import time from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.NodeNetworks import NodeNetwork, NodeNetworks from PLC.NodeGroups import NodeGroup, NodeGroups from PLC.ConfFiles import ConfFile, ConfFiles from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons from PLC.Keys import Key, Keys from PLC.SliceAttributes import SliceAttribute, SliceAttributes class GetSlivers(Method): """ Returns an array of structs representing slivers (slices bound to nodes). If node_id_or_hostname_list is specified, only slivers bound to the specified nodes are queried. All of the information returned by this call can be gathered from other calls, e.g. GetNodes, GetNodeNetworks, GetSlices, etc. This function exists primarily for the benefit of Node Manager and Federation Manager. """ roles = ['admin'] accepts = [ Auth(), [Mixed(Node.fields['node_id'], Node.fields['hostname'])] ] returns = [{ 'timestamp': Parameter(int, "Timestamp of this call, in seconds since UNIX epoch"), 'node_id': Node.fields['node_id'], 'hostname': Node.fields['hostname'], 'boot_state': Node.fields['boot_state'], 'networks': [NodeNetwork.fields], 'groups': [NodeGroup.fields['name']], 'conf_files': [ConfFile.fields], 'slivers': [{ 'name': Slice.fields['name'], 'slice_id': Slice.fields['slice_id'], 'instantiation': Slice.fields['instantiation'], 'expires': Slice.fields['expires'], 'keys': [{ 'key_type': Key.fields['key_type'], 'key': Key.fields['key'] }], 'attributes': [{ 'name': SliceAttribute.fields['name'], 'value': SliceAttribute.fields['value'] }] }] }] def call(self, auth, node_id_or_hostname_list = None): timestamp = int(time.time()) all_nodes = Nodes(self.api, node_id_or_hostname_list) nodenetwork_ids = set() nodegroup_ids = set() conf_file_ids = set() slice_ids = set() for node_id, node in all_nodes.iteritems(): nodenetwork_ids.update(node['nodenetwork_ids']) nodegroup_ids.update(node['nodegroup_ids']) conf_file_ids.update(node['conf_file_ids']) slice_ids.update(node['slice_ids']) # Get nodenetwork information if nodenetwork_ids: all_nodenetworks = NodeNetworks(self.api, nodenetwork_ids) else: all_nodenetworks = {} # Get node group information if nodegroup_ids: all_nodegroups = NodeGroups(self.api, nodegroup_ids) for nodegroup_id, nodegroup in all_nodegroups.iteritems(): conf_file_ids.update(nodegroup['conf_file_ids']) else: all_nodegroups = {} # Get configuration files if conf_file_ids: all_conf_files = ConfFiles(self.api, conf_file_ids) else: all_conf_files = {} if slice_ids: # Get slices all_slices = Slices(self.api, slice_ids) person_ids = set() slice_attribute_ids = set() for slice_id, slice in all_slices.iteritems(): person_ids.update(slice['person_ids']) slice_attribute_ids.update(slice['slice_attribute_ids']) # Get user accounts all_persons = Persons(self.api, person_ids) key_ids = set() for person_id, person in all_persons.iteritems(): key_ids.update(person['key_ids']) # Get user account keys all_keys = Keys(self.api, key_ids) # Get slice attributes all_slice_attributes = SliceAttributes(self.api, slice_attribute_ids) nodes = [] for node_id, node in all_nodes.iteritems(): networks = [all_nodenetworks[nodenetwork_id] for nodenetwork_id in node['nodenetwork_ids']] nodegroups = [all_nodegroups[nodegroup_id] for nodegroup_id in node['nodegroup_ids']] groups = [nodegroup['name'] for nodegroup in nodegroups] # If a node belongs to multiple node # groups for which the same configuration file is defined, # it is undefined which one takes precedence. conf_files = {} for nodegroup in nodegroups: for conf_file in map(lambda id: all_conf_files[id], nodegroup['conf_file_ids']): conf_files[conf_file['dest']] = conf_file # Node configuration files always take precedence over # node group configuration files. for conf_file in map(lambda id: all_conf_files[id], node['conf_file_ids']): conf_files[conf_file['dest']] = conf_file slivers = [] for slice in map(lambda id: all_slices[id], node['slice_ids']): keys = [] for person in map(lambda id: all_persons[id], slice['person_ids']): keys += [{'key_type': all_keys[key_id]['key_type'], 'key': all_keys[key_id]['key']} \ for key_id in person['key_ids']] attributes = {} for slice_attribute in map(lambda id: all_slice_attributes[id], slice['slice_attribute_ids']): # Per-node sliver attributes (slice attributes # with non-null node_id fields) take precedence # over global slice attributes. if not attributes.has_key(slice_attribute['name']) or \ slice_attribute['node_id'] is not None: attributes[slice_attribute['name']] = { 'name': slice_attribute['name'], 'value': slice_attribute['value'] } slivers.append({ 'name': slice['name'], 'slice_id': slice['slice_id'], 'instantiation': slice['instantiation'], 'expires': slice['expires'], 'keys': keys, 'attributes': attributes.values() }) nodes.append({ 'timestamp': timestamp, 'node_id': node['node_id'], 'hostname': node['hostname'], 'networks': networks, 'groups': groups, 'conf_files': conf_files.values(), 'slivers': slivers }) return nodes