# # Functions for interacting with the persons table in the database # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: Persons.py,v 1.1 2006/09/06 15:36:07 mlhuang Exp $ # from types import StringTypes from datetime import datetime import md5 import time from random import Random import re from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Debug import profile from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.Roles import Roles from PLC.Addresses import Address, Addresses from PLC.Keys import Key, Keys from PLC import md5crypt import PLC.Sites class Person(Row): """ Representation of a row in the persons table. To use, optionally instantiate with a dict of values. Update as you would a dict. Commit to the database with flush(). """ fields = { 'person_id': Parameter(int, "Account identifier"), 'first_name': Parameter(str, "Given name"), 'last_name': Parameter(str, "Surname"), 'title': Parameter(str, "Title"), 'email': Parameter(str, "Primary e-mail address"), 'phone': Parameter(str, "Telephone number"), 'url': Parameter(str, "Home page"), 'bio': Parameter(str, "Biography"), 'accepted_aup': Parameter(bool, "Has accepted the AUP"), 'enabled': Parameter(bool, "Has been enabled"), 'deleted': Parameter(bool, "Has been deleted"), 'password': Parameter(str, "Account password in crypt() form"), 'last_updated': Parameter(str, "Date and time of last update"), 'date_created': Parameter(str, "Date and time when account was created"), } # These fields are derived from join tables and are not actually # in the persons table. join_fields = { 'role_ids': Parameter([int], "List of role identifiers"), 'roles': Parameter([str], "List of roles"), 'site_ids': Parameter([int], "List of site identifiers"), } # These fields are derived from join tables and are not returned # by default unless specified. extra_fields = { 'address_ids': Parameter([int], "List of address identifiers"), 'key_ids': Parameter([int], "List of key identifiers"), 'slice_ids': Parameter([int], "List of slice identifiers"), } default_fields = dict(fields.items() + join_fields.items()) all_fields = dict(default_fields.items() + extra_fields.items()) def __init__(self, api, fields): Row.__init__(self, fields) self.api = api def validate_email(self, email): """ Validate email address. Stolen from Mailman. """ invalid_email = PLCInvalidArgument("Invalid e-mail address") email_badchars = r'[][()<>|;^,\200-\377]' # Pretty minimal, cheesy check. We could do better... if not email or email.count(' ') > 0: raise invalid_email if re.search(email_badchars, email) or email[0] == '-': raise invalid_email email = email.lower() at_sign = email.find('@') if at_sign < 1: raise invalid_email user = email[:at_sign] rest = email[at_sign+1:] domain = rest.split('.') # This means local, unqualified addresses, are no allowed if not domain: raise invalid_email if len(domain) < 2: raise invalid_email conflicts = Persons(self.api, [email]) for person_id, person in conflicts.iteritems(): if not person['deleted'] and ('person_id' not in self or self['person_id'] != person_id): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "E-mail address already in use" return email def validate_password(self, password): """ Encrypt password if necessary before committing to the database. """ if len(password) > len(md5crypt.MAGIC) and \ password[0:len(md5crypt.MAGIC)] == md5crypt.MAGIC: return password else: # Generate a somewhat unique 2 character salt string salt = str(time.time()) + str(Random().random()) salt = md5.md5(salt).hexdigest()[:8] return md5crypt.md5crypt(password, salt) def validate_role_ids(self, role_ids): """ Ensure that the specified role_ids are all valid. """ roles = Roles(self.api) for role_id in role_ids: if role_id not in roles: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such role" return role_ids def validate_site_ids(self, site_ids): """ Ensure that the specified site_ids are all valid. """ sites = PLC.Sites.Sites(self.api, site_ids) for site_id in site_ids: if site_id not in sites: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such site" return site_ids def can_update(self, person): """ Returns true if we can update the specified person. We can update a person if: 1. We are the person. 2. We are an admin. 3. We are a PI and the person is a user or tech or at one of our sites. """ assert isinstance(person, Person) if self['person_id'] == person['person_id']: return True if 'admin' in self['roles']: return True if 'pi' in self['roles']: if set(self['site_ids']).intersection(person['site_ids']): # Can update people with higher role IDs return min(self['role_ids']) < min(person['role_ids']) return False def can_view(self, person): """ Returns true if we can view the specified person. We can view a person if: 1. We are the person. 2. We are an admin. 