# $Id: UnBindObjectFromPeer.py 14587 2009-07-19 13:18:50Z thierry $ # $URL: svn+ssh://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/PLCAPI/trunk/PLC/Methods/BindObjectToPeer.py $ from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Persons import Persons from PLC.Sites import Sites from PLC.Nodes import Nodes from PLC.Slices import Slices from PLC.Keys import Keys from PLC.Peers import Peers from PLC.Faults import * class UnBindObjectFromPeer(Method): """ This method is a hopefully temporary hack to let the sfa correctly detach the objects it creates from a remote peer object. This is needed so that the sfa federation link can work in parallel with RefreshPeer, as RefreshPeer depends on remote objects being correctly marked. UnBindObjectFromPeer is allowed to admins only. """ roles = ['admin'] known_types = ['site','person','slice','node','key'] types_doc = ",".join(["'%s'"%type for type in known_types]) accepts = [ Auth(), Parameter(str,"Object type, among "+types_doc), Parameter(int,"object_id"), Parameter(str,"peer shortname"), Parameter(int,"remote object_id, set to 0 if unknown"), ] returns = Parameter (int, '1 if successful') def locate_object (self, object_type, object_id): # locate e.g. the Nodes symbol class_obj = globals()[object_type.capitalize()+'s'] id_name=object_type+'_id' # invoke e.g. Nodes ({'node_id':node_id}) objs=class_obj(self.api,{id_name:object_id}) if len(objs) != 1: raise PLCInvalidArgument,"Cannot locate object, type=%s id=%d"%\ (type,object_id) return objs[0] def call(self, auth, object_type, object_id, shortname): object_type = object_type.lower() if object_type not in self.known_types: raise PLCInvalidArgument, 'Unrecognized object type %s'%object_type peers=Peers(self.api,{'shortname':shortname.upper()}) if len(peers) !=1: raise PLCInvalidArgument, 'No such peer with shortname %s'%shortname peer=peers[0] object = self.locate_object (object_type, object_id) remover_name = 'remove_'+object_type remove_function = getattr(type(peer),remover_name) remove_function(peer,object) return 1