from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Method import Method from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Timestamp import Timestamp, Duration from PLC.Leases import Lease, Leases from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices can_update = lambda (field, value): field in ['t_from', 't_until', 'duration'] class UpdateLeases(Method): """ Updates the parameters of a (set of) existing lease(s) with the values in lease_fields; specifically this applies to the timeslot definition. As a convenience you may, in addition to the t_from and t_until fields, you can also set the 'duration' field. Users may only update leases attached to their slices. PIs may update any of the leases for slices at their sites, or any slices of which they are members. Admins may update any lease. Returns a dict of successfully updated lease_ids and error messages. """ roles = ['admin', 'pi', 'tech', 'user'] lease_fields = dict(filter(can_update, Lease.fields.items())) accepts = [ Auth(), Mixed (Lease.fields['lease_id'], [Lease.fields['lease_id']]), lease_fields ] returns = Parameter(dict, " 'updated_ids' is the list ids updated, 'errors' is a list of error strings") debug=False # debug=True def call(self, auth, lease_ids, input_fields): input_fields = dict(filter(can_update, input_fields.items())) if 'duration' in input_fields: if 't_from' in input_fields and 't_until' in input_fields: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Cannot set t_from AND t_until AND duration" # specify 'duration':0 to keep duration unchanged if input_fields['duration'] : input_fields['duration']=Duration.validate(input_fields['duration']) # Get lease information leases = Leases(self.api, lease_ids) if not leases: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such leases %r"%lease_ids # fetch related slices slices = Slices(self.api, [ lease['slice_id'] for lease in leases],['slice_id','person_ids']) # create hash on slice_id slice_map = dict ( [ (slice['slice_id'],slice) for slice in slices ] ) updated_ids=[] errors=[] lease_ids=[lease['lease_id'] for lease in leases] for lease in leases: if 'admin' not in self.caller['roles']: slice=slice_map[lease['slice_id']] # check slices only once if not slice.has_key('verified'): if self.caller['person_id'] in slice['person_ids']: pass elif 'pi' not in self.caller['roles']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Not a member of slice %r"%slice['name'] elif slice['site_id'] not in self.caller['site_ids']: raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Slice %r not associated with any of your sites"%slice['name'] slice['verified']=True try: # we've ruled out already the case where all 3 (from, to, duration) where specified if 'duration' not in input_fields: lease_fields=input_fields else: # all arithmetics on longs.. duration=Duration.validate(input_fields['duration']) # specify 'duration':0 to keep duration unchanged if not duration: duration = Timestamp.cast_long(lease['t_until'])-Timestamp.cast_long(lease['t_from']) if 't_from' in input_fields: lease_fields={'t_from':input_fields['t_from'], 't_until':Timestamp.cast_long(input_fields['from'])+duration} elif 't_until' in input_fields: lease_fields={'t_from':Timestamp.cast_long(input_fields['t_until'])-duration, 't_until':input_fields['t_until']} else: lease_fields={'t_until':Timestamp.cast_long(lease['t_from'])+duration} if UpdateLeases.debug: print 'lease_fields',lease_fields for k in [ 't_from', 't_until'] : if k in lease_fields: print k,'aka',Timestamp.sql_validate_utc(lease_fields[k]) lease.update(lease_fields) lease.sync() updated_ids.append(lease['lease_id']) except Exception,e: errors.append("Could not update lease %d - check new time limits ? -- %r"%(lease['lease_id'],e)) # Logging variables self.event_objects = {'Lease': updated_ids} self.message = 'lease %r updated: %s' % (lease_ids, ", ".join(input_fields.keys())) return {'updated_ids' : updated_ids, 'errors' : errors }