# # PostgreSQL database interface. Sort of like DBI(3) (Database # independent interface for Perl). # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id$ # import pgdb from types import StringTypes, NoneType import traceback import commands from pprint import pformat from PLC.Debug import profile, log from PLC.Faults import * class PostgreSQL: def __init__(self, api): self.api = api # Initialize database connection self.db = pgdb.connect(user = api.config.PLC_DB_USER, password = api.config.PLC_DB_PASSWORD, host = "%s:%d" % (api.config.PLC_DB_HOST, api.config.PLC_DB_PORT), database = api.config.PLC_DB_NAME) self.cursor = self.db.cursor() (self.rowcount, self.description, self.lastrowid) = \ (None, None, None) def quote(self, params): """ Returns quoted version(s) of the specified parameter(s). """ # pgdb._quote functions are good enough for general SQL quoting if hasattr(params, 'has_key'): params = pgdb._quoteitem(params) elif isinstance(params, list) or isinstance(params, tuple): params = map(pgdb._quote, params) else: params = pgdb._quote(params) return params quote = classmethod(quote) def param(self, name, value): # None is converted to the unquoted string NULL if isinstance(value, NoneType): conversion = "s" # True and False are also converted to unquoted strings elif isinstance(value, bool): conversion = "s" elif isinstance(value, float): conversion = "f" elif not isinstance(value, StringTypes): conversion = "d" else: conversion = "s" return '%(' + name + ')' + conversion param = classmethod(param) def begin_work(self): # Implicit in pgdb.connect() pass def commit(self): self.db.commit() def rollback(self): self.db.rollback() def do(self, query, params = None): self.execute(query, params) return self.rowcount def last_insert_id(self): return self.lastrowid def execute(self, query, params = None): self.execute_array(query, (params,)) def execute_array(self, query, param_seq): cursor = self.cursor try: cursor.executemany(query, param_seq) (self.rowcount, self.description, self.lastrowid) = \ (cursor.rowcount, cursor.description, cursor.lastrowid) except pgdb.DatabaseError, e: self.rollback() uuid = commands.getoutput("uuidgen") print >> log, "Database error %s:" % uuid print >> log, e print >> log, "Query:" print >> log, query print >> log, "Params:" print >> log, pformat(param_seq[0]) raise PLCDBError("Please contact " + \ self.api.config.PLC_NAME + " Support " + \ "<" + self.api.config.PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS + ">" + \ " and reference " + uuid) def selectall(self, query, params = None, hashref = True, key_field = None): """ Return each row as a dictionary keyed on field name (like DBI selectrow_hashref()). If key_field is specified, return rows as a dictionary keyed on the specified field (like DBI selectall_hashref()). If params is specified, the specified parameters will be bound to the query (see PLC.DB.parameterize() and pgdb.cursor.execute()). """ self.execute(query, params) rows = self.cursor.fetchall() if hashref: # Return each row as a dictionary keyed on field name # (like DBI selectrow_hashref()). labels = [column[0] for column in self.description] rows = [dict(zip(labels, row)) for row in rows] if key_field is not None and key_field in labels: # Return rows as a dictionary keyed on the specified field # (like DBI selectall_hashref()). return dict([(row[key_field], row) for row in rows]) else: return rows