import time from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.Interfaces import Interface, Interfaces from PLC.NodeGroups import NodeGroup, NodeGroups from PLC.ConfFiles import ConfFile, ConfFiles from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons from PLC.Sites import Sites from PLC.Roles import Roles from PLC.Keys import Key, Keys from PLC.SliceTags import SliceTag, SliceTags from PLC.InitScripts import InitScript, InitScripts from PLC.Leases import Lease, Leases from PLC.Timestamp import Duration from PLC.Methods.GetSliceFamily import GetSliceFamily from PLC.Accessors.Accessors_standard import * # XXX used to check if slice expiration time is sane MAXINT = 2L**31-1 # slice_filter essentially contains the slice_ids for the relevant slices (on the node + system & delegated slices) def get_slivers(api, caller, auth, slice_filter, node = None): # Get slice information slices = Slices(api, slice_filter, ['slice_id', 'name', 'instantiation', 'expires', 'person_ids', 'slice_tag_ids']) # Build up list of users and slice attributes person_ids = set() slice_tag_ids = set() for slice in slices: person_ids.update(slice['person_ids']) slice_tag_ids.update(slice['slice_tag_ids']) # Get user information all_persons = Persons(api, {'person_id':person_ids,'enabled':True}, ['person_id', 'enabled', 'key_ids']).dict() # Build up list of keys key_ids = set() for person in all_persons.values(): key_ids.update(person['key_ids']) # Get user account keys all_keys = Keys(api, key_ids, ['key_id', 'key', 'key_type']).dict() # Get slice attributes all_slice_tags = SliceTags(api, slice_tag_ids).dict() slivers = [] for slice in slices: keys = [] for person_id in slice['person_ids']: if person_id in all_persons: person = all_persons[person_id] if not person['enabled']: continue for key_id in person['key_ids']: if key_id in all_keys: key = all_keys[key_id] keys += [{'key_type': key['key_type'], 'key': key['key']}] attributes = [] # All (per-node and global) attributes for this slice slice_tags = [] for slice_tag_id in slice['slice_tag_ids']: if slice_tag_id in all_slice_tags: slice_tags.append(all_slice_tags[slice_tag_id]) # Per-node sliver attributes take precedence over global # slice attributes, so set them first. # Then comes nodegroup slice attributes # Followed by global slice attributes sliver_attributes = [] if node is not None: for sliver_attribute in [ a for a in slice_tags if a['node_id'] == node['node_id'] ]: sliver_attributes.append(sliver_attribute['tagname']) attributes.append({'tagname': sliver_attribute['tagname'], 'value': sliver_attribute['value']}) # set nodegroup slice attributes for slice_tag in [ a for a in slice_tags if a['nodegroup_id'] in node['nodegroup_ids'] ]: # Do not set any nodegroup slice attributes for # which there is at least one sliver attribute # already set. if slice_tag not in slice_tags: attributes.append({'tagname': slice_tag['tagname'], 'value': slice_tag['value']}) for slice_tag in [ a for a in slice_tags if a['node_id'] is None ]: # Do not set any global slice attributes for # which there is at least one sliver attribute # already set. if slice_tag['tagname'] not in sliver_attributes: attributes.append({'tagname': slice_tag['tagname'], 'value': slice_tag['value']}) # XXX Sanity check; though technically this should be a system invariant # checked with an assertion if slice['expires'] > MAXINT: slice['expires']= MAXINT # expose the slice vref as computed by GetSliceFamily family = GetSliceFamily (api,caller).call(auth, slice['slice_id']) slivers.append({ 'name': slice['name'], 'slice_id': slice['slice_id'], 'instantiation': slice['instantiation'], 'expires': slice['expires'], 'keys': keys, 'attributes': attributes, 'GetSliceFamily': family, }) return slivers ### The pickle module, used in conjunction with caching has a restriction that it does not ### work on "connection objects." It doesn't matter if the connection object has ### an 'str' or 'repr' method, there is a taint check that throws an exception if ### the pickled class is found to derive from a connection. ### (To be moved to def sanitize_for_pickle (obj): if (isinstance(obj, dict)): parent = dict(obj) for k in parent.keys(): parent[k] = sanitize_for_pickle (parent[k]) return parent elif (isinstance(obj, list)): parent = list(obj) parent = map(sanitize_for_pickle, parent) return parent else: return obj class GetSlivers(Method): """ Returns a struct containing information about the specified node (or calling node, if called by a node and node_id_or_hostname is not specified), including the current set of slivers bound to the node. All of the information returned by this call can be gathered from other calls, e.g. GetNodes, GetInterfaces, GetSlices, etc. This function exists almost solely for the benefit of Node Manager. """ roles = ['admin', 'node'] accepts = [ Auth(), Mixed(Node.fields['node_id'], Node.fields['hostname']), ] returns = { 'timestamp': Parameter(int, "Timestamp of this call, in seconds since UNIX epoch"), 'node_id': Node.fields['node_id'], 'hostname': Node.fields['hostname'], 'interfaces': [Interface.fields], 'groups': [NodeGroup.fields['groupname']], 'conf_files': [ConfFile.fields], 'initscripts': [InitScript.fields], 'accounts': [{ 'name': Parameter(str, "unix style account name", max = 254), 'keys': [{ 'key_type': Key.fields['key_type'], 'key': Key.fields['key'] }], }], 'slivers': [{ 'name': Slice.fields['name'], 'slice_id': Slice.fields['slice_id'], 'instantiation': Slice.fields['instantiation'], 'expires': Slice.fields['expires'], 'keys': [{ 'key_type': Key.fields['key_type'], 'key': Key.fields['key'] }], 'attributes': [{ 'tagname': SliceTag.fields['tagname'], 'value': SliceTag.fields['value'] }] }], # how to reach the xmpp server 'xmpp': {'server':Parameter(str,"hostname for the XMPP server"), 'user':Parameter(str,"username for the XMPP server"), 'password':Parameter(str,"username for the XMPP server"), }, # we consider three policies (reservation-policy) # none : the traditional way to use a node # lease_or_idle : 0 or 1 slice runs at a given time # lease_or_shared : 1 slice is running during a lease, otherwise all the slices come back 'reservation_policy': Parameter(str,"one among none, lease_or_idle, lease_or_shared"), 'leases': [ { 'slice_id' : Lease.fields['slice_id'], 't_from' : Lease.fields['t_from'], 't_until' : Lease.fields['t_until'], }], } def call(self, auth, node_id_or_hostname = None): return self.raw_call(auth, node_id_or_hostname) def raw_call(self, auth, node_id_or_hostname): timestamp = int(time.time()) # Get node if node_id_or_hostname is None: if isinstance(self.caller, Node): node = self.caller else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "'node_id_or_hostname' not specified" else: nodes = Nodes(self.api, [node_id_or_hostname]) if not nodes: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such node" node = nodes[0] if node['peer_id'] is not None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Not a local node" # Get interface information interfaces = Interfaces(self.api, node['interface_ids']) # Get node group information nodegroups = NodeGroups(self.api, node['nodegroup_ids']).dict('groupname') groups = nodegroups.keys() # Get all (enabled) configuration files all_conf_files = ConfFiles(self.api, {'enabled': True}).dict() conf_files = {} # Global configuration files are the default. If multiple # entries for the same global configuration file exist, it is # undefined which one takes precedence. for conf_file in all_conf_files.values(): if not conf_file['node_ids'] and not conf_file['nodegroup_ids']: conf_files[conf_file['dest']] = conf_file # Node group configuration files take precedence over global # ones. If a node belongs to multiple node groups for which # the same configuration file is defined, it is undefined # which one takes precedence. for nodegroup in