3. We are a PI and the person is at one of our sites. """ assert isinstance(person, Person) if self.can_update(person): return True if 'pi' in self['roles']: if set(self['site_ids']).intersection(person['site_ids']): # Can view people with equal or higher role IDs return min(self['role_ids']) <= min(person['role_ids']) return False def add_role(self, role_id, commit = True): """ Add role to existing account. """ assert 'person_id' in self person_id = self['person_id'] self.api.db.do("INSERT INTO person_roles (person_id, role_id)" \ " VALUES(%(person_id)d, %(role_id)d)", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() assert 'role_ids' in self if role_id not in self['role_ids']: self['role_ids'].append(role_id) def remove_role(self, role_id, commit = True): """ Remove role from existing account. """ assert 'person_id' in self person_id = self['person_id'] self.api.db.do("DELETE FROM person_roles" \ " WHERE person_id = %(person_id)d" \ " AND role_id = %(role_id)d", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() assert 'role_ids' in self if role_id in self['role_ids']: self['role_ids'].remove(role_id) def set_primary_site(self, site, commit = True): """ Set the primary site for an existing account. """ assert 'person_id' in self assert isinstance(site, PLC.Sites.Site) assert 'site_id' in site person_id = self['person_id'] site_id = site['site_id'] self.api.db.do("UPDATE person_site SET is_primary = False" \ " WHERE person_id = %(person_id)d", locals()) self.api.db.do("UPDATE person_site SET is_primary = True" \ " WHERE person_id = %(person_id)d" \ " AND site_id = %(site_id)d", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() assert 'site_ids' in self assert site_id in self['site_ids'] # Make sure that the primary site is first in the list self['site_ids'].remove(site_id) self['site_ids'].insert(0, site_id) def flush(self, commit = True): """ Commit changes back to the database. """ self.validate() # Fetch a new person_id if necessary if 'person_id' not in self: rows = self.api.db.selectall("SELECT NEXTVAL('persons_person_id_seq') AS person_id") if not rows: raise PLCDBError, "Unable to fetch new person_id" self['person_id'] = rows[0]['person_id'] insert = True else: insert = False # Filter out fields that cannot be set or updated directly fields = dict(filter(lambda (key, value): key in self.fields, self.items())) # Parameterize for safety keys = fields.keys() values = [self.api.db.param(key, value) for (key, value) in fields.items()] if insert: # Insert new row in persons table sql = "INSERT INTO persons (%s) VALUES (%s)" % \ (", ".join(keys), ", ".join(values)) else: # Update existing row in persons table columns = ["%s = %s" % (key, value) for (key, value) in zip(keys, values)] sql = "UPDATE persons SET " + \ ", ".join(columns) + \ " WHERE person_id = %(person_id)d" self.api.db.do(sql, fields) if commit: self.api.db.commit() def delete(self, commit = True): """ Delete existing account. """ assert 'person_id' in self # Make sure extra fields are present persons = Persons(self.api, [self['person_id']], ['address_ids', 'key_ids']) assert persons self.update(persons.values()[0]) # Delete all addresses addresses = Addresses(self.api, self['address_ids']) for address in addresses.values(): address.delete(commit = False) # Delete all keys keys = Keys(self.api, self['key_ids']) for key in keys.values(): key.delete(commit = False) # Clean up miscellaneous join tables for table in ['person_roles', 'person_capabilities', 'person_site', 'node_root_access', 'dslice03_sliceuser']: self.api.db.do("DELETE FROM %s" \ " WHERE person_id = %d" % \ (table, self['person_id'])) # Mark as deleted self['deleted'] = True self.flush(commit) class Persons(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the persons table in the database. Specify deleted and/or enabled to force a match on whether a person is deleted and/or enabled. Default is to match on non-deleted accounts. """ def __init__(self, api, person_id_or_email_list = None, extra_fields = [], deleted = False, enabled = None): self.api = api role_max = Roles.role_max # N.B.: Site IDs returned may be deleted. Persons returned are # never deleted, but may not be enabled. sql = "SELECT persons.*" \ ", roles.role_id, roles.name AS role" \ ", person_site.site_id" \ # N.B.: Joined IDs may be marked as deleted in their primary tables join_tables = { # extra_field: (extra_table, extra_column, join_using) 'address_ids': ('person_address', 'address_id', 'person_id'), 'key_ids': ('person_keys', 'key_id', 'person_id'), 'slice_ids': ('dslice03_sliceuser', 'slice_id', 'person_id'), } extra_fields = filter(join_tables.has_key, extra_fields) extra_tables = ["%s USING (%s)" % \ (join_tables[field][0], join_tables[field][2]) \ for field in extra_fields] extra_columns = ["%s.%s" % \ (join_tables[field][0], join_tables[field][1]) \ for field in extra_fields] if extra_columns: sql += ", " + ", ".join(extra_columns) sql += " FROM persons" \ " LEFT JOIN person_roles USING (person_id)" \ " LEFT JOIN roles USING (role_id)" \ " LEFT JOIN person_site USING (person_id)" if extra_tables: sql += " LEFT JOIN " + " LEFT JOIN ".join(extra_tables) # So that people with no roles have empty role_ids and roles values sql += " WHERE (role_id IS NULL or role_id <= %(role_max)d)" if deleted is not None: sql += " AND persons.deleted IS %(deleted)s" if enabled is not None: sql += " AND persons.enabled IS %(enabled)s" if person_id_or_email_list: # Separate the list into integers and strings person_ids = filter(lambda person_id: isinstance(person_id, (int, long)), person_id_or_email_list) emails = filter(lambda email: isinstance(email, StringTypes), person_id_or_email_list) sql += " AND (False" if person_ids: sql += " OR person_id IN (%s)" % ", ".join(map(str, person_ids)) if emails: # Case insensitive e-mail address comparison sql += " OR lower(email) IN (%s)" % ", ".join(api.db.quote(emails)).lower() sql += ")" # The first site_id in the site_ids list is the primary site # of the user. See AdmGetPersonSites(). sql += " ORDER BY person_site.is_primary DESC" rows = self.api.db.selectall(sql, locals()) for row in rows: if self.has_key(row['person_id']): person = self[row['person_id']] person.update(row) else: self[row['person_id']] = Person(api, row)