# # Functions for interacting with the nodes table in the database # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id$ # from types import StringTypes import re from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Debug import profile from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.NodeTypes import NodeTypes from PLC.BootStates import BootStates from PLC.Interfaces import Interface, Interfaces def valid_hostname(hostname): # 1. Each part begins and ends with a letter or number. # 2. Each part except the last can contain letters, numbers, or hyphens. # 3. Each part is between 1 and 64 characters, including the trailing dot. # 4. At least two parts. # 5. Last part can only contain between 2 and 6 letters. good_hostname = r'^([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+' \ r'[a-z]{2,6}$' return hostname and \ re.match(good_hostname, hostname, re.IGNORECASE) class Node(Row): """ Representation of a row in the nodes table. To use, optionally instantiate with a dict of values. Update as you would a dict. Commit to the database with sync(). """ table_name = 'nodes' primary_key = 'node_id' join_tables = [ 'slice_node', 'peer_node', 'slice_tag', 'node_session', 'node_slice_whitelist', 'node_tag', 'conf_file_node', 'pcu_node', ] fields = { 'node_id': Parameter(int, "Node identifier"), 'node_type': Parameter(str,"Node type",max=20), 'hostname': Parameter(str, "Fully qualified hostname", max = 255), 'site_id': Parameter(int, "Site at which this node is located"), 'boot_state': Parameter(str, "Boot state", max = 20), 'model': Parameter(str, "Make and model of the actual machine", max = 255, nullok = True), 'boot_nonce': Parameter(str, "(Admin only) Random value generated by the node at last boot", max = 128), 'version': Parameter(str, "Apparent Boot CD version", max = 64), 'ssh_rsa_key': Parameter(str, "Last known SSH host key", max = 1024), 'date_created': Parameter(int, "Date and time when node entry was created", ro = True), 'last_updated': Parameter(int, "Date and time when node entry was created", ro = True), 'last_contact': Parameter(int, "Date and time when node last contacted plc", ro = True), 'key': Parameter(str, "(Admin only) Node key", max = 256), 'session': Parameter(str, "(Admin only) Node session value", max = 256, ro = True), 'interface_ids': Parameter([int], "List of network interfaces that this node has"), 'conf_file_ids': Parameter([int], "List of configuration files specific to this node"), # 'root_person_ids': Parameter([int], "(Admin only) List of people who have root access to this node"), 'slice_ids': Parameter([int], "List of slices on this node"), 'slice_ids_whitelist': Parameter([int], "List of slices allowed on this node"), 'pcu_ids': Parameter([int], "List of PCUs that control this node"), 'ports': Parameter([int], "List of PCU ports that this node is connected to"), 'peer_id': Parameter(int, "Peer to which this node belongs", nullok = True), 'peer_node_id': Parameter(int, "Foreign node identifier at peer", nullok = True), 'tag_ids' : Parameter ([int], "List of tags attached to this node"), 'nodegroup_ids': Parameter([int], "List of node groups that this node is in"), } related_fields = { 'interfaces': [Mixed(Parameter(int, "Interface identifier"), Filter(Interface.fields))], 'conf_files': [Parameter(int, "ConfFile identifier")], 'slices': [Mixed(Parameter(int, "Slice identifier"), Parameter(str, "Slice name"))], 'slices_whitelist': [Mixed(Parameter(int, "Slice identifier"), Parameter(str, "Slice name"))] } view_tags_name = "view_node_tags" # tags declared here should also be defined as Accessors to ensure that the TagType is created # type info not used yet tags = { # regular nodes 'arch': str, 'pldistro' : str, 'deployment': str, # dummynet nodes } def validate_hostname(self, hostname): if not valid_hostname(hostname): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid hostname" conflicts = Nodes(self.api, [hostname]) for node in conflicts: if 'node_id' not in self or self['node_id'] != node['node_id']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Hostname already in use" return hostname def validate_node_type(self, node_type): node_types = [row['node_type'] for row in NodeTypes(self.api)] if node_type not in node_types: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid node type %r"%node_type return node_type def validate_boot_state(self, boot_state): boot_states = [row['boot_state'] for row in BootStates(self.api)] if boot_state not in boot_states: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid boot state %r"%boot_state return boot_state validate_date_created = Row.validate_timestamp validate_last_updated = Row.validate_timestamp validate_last_contact = Row.validate_timestamp def update_last_contact(self, commit = True): """ Update last_contact field with current time """ assert 'node_id' in self assert self.table_name self.api.db.do("UPDATE %s SET last_contact = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " % (self.table_name) + \ " where node_id = %d" % ( self['node_id']) ) self.sync(commit) def update_last_updated(self, commit = True): """ Update last_updated field with current time """ assert 'node_id' in self assert self.table_name self.api.db.do("UPDATE %s SET last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " % (self.table_name) + \ " where node_id = %d" % (self['node_id']) ) self.sync(commit) def associate_interfaces(self, auth, field, value): """ Delete interfaces not found in value list (using DeleteInterface) Add interfaces found in value list (using AddInterface) Updates interfaces found w/ interface_id in value list (using UpdateInterface) """ assert 'interface_ids' in self assert 'node_id' in self assert isinstance(value, list) (interface_ids, blank, interfaces) = self.separate_types(value) if self['interface_ids'] != interface_ids: from PLC.Methods.DeleteInterface import DeleteInterface stale_interfaces = set(self['interface_ids']).difference(interface_ids) for stale_interface in stale_interfaces: DeleteInterface.