# # Shared type definitions # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # from types import * from PLC.Faults import * class Parameter: """ Typed value wrapper. Use in accepts and returns to document method parameters. Set the optional and default attributes for sub-parameters (i.e., dict fields). """ def __init__(self, typeval, doc = "", min = None, max = None, optional = None, ro = False, nullok = False): # Basic type of the parameter. Must be a builtin type # that can be marshalled by XML-RPC. self.type = typeval # Documentation string for the parameter self.doc = doc # Basic value checking. For numeric types, the minimum and # maximum possible values, inclusive. For string types, the # minimum and maximum possible UTF-8 encoded byte lengths. self.min = min self.max = max # Whether the sub-parameter is optional or not. If None, # unknown whether it is optional. self.optional = optional # Whether the DB field is read-only. self.ro = ro # Whether the DB field can be NULL. self.nullok = nullok def type(self): return self.type def __repr__(self): return repr(self.type) class Mixed(tuple): """ A list (technically, a tuple) of types. Use in accepts and returns to document method parameters that may return mixed types. """ def __new__(cls, *types): return tuple.__new__(cls, types) def python_type(arg): """ Returns the Python type of the specified argument, which may be a Python type, a typed value, or a Parameter. """ if isinstance(arg, Parameter): arg = arg.type if isinstance(arg, type): return arg else: return type(arg) def xmlrpc_type(arg): """ Returns the XML-RPC type of the specified argument, which may be a Python type, a typed value, or a Parameter. """ arg_type = python_type(arg) if arg_type == NoneType: return "nil" elif arg_type == IntType or arg_type == LongType: return "int" elif arg_type == bool: return "boolean" elif arg_type == FloatType: return "double" elif arg_type in StringTypes: return "string" elif arg_type == ListType or arg_type == TupleType: return "array" elif arg_type == DictType: return "struct" elif arg_type == Mixed: # Not really an XML-RPC type but return "mixed" for # documentation purposes. return "mixed" else: raise PLCAPIError("XML-RPC cannot marshal %s objects" % arg_type)