import sys import xmlrpc.client from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Method import Method class multicall(Method): """ Process an array of calls, and return an array of results. Calls should be structs of the form {'methodName': string, 'params': array} Each result will either be a single-item array containg the result value, or a struct of the form {'faultCode': int, 'faultString': string} This is useful when you need to make lots of small calls without lots of round trips. """ roles = [] accepts = [[{'methodName': Parameter(str, "Method name"), 'params': Parameter(list, "Method arguments")}]] returns = Mixed([Mixed()], {'faultCode': Parameter(int, "XML-RPC fault code"), 'faultString': Parameter(int, "XML-RPC fault detail")}) def __init__(self, api): Method.__init__(self, api) = "system.multicall" def call(self, calls): # Some error codes, borrowed from xmlrpc-c. REQUEST_REFUSED_ERROR = -507 results = [] for call in calls: try: name = call['methodName'] params = call['params'] if name == 'system.multicall': errmsg = "Recursive system.multicall forbidden" raise xmlrpc.client.Fault(REQUEST_REFUSED_ERROR, errmsg) result = [, name, *params)] except xmlrpc.client.Fault as fault: result = {'faultCode': fault.faultCode, 'faultString': fault.faultString} except: errmsg = "%s:%s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) result = {'faultCode': 1, 'faultString': errmsg} results.append(result) return results