__call__(DeleteInterface(self.api), auth, stale_interface['interface_id']) def associate_conf_files(self, auth, field, value): """ Add conf_files found in value list (AddConfFileToNode) Delets conf_files not found in value list (DeleteConfFileFromNode) """ assert 'conf_file_ids' in self assert 'node_id' in self assert isinstance(value, list) conf_file_ids = self.separate_types(value)[0] if self['conf_file_ids'] != conf_file_ids: from PLC.Methods.AddConfFileToNode import AddConfFileToNode from PLC.Methods.DeleteConfFileFromNode import DeleteConfFileFromNode new_conf_files = set(conf_file_ids).difference(self['conf_file_ids']) stale_conf_files = set(self['conf_file_ids']).difference(conf_file_ids) for new_conf_file in new_conf_files: AddConfFileToNode.__call__(AddConfFileToNode(self.api), auth, new_conf_file, self['node_id']) for stale_conf_file in stale_conf_files: DeleteConfFileFromNode.__call__(DeleteConfFileFromNode(self.api), auth, stale_conf_file, self['node_id']) def associate_slices(self, auth, field, value): """ Add slices found in value list to (AddSliceToNode) Delete slices not found in value list (DeleteSliceFromNode) """ from PLC.Slices import Slices assert 'slice_ids' in self assert 'node_id' in self assert isinstance(value, list) (slice_ids, slice_names) = self.separate_types(value)[0:2] if slice_names: slices = Slices(self.api, slice_names, ['slice_id']).dict('slice_id') slice_ids += slices.keys() if self['slice_ids'] != slice_ids: from PLC.Methods.AddSliceToNodes import AddSliceToNodes from PLC.Methods.DeleteSliceFromNodes import DeleteSliceFromNodes new_slices = set(slice_ids).difference(self['slice_ids']) stale_slices = set(self['slice_ids']).difference(slice_ids) for new_slice in new_slices: AddSliceToNodes.__call__(AddSliceToNodes(self.api), auth, new_slice, [self['node_id']]) for stale_slice in stale_slices: DeleteSliceFromNodes.__call__(DeleteSliceFromNodes(self.api), auth, stale_slice, [self['node_id']]) def associate_slices_whitelist(self, auth, field, value): """ Add slices found in value list to whitelist (AddSliceToNodesWhitelist) Delete slices not found in value list from whitelist (DeleteSliceFromNodesWhitelist) """ from PLC.Slices import Slices assert 'slice_ids_whitelist' in self assert 'node_id' in self assert isinstance(value, list) (slice_ids, slice_names) = self.separate_types(value)[0:2] if slice_names: slices = Slices(self.api, slice_names, ['slice_id']).dict('slice_id') slice_ids += slices.keys() if self['slice_ids_whitelist'] != slice_ids: from PLC.Methods.AddSliceToNodesWhitelist import AddSliceToNodesWhitelist from PLC.Methods.DeleteSliceFromNodesWhitelist import DeleteSliceFromNodesWhitelist new_slices = set(slice_ids).difference(self['slice_ids_whitelist']) stale_slices = set(self['slice_ids_whitelist']).difference(slice_ids) for new_slice in new_slices: AddSliceToNodesWhitelist.__call__(AddSliceToNodesWhitelist(self.api), auth, new_slice, [self['node_id']]) for stale_slice in stale_slices: DeleteSliceFromNodesWhitelist.__call__(DeleteSliceFromNodesWhitelist(self.api), auth, stale_slice, [self['node_id']]) def delete(self, commit = True): """ Delete existing node. """ assert 'node_id' in self assert 'interface_ids' in self # we need to clean up InterfaceTags, so handling interfaces as part of join_tables does not work for interface in Interfaces(self.api,self['interface_ids']): interface.delete() # Clean up miscellaneous join tables for table in self.join_tables: self.api.db.do("DELETE FROM %s WHERE node_id = %d" % \ (table, self['node_id'])) # Mark as deleted self['deleted'] = True self.sync(commit) class Nodes(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the nodes table in the database. """ def __init__(self, api, node_filter = None, columns = None): Table.__init__(self, api, Node, columns) # the view that we're selecting upon: start with view_nodes view = "view_nodes" # as many left joins as requested tags for tagname in self.tag_columns: view= "%s left join %s using (%s)"%(view,Node.tagvalue_view_name(tagname),Node.primary_key) sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE deleted IS False" % \ (", ".join(self.columns.keys()+self.tag_columns.keys()),view) if node_filter is not None: if isinstance(node_filter, (list, tuple, set)): # Separate the list into integers and strings ints = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long)), node_filter) strs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, StringTypes), node_filter) node_filter = Filter(Node.fields, {'node_id': ints, 'hostname': strs}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % node_filter.sql(api, "OR") elif isinstance(node_filter, dict): allowed_fields=dict(Node.fields.items()+Node.tags.items()) node_filter = Filter(allowed_fields, node_filter) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % node_filter.sql(api, "AND") elif isinstance (node_filter, StringTypes): node_filter = Filter(Node.fields, {'hostname':[node_filter]}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % node_filter.sql(api, "AND") elif isinstance (node_filter, int): node_filter = Filter(Node.fields, {'node_id':[node_filter]}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % node_filter.sql(api, "AND") else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Wrong node filter %r"%node_filter self.selectall(sql)