from types import StringTypes import string from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Debug import profile from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.Slices import Slice, Slices from PLC.PCUs import PCU, PCUs from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.NodeGroups import NodeGroup, NodeGroups import PLC.Persons class Site(Row): """ Representation of a row in the sites table. To use, optionally instantiate with a dict of values. Update as you would a dict. Commit to the database with flush(). """ fields = { 'site_id': Parameter(int, "Site identifier"), 'name': Parameter(str, "Full site name"), 'abbreviated_name': Parameter(str, "Abbreviated site name"), 'login_base': Parameter(str, "Site slice prefix"), 'is_public': Parameter(bool, "Publicly viewable site"), 'latitude': Parameter(float, "Decimal latitude of the site"), 'longitude': Parameter(float, "Decimal longitude of the site"), 'url': Parameter(str, "URL of a page that describes the site"), 'nodegroup_id': Parameter(int, "Identifier of the nodegroup containing the site's nodes"), 'organization_id': Parameter(int, "Organizational identifier if the site is part of a larger organization"), 'ext_consortium_id': Parameter(int, "Consortium identifier if the site is part of an external consortium"), 'date_created': Parameter(str, "Date and time when node entry was created"), 'deleted': Parameter(bool, "Has been deleted"), } # These fields are derived from join tables and are not actually # in the sites table. join_fields = { 'max_slices': Parameter(int, "Maximum number of slices that the site is able to create"), 'site_share': Parameter(float, "Relative resource share for this site's slices"), } # These fields are derived from join tables and are not returned # by default unless specified. extra_fields = { 'person_ids': Parameter([int], "List of account identifiers"), 'slice_ids': Parameter([int], "List of slice identifiers"), 'defaultattribute_ids': Parameter([int], "List of default slice attribute identifiers"), 'pcu_ids': Parameter([int], "List of PCU identifiers"), 'node_ids': Parameter([int], "List of site node identifiers"), } default_fields = dict(fields.items() + join_fields.items()) all_fields = dict(default_fields.items() + extra_fields.items()) # Number of slices assigned to each site at the time that the site is created default_max_slices = 0 # XXX Useless, unclear what this value means default_site_share = 1.0 def __init__(self, api, fields): Row.__init__(self, fields) self.api = api def validate_login_base(self, login_base): if len(login_base) > 20: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Login base must be <= 20 characters" if not set(login_base).issubset(string.ascii_letters): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Login base must consist only of ASCII letters" login_base = login_base.lower() conflicts = Sites(self.api, [login_base]) for site_id, site in conflicts.iteritems(): if not site['deleted'] and ('site_id' not in self or self['site_id'] != site_id): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "login_base already in use" return login_base def validate_latitude(self, latitude): if latitude < -90.0 or latitude > 90.0: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid latitude value" if not self.has_key('longitude') or \ self['longitude'] is None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Longitude must also be specified" return latitude def validate_longitude(self, longitude): if longitude < -180.0 or longitude > 180.0: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid longitude value" if not self.has_key('latitude') or \ self['latitude'] is None: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Latitude must also be specified" return longitude def validate_nodegroup_id(self, nodegroup_id): nodegroups = NodeGroups(self.api) if nodegroup_id not in nodegroups: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such nodegroup" return nodegroup_id def validate_organization_id(self, organization_id): organizations = Organizations(self.api) if role_id not in organizations: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such organization" return organization_id def validate_ext_consortium_id(self, organization_id): consortiums = Consortiums(self.api) if consortium_id not in consortiums: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such consortium" return nodegroup_id def add_person(self, person, commit = True): """ Add person to existing site. """ assert 'site_id' in self assert isinstance(person, PLC.Persons.Person) assert 'person_id' in person site_id = self['site_id'] person_id = person['person_id']"INSERT INTO person_site (person_id, site_id)" \ " VALUES(%(person_id)d, %(site_id)d)", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() if 'person_ids' in self and person_id not in self['person_ids']: self['person_ids'].append(person_id) if 'site_ids' in person and site_id not in person['site_ids']: person['site_ids'].append(site_id) def remove_person(self, person, commit = True): """ Remove person from existing site. """ assert 'site_id' in self assert isinstance(person, PLC.Persons.Person) assert 'person_id' in person site_id = self['site_id'] person_id = person['person_id']"DELETE FROM person_site" \ " WHERE person_id = %(person_id)d" \ " AND site_id = %(site_id)d", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() if 'person_ids' in self and person_id in self['person_ids']: self['person_ids'].remove(person_id) if 'site_ids' in person and site_id in person['site_ids']: person['site_ids'].remove(site_id) def flush(self, commit = True): """ Flush changes back to the