nodegroups.values(): for conf_file_id in nodegroup['conf_file_ids']: if conf_file_id in all_conf_files: conf_file = all_conf_files[conf_file_id] conf_files[conf_file['dest']] = conf_file # Node configuration files take precedence over node group # configuration files. for conf_file_id in node['conf_file_ids']: if conf_file_id in all_conf_files: conf_file = all_conf_files[conf_file_id] conf_files[conf_file['dest']] = conf_file # Get all (enabled) initscripts initscripts = InitScripts(self.api, {'enabled': True}) # Get system slices system_slice_tags = SliceTags(self.api, {'tagname': 'system', 'value': '1'}).dict('slice_id') system_slice_ids = system_slice_tags.keys() # Get nm-controller slices # xxx Thierry: should these really be exposed regardless of their mapping to nodes ? controller_and_delegated_slices = Slices(self.api, {'instantiation': ['nm-controller', 'delegated']}, ['slice_id']).dict('slice_id') controller_and_delegated_slice_ids = controller_and_delegated_slices.keys() slice_ids = system_slice_ids + controller_and_delegated_slice_ids + node['slice_ids'] slivers = get_slivers(self.api, self.caller, auth, slice_ids, node) # get the special accounts and keys needed for the node # root # site_admin accounts = [] if False and 'site_id' not in node: nodes = Nodes(self.api, node['node_id']) node = nodes[0] # used in conjunction with reduce to flatten lists, like in # reduce ( reduce_flatten_list, [ [1] , [2,3] ], []) => [ 1,2,3 ] def reduce_flatten_list (x,y): return x+y # power users are pis and techs def get_site_power_user_keys(api,site_id_or_name): site = Sites (api,site_id_or_name,['person_ids'])[0] key_ids = reduce (reduce_flatten_list, [ p['key_ids'] for p in \ Persons(api,{ 'person_id':site['person_ids'], 'enabled':True, '|role_ids' : [20, 40] }, ['key_ids']) ], []) return [ key['key'] for key in Keys (api, key_ids) if key['key_type']=='ssh'] # all admins regardless of their site def get_all_admin_keys(api): key_ids = reduce (reduce_flatten_list, [ p['key_ids'] for p in \ Persons(api, {'peer_id':None, 'enabled':True, '|role_ids':[10] }, ['key_ids']) ], []) return [ key['key'] for key in Keys (api, key_ids) if key['key_type']=='ssh'] # 'site_admin' account setup personsitekeys=get_site_power_user_keys(self.api,node['site_id']) accounts.append({'name':'site_admin','keys':personsitekeys}) # 'root' account setup on nodes from all 'admin' users personsitekeys=get_all_admin_keys(self.api) accounts.append({'name':'root','keys':personsitekeys}) hrn = GetNodeHrn(self.api,self.caller).call(auth,node['node_id']) # XMPP config for omf federation try: if not self.api.config.PLC_OMF_ENABLED: raise Exception,"OMF disabled" xmpp={'server':self.api.config.PLC_OMF_XMPP_SERVER, 'user':self.api.config.PLC_OMF_XMPP_USER, 'password':self.api.config.PLC_OMF_XMPP_PASSWORD, } except: xmpp={'server':None,'user':None,'password':None} node.update_last_contact() # expose leases & reservation policy # in a first implementation we only support none and lease_or_idle lease_exposed_fields = [ 'slice_id', 't_from', 't_until', 'name', ] leases=None if node['node_type'] != 'reservable': reservation_policy='none' else: reservation_policy='lease_or_idle' # expose the leases for the next 24 hours leases = [ dict ( [ (k,l[k]) for k in lease_exposed_fields ] ) for l in Leases (self.api, {'node_id':node['node_id'], 'clip': (timestamp, timestamp+24*Duration.HOUR), '-SORT': 't_from', }) ] granularity=self.api.config.PLC_RESERVATION_GRANULARITY raw_data = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'node_id': node['node_id'], 'hostname': node['hostname'], 'interfaces': interfaces, 'groups': groups, 'conf_files': conf_files.values(), 'initscripts': initscripts, 'slivers': slivers, 'accounts': accounts, 'xmpp':xmpp, 'hrn':hrn, 'reservation_policy': reservation_policy, 'leases':leases, 'lease_granularity': granularity, } sanitized_data = sanitize_for_pickle (raw_data) return sanitized_data