# $Id$ import random import base64 import os import os.path import time from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.Interfaces import Interface, Interfaces from PLC.InterfaceSettings import InterfaceSetting, InterfaceSettings from PLC.NodeTags import NodeTags # could not define this in the class.. boot_medium_actions = [ 'node-preview', 'node-floppy', 'node-iso', 'node-usb', 'generic-iso', 'generic-usb', ] # compute a new key # xxx used by GetDummyBoxMedium def compute_key(): # Generate 32 random bytes bytes = random.sample(xrange(0, 256), 32) # Base64 encode their string representation key = base64.b64encode("".join(map(chr, bytes))) # Boot Manager cannot handle = in the key # XXX this sounds wrong, as it might prevent proper decoding key = key.replace("=", "") return key class GetBootMedium(Method): """ This method is a redesign based on former, supposedly dedicated, AdmGenerateNodeConfFile As compared with its ancestor, this method provides a much more detailed detailed interface, that allows to (*) either just preview the node config file -- in which case the node key is NOT recomputed, and NOT provided in the output (*) or regenerate the node config file for storage on a floppy that is, exactly what the ancestor method used todo, including renewing the node's key (*) or regenerate the config file and bundle it inside an ISO or USB image (*) or just provide the generic ISO or USB boot images in which case of course the node_id_or_hostname parameter is not used action is expected among the following string constants (*) node-preview (*) node-floppy (*) node-iso (*) node-usb (*) generic-iso (*) generic-usb Apart for the preview mode, this method generates a new node key for the specified node, effectively invalidating any old boot medium. In addition, two return mechanisms are supported. (*) The default behaviour is that the file's content is returned as a base64-encoded string. This is how the ancestor method used to work. To use this method, pass an empty string as the file parameter. (*) Or, for efficiency -- this makes sense only when the API is used by the web pages that run on the same host -- the caller may provide a filename, in which case the resulting file is stored in that location instead. The filename argument can use the following markers, that are expanded within the method - %d : default root dir (some builtin dedicated area under /var/tmp/) Using this is recommended, and enforced for non-admin users - %n : the node's name when this makes sense, or a mktemp-like name when generic media is requested - %s : a file suffix appropriate in the context (.txt, .iso or the like) - %v : the bootcd version string (e.g. 4.0) - %p : the PLC name - %f : the nodefamily - %a : arch With the file-based return mechanism, the method returns the full pathname of the result file; ** WARNING ** It is the caller's responsability to remove this file after use. Options: an optional array of keywords. options are not supported for generic images Currently supported are - 'partition' - for USB actions only - 'cramfs' - 'serial' or 'serial:' - 'no-hangcheck' console_spec (or 'default') is passed as-is to bootcd/build.sh it is expected to be a colon separated string denoting tty - baudrate - parity - bits e.g. ttyS0:115200:n:8 Security: - Non-admins can only generate files for nodes at their sites. - Non-admins, when they provide a filename, *must* specify it in the %d area Housekeeping: Whenever needed, the method stores intermediate files in a private area, typically not located under the web server's accessible area, and are cleaned up by the method. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'tech'] accepts = [ Auth(), Mixed(Node.fields['node_id'], Node.fields['hostname']), Parameter (str, "Action mode, expected in " + "|".join(boot_medium_actions)), Parameter (str, "Empty string for verbatim result, resulting file full path otherwise"), Parameter ([str], "Options"), ] returns = Parameter(str, "Node boot medium, either inlined, or filename, depending on the filename parameter") BOOTCDDIR = "/usr/share/bootcd-@NODEFAMILY@/" BOOTCDBUILD = "/usr/share/bootcd-@NODEFAMILY@/build.sh" GENERICDIR = "/var/www/html/download-@NODEFAMILY@/" WORKDIR = "/var/tmp/bootmedium" DEBUG = False # uncomment this to preserve temporary area and bootcustom logs #DEBUG = True ### returns (host, domain) : # 'host' : host part of the hostname # 'domain' : domain part of the hostname def split_hostname (self, node): # Split hostname into host and domain parts parts = node['hostname'].split(".", 1) if len(parts) < 2: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Node hostname %s is invalid"%node['hostname'] return parts # plnode.txt content def floppy_contents (self, node, renew_key): if node['peer_id'] is not None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Not a local node" # If we are not an admin, make sure that the caller is a # member of the site at which the node is located. if 