# $Id$ import random import base64 import os import os.path from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.NodeNetworks import NodeNetwork, NodeNetworks from PLC.NodeNetworkSettings import NodeNetworkSetting, NodeNetworkSettings # could not define this in the class.. boot_medium_actions = [ 'node-preview', 'node-floppy', 'node-iso', 'node-usb', 'generic-iso', 'generic-usb', ] # compute a new key # xxx used by GetDummyBoxMedium def compute_key(): # Generate 32 random bytes bytes = random.sample(xrange(0, 256), 32) # Base64 encode their string representation key = base64.b64encode("".join(map(chr, bytes))) # Boot Manager cannot handle = in the key # XXX this sounds wrong, as it might prevent proper decoding key = key.replace("=", "") return key class GetBootMedium(Method): """ This method is a redesign based on former, supposedly dedicated, AdmGenerateNodeConfFile As compared with its ancestor, this method provides a much more detailed detailed interface, that allows to (*) either just preview the node config file -- in which case the node key is NOT recomputed, and NOT provided in the output (*) or regenerate the node config file for storage on a floppy that is, exactly what the ancestor method used todo, including renewing the node's key (*) or regenerate the config file and bundle it inside an ISO or USB image (*) or just provide the generic ISO or USB boot images in which case of course the node_id_or_hostname parameter is not used action is expected among the following string constants (*) node-preview (*) node-floppy (*) node-iso (*) node-usb (*) generic-iso (*) generic-usb Apart for the preview mode, this method generates a new node key for the specified node, effectively invalidating any old boot medium. In addition, two return mechanisms are supported. (*) The default behaviour is that the file's content is returned as a base64-encoded string. This is how the ancestor method used to work. To use this method, pass an empty string as the file parameter. (*) Or, for efficiency -- this makes sense only when the API is used by the web pages that run on the same host -- the caller may provide a filename, in which case the resulting file is stored in that location instead. The filename argument can use the following markers, that are expanded within the method - %d : default root dir (some builtin dedicated area under /var/tmp/) Using this is recommended, and enforced for non-admin users - %n : the node's name when this makes sense, or a mktemp-like name when generic media is requested - %s : a file suffix appropriate in the context (.txt, .iso or the like) - %v : the bootcd version string (e.g. 4.0) - %p : the PLC name With the file-based return mechanism, the method returns the full pathname of the result file; ** WARNING ** It is the caller's responsability to remove this file after use. Options: an optional array of keywords. options are not supported for generic images Currently supported are - 'partition' - for USB actions only - 'cramfs' - 'serial' or 'serial:' console_spec (or 'default') is passed as-is to bootcd/build.sh it is expected to be a colon separated string denoting tty - baudrate - parity - bits e.g. ttyS0:115200:n:8 Security: - Non-admins can only generate files for nodes at their sites. - Non-admins, when they provide a filename, *must* specify it in the %d area Housekeeping: Whenever needed, the method stores intermediate files in a private area, typically not located under the web server's accessible area, and are cleaned up by the method. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'tech'] accepts = [ Auth(), Mixed(Node.fields['node_id'], Node.fields['hostname']), Parameter (str, "Action mode, expected in " + "|".join(boot_medium_actions)), Parameter (str, "Empty string for verbatim result, resulting file full path otherwise"), Parameter ([str], "Options"), ] returns = Parameter(str, "Node boot medium, either inlined, or filename, depending on the filename parameter") BOOTCDDIR = "/usr/share/bootcd/" BOOTCDBUILD = "/usr/share/bootcd/build.sh" GENERICDIR = "/var/www/html/download/" WORKDIR = "/var/tmp/bootmedium" DEBUG = False # uncomment this to preserve temporary area and bootcustom logs #DEBUG = True ### returns (host, domain) : # 'host' : host part of the hostname # 'domain' : domain part of