# # Thierry Parmentelat - INRIA # from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Ilinks import Ilink, Ilinks from PLC.Interfaces import Interface, Interfaces from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.Sites import Site, Sites from PLC.TagTypes import TagType, TagTypes from PLC.AuthorizeHelpers import AuthorizeHelpers class DeleteIlink(Method): """ Deletes the specified ilink Attributes may require the caller to have a particular role in order to be deleted, depending on the related tag type. Admins may delete attributes of any slice or sliver. Returns 1 if successful, faults otherwise. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'user'] accepts = [ Auth(), Ilink.fields['ilink_id'] ] returns = Parameter(int, '1 if successful') object_type = 'Interface' def call(self, auth, ilink_id): ilinks = Ilinks(self.api, [ilink_id]) if not ilinks: raise PLCInvalidArgument("No such ilink %r"%ilink_id) ilink = ilinks[0] src_if=Interfaces(self.api,ilink['src_interface_id'])[0] dst_if=Interfaces(self.api,ilink['dst_interface_id'])[0] tag_type_id = ilink['tag_type_id'] tag_type = TagTypes (self.api,[tag_type_id])[0] # check authorizations if 'admin' in self.caller['roles']: pass elif not AuthorizeHelpers.caller_may_access_tag_type (self.api, self.caller, tag_type): raise PLCPermissionDenied("%s, forbidden tag %s"%(self.name,tag_type['tagname'])) elif AuthorizeHelpers.interface_belongs_to_person (self.api, src_if, self.caller): pass elif src_if_id != dst_if_id and AuthorizeHelpers.interface_belongs_to_person (self.api, dst_if, self.caller): pass else: raise PLCPermissionDenied("%s: you must own either the src or dst interface"%self.name) ilink.delete() self.object_ids = [ilink['src_interface_id'],ilink['dst_interface_id']] return 1