'admin' not in self.caller['roles']: if node['site_id'] not in self.caller['site_ids']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not allowed to generate a configuration file for %s"%node['hostname'] # Get node networks for this node primary = None interfaces = Interfaces(self.api, node['interface_ids']) for interface in interfaces: if interface['is_primary']: primary = interface break if primary is None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No primary network configured on %s"%node['hostname'] ( host, domain ) = self.split_hostname (node) if renew_key: node['key'] = compute_key() # Save it node.sync() # Generate node configuration file suitable for BootCD file = "" if renew_key: file += 'NODE_ID="%d"\n' % node['node_id'] file += 'NODE_KEY="%s"\n' % node['key'] # not used anywhere, just a note for operations people file += 'KEY_RENEWAL_DATE="%s"\n' % time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d at %H:%M +0000',time.gmtime()) if primary['mac']: file += 'NET_DEVICE="%s"\n' % primary['mac'].lower() file += 'IP_METHOD="%s"\n' % primary['method'] if primary['method'] == 'static': file += 'IP_ADDRESS="%s"\n' % primary['ip'] file += 'IP_GATEWAY="%s"\n' % primary['gateway'] file += 'IP_NETMASK="%s"\n' % primary['netmask'] file += 'IP_NETADDR="%s"\n' % primary['network'] file += 'IP_BROADCASTADDR="%s"\n' % primary['broadcast'] file += 'IP_DNS1="%s"\n' % primary['dns1'] file += 'IP_DNS2="%s"\n' % (primary['dns2'] or "") file += 'HOST_NAME="%s"\n' % host file += 'DOMAIN_NAME="%s"\n' % domain # define various interface settings attached to the primary interface settings = InterfaceSettings (self.api, {'interface_id':interface['interface_id']}) categories = set() for setting in settings: if setting['category'] is not None: categories.add(setting['category']) for category in categories: category_settings = InterfaceSettings(self.api,{'interface_id':interface['interface_id'], 'category':category}) if category_settings: file += '### Category : %s\n'%category for setting in category_settings: file += '%s_%s="%s"\n'%(category.upper(),setting['name'].upper(),setting['value']) for interface in interfaces: if interface['method'] == 'ipmi': file += 'IPMI_ADDRESS="%s"\n' % interface['ip'] if interface['mac']: file += 'IPMI_MAC="%s"\n' % interface['mac'].lower() break return file # see also InstallBootstrapFS in bootmanager that does similar things def get_nodefamily (self, node): # get defaults from the myplc build try: (pldistro,arch) = file("/etc/planetlab/nodefamily").read().strip().split("-") except: (pldistro,arch) = ("planetlab","i386") # with no valid argument, return system-wide defaults if not node: return (pldistro,arch) node_id=node['node_id'] # cannot use accessors in the API itself # the 'arch' tag type is assumed to exist, see db-config arch_tags = NodeTags (self.api, {'tagname':'arch','node_id':node_id},['tagvalue']) if arch_tags: arch=arch_tags[0]['tagvalue'] # ditto pldistro_tags = NodeTags (self.api, {'tagname':'pldistro','node_id':node_id},['tagvalue']) if pldistro_tags: pldistro=pldistro_tags[0]['tagvalue'] return (pldistro,arch) def bootcd_version (self): try: return file(self.BOOTCDDIR + "/build/version.txt").readline().strip() except: raise Exception,"Unknown boot cd version - probably wrong bootcd dir : %s"%self.BOOTCDDIR def cleantrash (self): for file in self.trash: if self.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG -- preserving',file else: os.unlink(file) def call(self, auth, node_id_or_hostname, action, filename, options = []): self.trash=[] ### check action if action not in boot_medium_actions: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Unknown action %s"%action ### compute file suffix and type if action.find("-iso") >= 0 : suffix=".iso" type = "iso" elif action.find("-usb") >= 0: suffix=".usb" type = "usb" else: suffix=".txt" type = "txt" # handle / caconicalize options if type == "txt": if options: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Options are not supported for node configs" else: # create a dict for build.sh build_sh_spec={'-k':[]} for option in options: if option == "cramfs": build_sh_spec['cramfs']=True elif option == 'partition': if type != "usb": raise PLCInvalidArgument, "option 'partition' is for USB images only" else: type="usb_partition" elif option == "serial": build_sh_spec['serial']='default' elif option.find("serial:") == 0: build_sh_spec['serial']=option.replace("serial:","") elif option == "no-hangcheck": build_sh_spec['-k'].append('hcheck_reboot=0') else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "unknown option %s"%option ### check node if needed if action.find("node-") == 0: nodes = Nodes(self.api, [node_id_or_hostname]) if not nodes: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such node %r"%node_id_or_hostname node = nodes[0] nodename = node['hostname'] else: node = None # compute a 8 bytes random number tempbytes = random.sample (xrange(0,256), 8); def hexa2 (c): return chr((c>>4)+65) + chr ((c&16)+65) nodename = "".join(map(hexa2,tempbytes)) # get nodefamily (pldistro,arch) = self.get_nodefamily(node) self.nodefamily="%s-%s"%(pldistro,arch) # apply on globals for attr in [ "BOOTCDDIR", "BOOTCDBUILD", "GENERICDIR" ]: setattr(self,attr,getattr(self,attr).replace("@NODEFAMILY@",self.nodefamily)) ### handle filename # allow to set filename to None or any other empty value if not filename: filename='' filename = filename.replace ("%d",self.WORKDIR) filename = filename.replace ("%n",nodename) filename = filename.replace ("%s",suffix) filename = filename.replace ("%p",self.api.config.PLC_NAME) # let's be cautious try: filename = filename.replace ("%f", self.nodefamily) except: pass try: filename = filename.replace ("%a", arch) except: pass try: filename = filename.replace ("%v",self.bootcd_version()) except: pass ### Check filename location if filename != '': if 'admin' not in self.caller['roles']: if ( filename.index(self.WORKDIR) != 0): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "File %s not under %s"%(filename,self.WORKDIR) ### output should not exist (concurrent runs ..) if os.path.exists(filename): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Resulting file %s already exists"%filename ### we can now safely create the file, ### either we are admin or under a controlled location filedir=os.path.dirname(filename) # dirname does not return "." for a local filename like its shell counterpart if filedir: if not os.path.exists(filedir): try: os.makedirs (filedir,0777) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not create dir %s"%filedir # log call if node: self.message='GetBootMedium on node %s - action=%s'%(nodename,action) self.event_objects={'Node': [ node ['node_id'] ]} else: self.message='GetBootMedium - generic - action=%s'%action ### generic media if action == 'generic-iso' or action == 'generic-usb': if options: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Options are not supported for generic images" # this raises an exception if bootcd is missing version = self.bootcd_version() generic_name = "%s-BootCD-%s%s"%(self.api.config.PLC_NAME, version, suffix) generic_path = "%s/%s" % (self.GENERICDIR,generic_name) if filename: ret=os.system ("cp %s %s"%(generic_path,filename)) if ret==0: return filename else: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not copy %s into"%(generic_path,filename) else: ### return the generic medium content as-is, just base64 encoded return base64.b64encode(file(generic_path).read()) ### config file preview or regenerated if action == 'node-preview' or action == 'node-floppy': renew_key = (action == 'node-floppy') floppy = self.floppy_contents (node,renew_key) if filename: try: file(filename,'w').write(floppy) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not write into %s"%filename return filename else: return floppy ### we're left with node-iso and node-usb if action == 'node-iso' or action == 'node-usb': ### check we've got required material version = self.bootcd_version() if not os.path.isfile(self.BOOTCDBUILD): raise PLCAPIError, "Cannot locate bootcd/build.sh script %s"%self.BOOTCDBUILD # create the workdir if needed if not os.path.isdir(self.WORKDIR): try: os.makedirs(self.WORKDIR,0777) os.chmod(self.WORKDIR,0777) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not create dir %s"%self.WORKDIR try: # generate floppy config floppy_text = self.floppy_contents(node,True) # store it floppy_file = "%s/%s.txt"%(self.WORKDIR,nodename) try: file(floppy_file,"w").write(floppy_text) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not write into %s"%floppy_file self.trash.append(floppy_file) node_image = "%s/%s%s"%(self.WORKDIR,nodename,suffix) # make build's arguments build_sh_options="" if "cramfs" in build_sh_spec: type += "_cramfs" if "serial" in build_sh_spec: build_sh_options += " -s %s"%build_sh_spec['serial'] for k_option in build_sh_spec['-k']: build_sh_options += " -k %s"%k_option log_file="%s.log"%node_image # invoke build.sh build_command = '%s -f "%s" -o "%s" -t "%s" %s &> %s' % (self.BOOTCDBUILD, floppy_file, node_image, type, build_sh_options, log_file) if self.DEBUG: print 'build command:',build_command ret=os.system(build_command) if ret != 0: raise PLCAPIError,"bootcd/build.sh failed\n%s\n%s"%( build_command,file(log_file).read()) self.trash.append(log_file) if not os.path.isfile (node_image): raise PLCAPIError,"Unexpected location of build.sh output - %s"%node_image # handle result if filename: ret=os.system("mv %s %s"%(node_image,filename)) if ret != 0: self.trash.append(node_image) self.cleantrash() raise PLCAPIError, "Could not move node image %s into %s"%(node_image,filename) self.cleantrash() return filename else: result = file(node_image).read() self.trash.append(node_image) self.cleantrash() return base64.b64encode(result) except: self.cleantrash() raise # we're done here, or we missed something raise PLCAPIError,'Unhandled action %s'%action