database. """ self.validate() try: if not self['name'] or \ not self['abbreviated_name'] or \ not self['login_base']: raise KeyError except KeyError: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "name, abbreviated_name, and login_base must all be specified" # Fetch a new site_id if necessary if 'site_id' not in self: rows = self.api.db.selectall("SELECT NEXTVAL('sites_site_id_seq') AS site_id") if not rows: raise PLCDBError, "Unable to fetch new site_id" self['site_id'] = rows[0]['site_id'] insert = True else: insert = False # Create site node group if necessary if 'nodegroup_id' not in self: rows = self.api.db.selectall("SELECT NEXTVAL('nodegroups_nodegroup_id_seq') as nodegroup_id") if not rows: raise PLCDBError, "Unable to fetch new nodegroup_id" self['nodegroup_id'] = rows[0]['nodegroup_id'] nodegroup_id = self['nodegroup_id'] # XXX Needs a unique name because we cannot delete site node groups yet name = self['login_base'] + str(self['site_id']) description = "Nodes at " + self['login_base'] is_custom = False"INSERT INTO nodegroups (nodegroup_id, name, description, is_custom)" \ " VALUES (%(nodegroup_id)d, %(name)s, %(description)s, %(is_custom)s)", locals()) # Filter out fields that cannot be set or updated directly fields = dict(filter(lambda (key, value): key in self.fields, self.items())) # Parameterize for safety keys = fields.keys() values = [self.api.db.param(key, value) for (key, value) in fields.items()] if insert: # Insert new row in sites table"INSERT INTO sites (%s) VALUES (%s)" % \ (", ".join(keys), ", ".join(values)), fields) # Setup default slice site info # XXX Will go away soon self['max_slices'] = self.default_max_slices self['site_share'] = self.default_site_share"INSERT INTO dslice03_siteinfo (site_id, max_slices, site_share)" \ " VALUES (%(site_id)d, %(max_slices)d, %(site_share)f)", self) else: # Update default slice site info # XXX Will go away soon if 'max_slices' in self and 'site_share' in self:"UPDATE dslice03_siteinfo SET " \ " max_slices = %(max_slices)d, site_share = %(site_share)f" \ " WHERE site_id = %(site_id)d", self) # Update existing row in sites table columns = ["%s = %s" % (key, value) for (key, value) in zip(keys, values)]"UPDATE sites SET " + \ ", ".join(columns) + \ " WHERE site_id = %(site_id)d", fields) if commit: self.api.db.commit() def delete(self, commit = True): """ Delete existing site. """ assert 'site_id' in self # Make sure extra fields are present sites = Sites(self.api, [self['site_id']], ['person_ids', 'slice_ids', 'pcu_ids', 'node_ids']) assert sites self.update(sites.values()[0]) # Delete accounts of all people at the site who are not # members of at least one other non-deleted site. persons = PLC.Persons.Persons(self.api, self['person_ids']) for person_id, person in persons.iteritems(): delete = True person_sites = Sites(self.api, person['site_ids']) for person_site_id, person_site in person_sites.iteritems(): if person_site_id != self['site_id'] and \ not person_site['deleted']: delete = False break if delete: person.delete(commit = False) # Delete all site slices slices = Slices(self.api, self['slice_ids']) for slice in slices.values(): slice.delete(commit = False) # Delete all site PCUs pcus = PCUs(self.api, self['pcu_ids']) for pcu in pcus.values(): pcu.delete(commit = False) # Delete all site nodes nodes = Nodes(self.api, self['node_ids']) for node in nodes.values(): node.delete(commit = False) # Clean up miscellaneous join tables for table in ['site_authorized_subnets', 'dslice03_defaultattribute', 'dslice03_siteinfo']:"DELETE FROM %s" \ " WHERE site_id = %d" % \ (table, self['site_id'])) # XXX Cannot delete site node groups yet # Mark as deleted self['deleted'] = True self.flush(commit) class Sites(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the sites table in the database. Specify extra_fields to be able to view and modify extra fields. """ def __init__(self, api, site_id_or_login_base_list = None, extra_fields = []): self.api = api sql = "SELECT sites.*" \ ", dslice03_siteinfo.max_slices" # N.B.: Joined IDs may be marked as deleted in their primary tables join_tables = { # extra_field: (extra_table, extra_column, join_using) 'person_ids': ('person_site', 'person_id', 'site_id'), 'slice_ids': ('dslice03_slices', 'slice_id', 'site_id'), 'defaultattribute_ids': ('dslice03_defaultattribute', 'defaultattribute_id', 'site_id'), 'pcu_ids': ('pcu', 'pcu_id', 'site_id'), 'node_ids': ('nodegroup_nodes', 'node_id', 'nodegroup_id'), } extra_fields = filter(join_tables.has_key, extra_fields) extra_tables = ["%s USING (%s)" % \ (join_tables[field][0], join_tables[field][2]) \ for field in extra_fields] extra_columns = ["%s.%s" % \ (join_tables[field][0], join_tables[field][1]) \ for field in extra_fields] if extra_columns: sql += ", " + ", ".join(extra_columns) sql += " FROM sites" \ " LEFT JOIN dslice03_siteinfo USING (site_id)" if extra_tables: sql += " LEFT JOIN " + " LEFT JOIN ".join(extra_tables) sql += " WHERE sites.deleted IS False" if site_id_or_login_base_list: # Separate the list into integers and strings site_ids = filter(lambda site_id: isinstance(site_id, (int, long)), site_id_or_login_base_list) login_bases = filter(lambda login_base: isinstance(login_base, StringTypes), site_id_or_login_base_list) sql += " AND (False" if site_ids: sql += " OR site_id IN (%s)" % ", ".join(map(str, site_ids)) if login_bases: sql += " OR login_base IN (%s)" % ", ".join(api.db.quote(login_bases)) sql += ")" rows = self.api.db.selectall(sql) for row in rows: if self.has_key(row['site_id']): site = self[row['site_id']] site.update(row) else: self[row['site_id']] = Site(api, row)