from types import StringTypes import time import re from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Debug import profile from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.SliceInstantiations import SliceInstantiations from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes import PLC.Persons class Slice(Row): """ Representation of a row in the slices table. To use, optionally instantiate with a dict of values. Update as you would a dict. Commit to the database with sync().To use, instantiate with a dict of values. """ table_name = 'slices' primary_key = 'slice_id' fields = { 'slice_id': Parameter(int, "Slice identifier"), 'site_id': Parameter(int, "Identifier of the site to which this slice belongs"), 'peer_id': Parameter(int, "Peer at which this slice was created", nullok = True), 'name': Parameter(str, "Slice name", max = 32), 'instantiation': Parameter(str, "Slice instantiation state"), 'url': Parameter(str, "URL further describing this slice", max = 254, nullok = True), 'description': Parameter(str, "Slice description", max = 2048, nullok = True), 'max_nodes': Parameter(int, "Maximum number of nodes that can be assigned to this slice"), 'creator_person_id': Parameter(int, "Identifier of the account that created this slice"), 'created': Parameter(int, "Date and time when slice was created, in seconds since UNIX epoch", ro = True), 'expires': Parameter(int, "Date and time when slice expires, in seconds since UNIX epoch"), 'node_ids': Parameter([int], "List of nodes in this slice", ro = True), 'person_ids': Parameter([int], "List of accounts that can use this slice", ro = True), 'slice_attribute_ids': Parameter([int], "List of slice attributes", ro = True), } def validate_name(self, name): # N.B.: Responsibility of the caller to ensure that login_base # portion of the slice name corresponds to a valid site, if # desired. # 1. Lowercase. # 2. Begins with login_base (only letters). # 3. Then single underscore after login_base. # 4. Then letters, numbers, or underscores. good_name = r'^[a-z]+_[a-z0-9_]+$' if not name or \ not re.match(good_name, name): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid slice name" conflicts = Slices(self.api, [name]) for slice in conflicts: if 'slice_id' not in self or self['slice_id'] != slice['slice_id']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Slice name already in use" return name def validate_instantiation(self, instantiation): instantiations = [row['instantiation'] for row in SliceInstantiations(self.api)] if instantiation not in instantiations: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such instantiation state" return instantiation def validate_expires(self, expires): # N.B.: Responsibility of the caller to ensure that expires is # not too far into the future. if expires < time.time(): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Expiration date must be in the future" return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(expires)) def add_person(self, person, commit = True): """ Add person to existing slice. """ assert 'slice_id' in self assert isinstance(person, PLC.Persons.Person) assert 'person_id' in person slice_id = self['slice_id'] person_id = person['person_id'] if person_id not in self['person_ids']: assert slice_id not in person['slice_ids']"INSERT INTO slice_person (person_id, slice_id)" \ " VALUES(%(person_id)d, %(slice_id)d)", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() self['person_ids'].append(person_id) person['slice_ids'].append(slice_id) def remove_person(self, person, commit = True): """ Remove person from existing slice. """ assert 'slice_id' in self assert isinstance(person, PLC.Persons.Person) assert 'person_id' in person slice_id = self['slice_id'] person_id = person['person_id'] if person_id in self['person_ids']: assert slice_id in person['slice_ids']"DELETE FROM slice_person" \ " WHERE person_id = %(person_id)d" \ " AND slice_id = %(slice_id)d", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() self['person_ids'].remove(person_id) person['slice_ids'].remove(slice_id) def add_node(self, node, commit = True): """ Add node to existing slice. """ assert 'slice_id' in self assert isinstance(node, Node) assert 'node_id' in node slice_id = self['slice_id'] node_id = node['node_id'] if node_id not in self['node_ids']: assert slice_id not in node['slice_ids']"INSERT INTO slice_node (node_id, slice_id)" \ " VALUES(%(node_id)d, %(slice_id)d)", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() self['node_ids'].append(node_id) node['slice_ids'].append(slice_id) def remove_node(self, node, commit = True): """ Remove node from existing slice. """ assert 'slice_id' in self assert isinstance(node, Node) assert 'node_id' in node slice_id = self['slice_id'] node_id = node['node_id'] if node_id in self['node_ids']: assert slice_id in node['slice_ids']"DELETE FROM slice_node" \ " WHERE node_id = %(node_id)d" \ " AND slice_id = %(slice_id)d", locals()) if commit: self.api.db.commit() self['node_ids'].remove(node_id) node['slice_ids'].remove(slice_id) ########## for foreign slices update, from ForeignSlices def purge_slice_node (self,commit=True): sql = "DELETE FROM slice_node WHERE slice_id=%d"%self['slice_id'] if commit: self.api.db.commit() def add_slice_nodes (self, node_ids, commit=True): slice_id = self['slice_id'] ### xxx needs to be optimized ### tried to figure a way to use a single sql statement ### like: insert into table (x,y) values (1,2),(3,4); ### but apparently this is not supported under postgresql for node_id in node_ids: sql="INSERT INTO slice_node VALUES (%d,%d)"%(slice_id,node_id) if commit: self.api.db.commit() def update_slice_nodes (self, node_ids): # xxx to be optimized # we could compute the (set) difference between # current and updated set of node_ids # and invoke the DB only based on that # # for now : clean all entries for this slice self.purge_slice_node() # and re-install new list self.add_slice_nodes (node_ids) ########## def sync(self, commit = True): """ Add or update a slice. """ # Before a new slice is added, delete expired slices if 'slice_id' not in self: expired = Slices(self.api, expires = -int(time.time())) for slice in expired: slice.delete(commit) Row.sync(self, commit) def delete(self, commit = True): """ Delete existing slice. """ assert 'slice_id' in self # Clean up miscellaneous join tables for table in ['slice_node', 'slice_person', 'slice_attribute']:"DELETE FROM %s" \ " WHERE slice_id = %d" % \ (table, self['slice_id']), self) # Mark as deleted self['is_deleted'] = True self.sync(commit) class Slices(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the slices table in the database. """ def __init__(self, api, slice_filter = None, columns = None, expires = int(time.time())): Table.__init__(self, api, Slice, columns) sql = "SELECT %s FROM view_slices WHERE is_deleted IS False" % \ ", ".join(self.columns) if expires is not None: if expires >= 0: sql += " AND expires > %(expires)d" else: expires = -expires sql += " AND expires < %(expires)d" if slice_filter is not None: if isinstance(slice_filter, (list, tuple, set)): # Separate the list into integers and strings ints = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long)), slice_filter) strs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, StringTypes), slice_filter) slice_filter = Filter(Slice.fields, {'slice_id': ints, 'name': strs}) sql += " AND (%s)" % slice_filter.sql(api, "OR") elif isinstance(slice_filter, dict): slice_filter = Filter(Slice.fields, slice_filter) sql += " AND (%s)" % slice_filter.sql(api, "AND") self.selectall(sql, locals())