# # Functions for interacting with the nodes table in the database # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: Nodes.py,v 1.33 2007/06/08 17:59:53 tmack Exp $ # from types import StringTypes import re from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Debug import profile from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.NodeNetworks import NodeNetwork, NodeNetworks from PLC.BootStates import BootStates #from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices def valid_hostname(hostname): # 1. Each part begins and ends with a letter or number. # 2. Each part except the last can contain letters, numbers, or hyphens. # 3. Each part is between 1 and 64 characters, including the trailing dot. # 4. At least two parts. # 5. Last part can only contain between 2 and 6 letters. good_hostname = r'^([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+' \ r'[a-z]{2,6}$' return hostname and \ re.match(good_hostname, hostname, re.IGNORECASE) class Node(Row): """ Representation of a row in the nodes table. To use, optionally instantiate with a dict of values. Update as you would a dict. Commit to the database with sync(). """ table_name = 'nodes' primary_key = 'node_id' join_tables = ['nodegroup_node', 'conf_file_node', 'nodenetworks', 'pcu_node', 'slice_node', 'slice_attribute', 'node_session', 'peer_node', 'node_slice_whitelist'] fields = { 'node_id': Parameter(int, "Node identifier"), 'hostname': Parameter(str, "Fully qualified hostname", max = 255), 'site_id': Parameter(int, "Site at which this node is located"), 'boot_state': Parameter(str, "Boot state", max = 20), 'model': Parameter(str, "Make and model of the actual machine", max = 255, nullok = True), 'boot_nonce': Parameter(str, "(Admin only) Random value generated by the node at last boot", max = 128), 'version': Parameter(str, "Apparent Boot CD version", max = 64), 'ssh_rsa_key': Parameter(str, "Last known SSH host key", max = 1024), 'date_created': Parameter(int, "Date and time when node entry was created", ro = True), 'last_updated': Parameter(int, "Date and time when node entry was created", ro = True), 'last_contact': Parameter(int, "Date and time when node last contacted plc", ro = True), 'key': Parameter(str, "(Admin only) Node key", max = 256), 'session': Parameter(str, "(Admin only) Node session value", max = 256, ro = True), 'nodenetwork_ids': Parameter([int], "List of network interfaces that this node has"), 'nodegroup_ids': Parameter([int], "List of node groups that this node is in"), 'conf_file_ids': Parameter([int], "List of configuration files specific to this node"), # 'root_person_ids': Parameter([int], "(Admin only) List of people who have root access to this node"), 'slice_ids': Parameter([int], "List of slices on this node"), 'slice_ids_whitelist': Parameter([int], "List of slices allowed on this node"), 'pcu_ids': Parameter([int], "List of PCUs that control this node"), 'ports': Parameter([int], "List of PCU ports that this node is connected to"), 'peer_id': Parameter(int, "Peer to which this node belongs", nullok = True), 'peer_node_id': Parameter(int, "Foreign node identifier at peer", nullok = True), } # for Cache class_key = 'hostname' foreign_fields = ['boot_state','model','version'] # forget about these ones, they are read-only anyway # handling them causes Cache to re-sync all over again # 'date_created','last_updated' foreign_xrefs = [ # in this case, we dont need the 'table' but Cache will look it up, so... {'field' : 'site_id' , 'class' : 'Site' , 'table' : 'unused-on-direct-refs' } , ] def validate_hostname(self, hostname): if not valid_hostname(hostname): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid hostname" conflicts = Nodes(self.api, [hostname]) for node in conflicts: if 'node_id' not in self or self['node_id'] != node['node_id']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Hostname already in use" return hostname def validate_boot_state(self, boot_state): boot_states = [row['boot_state'] for row in BootStates(self.api)] if boot_state not in boot_states: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid boot state" return boot_state validate_date_created = Row.validate_timestamp validate_last_updated = Row.validate_timestamp validate_last_contact = Row.validate_timestamp def update_last_contact(self, commit = True): """ Update last_contact field with current time """ assert 'node_id' in self assert self.table_name self.api.db.do("UPDATE %s SET last_contact = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " % (self.table_name) + \ " where node_id = %d" % ( self['node_id']) ) self.sync(commit) def delete(self, commit = True): """ Delete existing node. """ assert 'node_id' in self # Clean up miscellaneous join tables for table in self.join_tables: self.api.db.do("DELETE FROM %s WHERE node_id = %d" % \ (table, self['node_id'])) # Mark as deleted self['deleted'] = True self.sync(commit) class Nodes(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the nodes table in the database. """ def __init__(self, api, node_filter = None, columns = None): Table.__init__(self, api, Node, columns) sql = "SELECT %s FROM view_nodes WHERE deleted IS False" % \ ", ".join(self.columns) if node_filter is not None: if isinstance(node_filter, (list, tuple, set)): # Separate the list into integers and strings ints = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long)), node_filter) strs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, StringTypes), node_filter) node_filter = Filter(Node.fields, {'node_id': ints, 'hostname': strs}) sql += " AND (%s)" % node_filter.sql(api, "OR") elif isinstance(node_filter, dict): node_filter = Filter(Node.fields, node_filter) sql += " AND (%s)" % node_filter.sql(api, "AND") self.selectall(sql)