStates from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.SliceInstantiations import SliceInstantiations from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices from PLC.Roles import Role, Roles commit_mode = True dry_run = False # debug #dry_run = True ########## helpers def message(to_print=None, verbose_only=False): if verbose_only and not verbose: return logger.info(to_print) def message_verbose(to_print=None, header='VERBOSE'): message("{}> {}".format(header, to_print), verbose_only=True) class DeleteAllPeerEntries(Method): """ This method is designed for situations where a federation link is misbehaving and one wants to restart from a clean slate. It is *not* designed for regular operations, but as a repairing tool only. As the name suggests, clear all local entries that are marked as belonging to peer peer_id - or peername if verbose is True said entries are only printed Note that remote/foreign entities cannot be deleted normally with the API Returns 1 if successful, faults otherwise. """ roles = ['admin'] accepts = [ Auth(), Mixed(Peer.fields['peer_id'], Peer.fields['peername']), ] returns = Parameter(int, "1 if successful") def call(self, auth, peer_id_or_peername): peer = Peers(self.api, [peer_id_or_peername])[0] peer_id = peer['peer_id'] peername = peer['peername'] logger.info("DeleteAllPeerEntries on peer {} = {}" .format(peername, peer_id)) for singular, plural in ( (Slice, Slices), (Key, Keys), (Person, Persons), (Node, Nodes), (Site, Sites)): classname = singular.__name__ objs = plural(self.api, {'peer_id': peer_id}) print(("Found {len} {classname}s from peer {peername}" .format(len=len(objs), classname=classname, peername=peername))) if dry_run: print("dry-run mode: skipping actual deletion") else: print(("Deleting {classname}s".format(classname=classname))) for obj in objs: print('.', end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() obj.delete(commit=commit_mode) print() # Update peer itself and commit peer.sync(commit=True) return 1