the hostname def split_hostname (self, node): # Split hostname into host and domain parts parts = node['hostname'].split(".", 1) if len(parts) < 2: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Node hostname %s is invalid"%node['hostname'] return parts # plnode.txt content def floppy_contents (self, node, renew_key): if node['peer_id'] is not None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Not a local node" # If we are not an admin, make sure that the caller is a # member of the site at which the node is located. if 'admin' not in self.caller['roles']: if node['site_id'] not in self.caller['site_ids']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not allowed to generate a configuration file for %s"%node['hostname'] # Get node networks for this node primary = None nodenetworks = NodeNetworks(self.api, node['nodenetwork_ids']) for nodenetwork in nodenetworks: if nodenetwork['is_primary']: primary = nodenetwork break if primary is None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No primary network configured on %s"%node['hostname'] ( host, domain ) = self.split_hostname (node) if renew_key: node['key'] = compute_key() # Save it node.sync() # Generate node configuration file suitable for BootCD file = "" if renew_key: file += 'NODE_ID="%d"\n' % node['node_id'] file += 'NODE_KEY="%s"\n' % node['key'] if primary['mac']: file += 'NET_DEVICE="%s"\n' % primary['mac'].lower() file += 'IP_METHOD="%s"\n' % primary['method'] if primary['method'] == 'static': file += 'IP_ADDRESS="%s"\n' % primary['ip'] file += 'IP_GATEWAY="%s"\n' % primary['gateway'] file += 'IP_NETMASK="%s"\n' % primary['netmask'] file += 'IP_NETADDR="%s"\n' % primary['network'] file += 'IP_BROADCASTADDR="%s"\n' % primary['broadcast'] file += 'IP_DNS1="%s"\n' % primary['dns1'] file += 'IP_DNS2="%s"\n' % (primary['dns2'] or "") file += 'HOST_NAME="%s"\n' % host file += 'DOMAIN_NAME="%s"\n' % domain # define various nodenetwork settings attached to the primary nodenetwork settings = NodeNetworkSettings (self.api, {'nodenetwork_id':nodenetwork['nodenetwork_id']}) categories = set() for setting in settings: if setting['category'] is not None: categories.add(setting['category']) for category in categories: category_settings = NodeNetworkSettings(self.api,{'nodenetwork_id':nodenetwork['nodenetwork_id'], 'category':category}) if category_settings: file += '### Category : %s\n'%category for setting in category_settings: file += '%s_%s="%s"\n'%(category.upper(),setting['name'].upper(),setting['value']) for nodenetwork in nodenetworks: if nodenetwork['method'] == 'ipmi': file += 'IPMI_ADDRESS="%s"\n' % nodenetwork['ip'] if nodenetwork['mac']: file += 'IPMI_MAC="%s"\n' % nodenetwork['mac'].lower() break return file def bootcd_version (self): try: f = open (self.BOOTCDDIR + "/build/version.txt") version=f.readline().strip() finally: f.close() return version def cleantrash (self): for file in self.trash: if self.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG -- preserving',file else: os.unlink(file) def call(self, auth, node_id_or_hostname, action, filename, options = []): self.trash=[] ### check action if action not in boot_medium_actions: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Unknown action %s"%action ### compute file suffix and type if action.find("-iso") >= 0 : suffix=".iso" type = "iso" elif action.find("-usb") >= 0: suffix=".usb" type = "usb" else: suffix=".txt" type = "txt" # handle / caconicalize options if type == "txt": if options: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Options are not supported for node configs" else: # create a dict for build.sh optdict={} for option in options: if option == "cramfs": optdict['cramfs']=True elif option == 'partition': if type != "usb": raise PLCInvalidArgument, "option 'partition' is for USB images only" else: type="usb_partition" elif option == "serial": optdict['serial']='default' elif option.find("serial:") == 0: optdict['serial']=option.replace("serial:","") else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "unknown option %s"%option ### compute a 8 bytes random number tempbytes = random.sample (xrange(0,256), 8); def hexa2 (c): return chr((c>>4)+65) + chr ((c&16)+65) temp = "".join(map(hexa2,tempbytes)) ### check node if needed if action.find("node-") == 0: nodes = Nodes(self.api, [node_id_or_hostname]) if not nodes: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such node %r"%node_id_or_hostname node = nodes[0] nodename = node['hostname'] else: node = None nodename = temp ### handle filename filename = filename.replace ("%d",self.WORKDIR) filename = filename.replace ("%n",nodename) filename = filename.replace ("%s",suffix) filename = filename.replace ("%p",self.api.config.PLC_NAME) # only if filename contains "%v", bootcd is maybe not avail ? if filename.find("%v") >=0: filename = filename.replace ("%v",self.bootcd_version()) ### Check filename location if filename != '': if 'admin' not in self.caller['roles']: if ( filename.index(self.WORKDIR) != 0): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "File %s not under %s"%(filename,self.WORKDIR) ### output should not exist (concurrent runs ..) if os.path.exists(filename): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Resulting file %s already exists"%filename ### we can now safely create the file, ### either we are admin or under a controlled location if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): try: os.makedirs (os.path.dirname(filename),0777) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not create dir %s"%os.path.dirname(filename) ### generic media if action == 'generic-iso' or action == 'generic-usb': if options: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Options are not supported for generic images" # this raises an exception if bootcd is missing version = self.bootcd_version() generic_name = "%s-BootCD-%s%s"%(self.api.config.PLC_NAME, version, suffix) generic_path = "%s/%s" % (self.GENERICDIR,generic_name) if filename: ret=os.system ("cp %s %s"%(generic_path,filename)) if ret==0: return filename else: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not copy %s into"%(generic_path,filename) else: ### return the generic medium content as-is, just base64 encoded return base64.b64encode(file(generic_path).read()) ### config file preview or regenerated if action == 'node-preview' or action == 'node-floppy': renew_key = (action == 'node-floppy') floppy = self.floppy_contents (node,renew_key) if filename: try: file(filename,'w').write(floppy) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not write into %s"%filename return filename else: return floppy ### we're left with node-iso and node-usb if action == 'node-iso' or action == 'node-usb': ### check we've got required material version = self.bootcd_version() if not os.path.isfile(self.BOOTCDBUILD): raise PLCAPIError, "Cannot locate bootcd/build.sh script %s"%self.BOOTCDBUILD # create the workdir if needed if not os.path.isdir(self.WORKDIR): try: os.makedirs(self.WORKDIR,0777) os.chmod(self.WORKDIR,0777) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not create dir %s"%self.WORKDIR try: # generate floppy config floppy_text = self.floppy_contents(node,True) # store it floppy_file = "%s/%s.txt"%(self.WORKDIR,nodename) try: file(floppy_file,"w").write(floppy_text) except: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Could not write into %s"%floppy_file self.trash.append(floppy_file) node_image = "%s/%s%s"%(self.WORKDIR,nodename,suffix) # make build's arguments serial_arg="" if "cramfs" in optdict: type += "_cramfs" if "serial" in optdict: serial_arg = "-s %s"%optdict['serial'] log_file="%s.log"%node_image # invoke build.sh build_command = '%s -f "%s" -o "%s" -t "%s" %s &> %s' % (self.BOOTCDBUILD, floppy_file, node_image, type, serial_arg, log_file) if self.DEBUG: print 'build command:',build_command ret=os.system(build_command) if ret != 0: raise PLCAPIError,"bootcd/build.sh failed\n%s\n%s"%( build_command,file(log_file).read()) self.trash.append(log_file) if not os.path.isfile (node_image): raise PLCAPIError,"Unexpected location of build.sh output - %s"%node_image # handle result if filename: ret=os.system("mv %s %s"%(node_image,filename)) if ret != 0: self.trash.append(node_image) self.cleantrash() raise PLCAPIError, "Could not move node image %s into %s"%(node_image,filename) self.cleantrash() return filename else: result = file(node_image).read() self.trash.append(node_image) self.cleantrash() return base64.b64encode(result) except: self.cleantrash() raise # we're done here, or we missed something raise PLCAPIError,'Unhandled action %s'%action