# # Marta Carbone - UniPi # $Id$ # # This class requires the rpm package containing # the picobsd image to be installed # on the Central Site system. # import base64 import os import datetime from PLC.Faults import * # faults library from PLC.Method import Method # base class for methods from PLC.Parameter import Parameter # use the Parameter wrapper from PLC.Auth import Auth # import the Auth parameter from PLC.Nodes import * # nodes functions from PLC.Methods.GetBootMedium import compute_key # key generation function from PLC.Accessors.Accessors_dummynetbox import * # import dummynet accessors WORK_DIR = "/var/tmp/DummynetBoxMedium" BASE_IMAGE = "/usr/share/dummynet/picobsd" class GetDummyBoxMedium(Method): """ This method is used to fetch a boot image for the DummyNetBox with its configuration file embedded. Every time this method is called, a new key is generated in the configuration file, SO THIS OPERATION WILL INVALIDATE ANY PREVIOUSLY DUMMYNETBOX BOOT MEDIUM. This method updates the key fields in the database. It returns a base64-encoded boot image. """ # I added the session role, because this method should be called from the web roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'tech', 'session'] accepts = [ Auth(), Parameter(int, "The dummybox_id"), Parameter(str, "The image type (bin or iso)") ] returns = Parameter(str, "DummynetBox boot medium") # XXX add checks for picobsd.bin existence # Generate a new configuration file in the working directory # input parameters follows: # self is used to access instance data, # dummybox is the dummybox_id, # new_key is the new generated key, # configfile is the output file of the configuration. def generate_conf_file(self, dummybox, new_key, configfile): # Generate the dummynet box configuration file today = datetime.date.today() file = "" file += "# This is the dummynetbox configuration file\n" file += "# and was generated on %s\n" % str(today) host_domain = dummybox['hostname'] host_domain = host_domain.split('.', 1) file += 'HOST_NAME="%s"\n' % host_domain[0] file += 'DOMAIN_NAME="%s"\n' % host_domain[1] file += 'IP_ADDRESS="%s"\n' % dummybox['ip'] file += 'IP_NETMASK="%s"\n' % dummybox['netmask'] file += 'IP_GATEWAY="%s"\n' % dummybox['gateway'] file += 'IP_DNS1="%s"\n' % dummybox['dns1'] file += 'IP_DNS2="%s"\n' % dummybox['dns2'] file += 'DUMMYBOX_ID="%s"\n' % dummybox['node_id'] file += 'DUMMYBOX_KEY="%s"\n' % new_key file += 'CS_IP="%s"\n' % self.api.config.PLC_API_HOST # write the configuration file # WORK_DIR must be writable FILE = open(configfile, "w") FILE.write(file) FILE.close() return # Here starts the execution of the call def call(self, auth, dummybox_id, type): # check for dummynet box existence and get dummyboxes information dummybox_info = Nodes(self.api, {'node_id':dummybox_id, 'node_type':'dummynet'}, \ ['hostname', 'interface_ids']) if dummybox_id != None and not dummybox_info: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such DummyBox %s" % dummybox_id # Get the dummynet box hostname dummybox_hostname = dummybox_info[0]['hostname'] print "dummybox hostname %s" % dummybox_hostname # get the node interface, if configured interfaces = Interfaces(self.api, dummybox_info[0]['interface_ids']) for i in interfaces: if i['is_primary']: interface_info = i break if not interface_info: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No primary network configured on %s" % dummybox_hostname dummybox = interface_info dummybox['hostname']=dummybox_hostname # Select the base image, default to bin image if type != 'iso': type="bin" IMAGE_NAME = str(WORK_DIR) + "/dummybox_" + dummybox_hostname + str(type) BASE_IMAGE = "/usr/share/dummynet/picobsd." + str(type) configfile = WORK_DIR + '/dummybox.conf' lockfile = WORK_DIR + '/lockfile' # Permission checks assert self.caller is not None # Start the generation of the image # Generate a new key new_key = compute_key() # create working dir and lock file for concurrent runs if not os.path.exists(WORK_DIR): print "Creating working directory %s" % WORK_DIR os.mkdir(WORK_DIR) if os.path.exists(lockfile): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Lockfile %s exist, try again " % lockfile else: print "Executing "+"touch %s" % lockfile os.system("touch %s" % lockfile) # generate the configuration file conf_file = self.generate_conf_file(dummybox, new_key, configfile) # build the shell script to customize the dummynetbox image # copy the raw file and find the configuration file position shell_script = "(cp %s %s; export MATCH=`grep -abo START_USER_DATA %s | cut -d: -f1`; " \ % (BASE_IMAGE, IMAGE_NAME, IMAGE_NAME) # set permission file shell_script += " chmod u+w %s; chmod u+w %s; " % (IMAGE_NAME, configfile) # cat the configuration file in the raw image shell_script += " cat %s | dd of=%s seek=$MATCH conv=notrunc bs=1)" \ % (configfile, IMAGE_NAME) # check returned values, 0 means OK, remove the lock file os.system(shell_script) os.system("rm %s" % (lockfile)) # if all goes fine store the key in the database nodes = Nodes(self.api, dummybox_id) if not nodes: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such node %r"%node_id_or_hostname nodes[0]['key'] = new_key nodes.sync() # return the file's content base64-encoded result = file(IMAGE_NAME).read() os.unlink(IMAGE_NAME) return base64.b64encode(result)