# # Marta Carbone - UniPi # $Id: GetDummyBoxUsers.py 10410 2008-09-04 16:29:48Z marta $ # # This Method returns a list of tuples formatted as follow: # # # # and an authorized_keys file, to be used on a dummynet box. # from PLC.Method import Method # base class used to derive methods from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed # define input parameters from PLC.Auth import Auth # import the Auth parameter from PLC.Faults import * # faults library from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes # main class for Nodes from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices # main class for Slices from PLC.Keys import Key, Keys # main class for Keys from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons # main class for Persons from PLC.Interfaces import * # get the node primary ip address from PLC.NodeTags import * # get node connected to a dummynet box from PLC.Accessors.Accessors_dummynetbox import * # import dummynet accessors # authorized file delimiter string NEWFILE_MARK = "authorized_keys_mark" # Dummynet box private key KEY="/usr/share/dummynet/dbox_key" class GetDummyBoxUsers(Method): """ Return a list of information about slice, users, user keys, nodes and dummyboxes. This Methods is mean to be used by a DummyBox. Return keys, 0 if there are no users. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'node'] accepts = [ Auth(), Parameter(int, 'DummyBox id'), ] returns = Parameter(str, "DummyBox files") def call(self, auth, dummybox_id = None): """ Get information about users on nodes connected to the DummyBox. Given a dummybox_id we get the list of connected nodes For each node_id we get a list of connected slices For each slice we get a list of connected users For each user we get a list of keys that we return to the caller. """ # These variables contain some text to be used # to format the output files # port-forwarding should be denied in the main sshd configuration file ssh_command = "/home/user/dbox.cmd " ssh_configuration = ",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding " # check for dummynet box existence and get dummyboxes information dummyboxes = Nodes(self.api, {'node_id':dummybox_id, 'node_type':'dummynet'}, ['site_id']) if dummybox_id != None and not dummyboxes: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such DummyBox %s" % dummybox_id dummybox = dummyboxes[0] # this method needs authentication assert self.caller is not None # XXX check if we have rights to do this operation: # - admins can retrive all information they want, # - dummyboxes can retrive information regarding their site, # nodes and slice account present on their nodes. # Given a dummybox_id we get the list of connected nodes connected_nodes = NodeTags(self.api, {'value': dummybox_id}, ['node_id']) node_list = [] for i in connected_nodes: node_list.append(['node_id']) nodes = Nodes(self.api, node_list, ['node_id', 'hostname', 'slice_ids']) if not nodes: return 0 # Here nodes should be an array of dict with 'node_id', 'hostname' and 'slice_ids' fields user_map = "# Permission file, check here if a user can configure a link\n" # store slice-node information user_map+= "# Tuples are `owner slice_name' `hostname to reconfigure'\n" authorized_keys_dict = {} # user's keys, dictionary dbox_key_id = 0 # key_id used to identify users keys in the dummynetbox # For each node_id we get a list of connected slices for node in nodes: # list of connected slices slice_ids = node['slice_ids'] if not slice_ids: continue # For each slice we get a list of connected users for slice_id in slice_ids: # field to return slice_name = Slices(self.api, {'slice_id': slice_id}, ['name', 'person_ids']) if not slice_name: continue # Given a slice we get a list of users person_ids = slice_name[0]['person_ids'] if not person_ids: continue # For each user we get a list of keys for person_id in person_ids: # Given a user we get a list of keys person_list = Persons(self.api, {'person_id': person_id}, ['person_id','key_ids']) person = person_list[0]['person_id'] key_list = person_list[0]['key_ids'] if not key_list: continue for key_id in key_list: key = Keys(self.api, {'key_id': key_id}, ['key']) # Here we have all information we need # to build the authorized key file and # the user map file k = key[0]['key'] # split the key in type/ssh_key/comment splitted_key = k.split(' ',2) uniq_key = splitted_key[0]+" "+splitted_key[1] # retrieve/create a unique dbox_key_id for this ssh_key if authorized_keys_dict.has_key(uniq_key): dbox_key_id = authorized_keys_dict[uniq_key] else: dbox_key_id+=1 authorized_keys_dict.update({uniq_key : dbox_key_id}) # get the node ip address nodenetworks = Interfaces(self.api, \ {'node_id':node['node_id'], 'is_primary':'t'}, ['ip']) # append user and slice data to the user_map file item = str(dbox_key_id) item +=" " + str(nodenetworks[0]['ip']) item +=" " + str(slice_name[0]['name']) + "\n" user_map += item # format change for authorized_keys dict authorized_keys_file="" authorized_keys_file += "# generated automatically by GetUsersUpdate.py on the Central Site\n"; authorized_keys_file += "# format file:\n"; authorized_keys_file += '# command="command key_id $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND",ssh_options key_type key comment\n' authorized_keys_file += "# where command, key_id and ssh_options are filled by the Central Site script\n" authorized_keys_file += "# and $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND is the command line inserted by the node\n" authorized_keys_file += "\n"; # read the central site key # the dummynet public key is located under KEY try: pub_key=KEY+".pub" dbox_key_file = open(pub_key, 'r') dbox_key = dbox_key_file.readline() # upload the central site public key, used to # send plcapi commands to the central site # we use the special key_index = 0 value authorized_keys_file += "# The Central Site key, it allows to jump some checks on the dbox\n" authorized_keys_file += "command=\"" + ssh_command + "0"; authorized_keys_file += " $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\"" + ssh_configuration + dbox_key + "\n" dbox_key_file.close() except: authorized_keys_file += "# The Central Site public key not found, this dummynet box\n"; authorized_keys_file += "# will not accept configuration request coming from the Central Site\n"; authorized_keys_file += "\n"; # upload the users keys for i in authorized_keys_dict: # index of the key key_index = str(authorized_keys_dict[i]) # create the dummynet box command authorized_keys_file += "command=\"" + ssh_command + key_index; authorized_keys_file += " $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\"" + ssh_configuration + str(i) + "\n" return user_map+NEWFILE_MARK+"\n"+authorized_keys_file