# $Id$ from types import StringTypes import time import re from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Debug import profile from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.SliceInstantiations import SliceInstantiation, SliceInstantiations from PLC.Nodes import Node from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons from PLC.SliceTags import SliceTag class Slice(Row): """ Representation of a row in the slices table. To use, optionally instantiate with a dict of values. Update as you would a dict. Commit to the database with sync().To use, instantiate with a dict of values. """ table_name = 'slices' primary_key = 'slice_id' join_tables = ['slice_node', 'slice_person', 'slice_tag', 'peer_slice', 'node_slice_whitelist'] fields = { 'slice_id': Parameter(int, "Slice identifier"), 'site_id': Parameter(int, "Identifier of the site to which this slice belongs"), 'name': Parameter(str, "Slice name", max = 32), 'instantiation': Parameter(str, "Slice instantiation state"), 'url': Parameter(str, "URL further describing this slice", max = 254, nullok = True), 'description': Parameter(str, "Slice description", max = 2048, nullok = True), 'max_nodes': Parameter(int, "Maximum number of nodes that can be assigned to this slice"), 'creator_person_id': Parameter(int, "Identifier of the account that created this slice"), 'created': Parameter(int, "Date and time when slice was created, in seconds since UNIX epoch", ro = True), 'expires': Parameter(int, "Date and time when slice expires, in seconds since UNIX epoch"), 'node_ids': Parameter([int], "List of nodes in this slice", ro = True), 'person_ids': Parameter([int], "List of accounts that can use this slice", ro = True), 'slice_tag_ids': Parameter([int], "List of slice attributes", ro = True), 'peer_id': Parameter(int, "Peer to which this slice belongs", nullok = True), 'peer_slice_id': Parameter(int, "Foreign slice identifier at peer", nullok = True), } related_fields = { 'persons': [Mixed(Parameter(int, "Person identifier"), Parameter(str, "Email address"))], 'nodes': [Mixed(Parameter(int, "Node identifier"), Parameter(str, "Fully qualified hostname"))] } def validate_name(self, name): # N.B.: Responsibility of the caller to ensure that login_base # portion of the slice name corresponds to a valid site, if # desired. # 1. Lowercase. # 2. Begins with login_base (letters or numbers). # 3. Then single underscore after login_base. # 4. Then letters, numbers, or underscores. good_name = r'^[a-z0-9]+_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$' if not name or \ not re.match(good_name, name): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid slice name" conflicts = Slices(self.api, [name]) for slice in conflicts: if 'slice_id' not in self or self['slice_id'] != slice['slice_id']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Slice name already in use, %s"%name return name def validate_instantiation(self, instantiation): instantiations = [row['instantiation'] for row in SliceInstantiations(self.api)] if instantiation not in instantiations: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such instantiation state" return instantiation validate_created = Row.validate_timestamp def validate_expires(self, expires): # N.B.: Responsibility of the caller to ensure that expires is # not too far into the future. check_future = not ('is_deleted' in self and self['is_deleted']) return Row.validate_timestamp(self, expires, check_future = check_future) add_person = Row.add_object(Person, 'slice_person') remove_person = Row.remove_object(Person, 'slice_person') add_node = Row.add_object(Node, 'slice_node') remove_node = Row.remove_object(Node, 'slice_node') add_to_node_whitelist = Row.add_object(Node, 'node_slice_whitelist') delete_from_node_whitelist = Row.remove_object(Node, 'node_slice_whitelist') def associate_persons(self, auth, field, value): """ Adds persons found in value list to this slice (using AddPersonToSlice). Deletes persons not found in value list from this slice (using DeletePersonFromSlice). """ assert 'person_ids' in self assert 'slice_id' in self assert isinstance(value, list) (person_ids, emails) = self.separate_types(value)[0:2] # Translate emails into person_ids if emails: persons = Persons(self.api, emails, ['person_id']).dict('person_id') person_ids += persons.keys() # Add new ids, remove stale ids if self['person_ids'] != person_ids: from PLC.Methods.AddPersonToSlice import AddPersonToSlice from PLC.Methods.DeletePersonFromSlice import DeletePersonFromSlice new_persons = set(person_ids).difference(self['person_ids']) stale_persons = set(self['person_ids']).difference(person_ids) for new_person in new_persons: AddPersonToSlice.__call__(AddPersonToSlice(self.api), auth, new_person, self['slice_id']) for stale_person in stale_persons: DeletePersonFromSlice.__call__(DeletePersonFromSlice(self.api), auth, stale_person, self['slice_id']) def associate_nodes(self, auth, field, value): """ Adds nodes found in value list to this slice (using AddSliceToNodes). Deletes nodes not found in value list from this slice (using DeleteSliceFromNodes). """ from PLC.Nodes import Nodes assert 'node_ids' in self assert 'slice_id' in self assert isinstance(value, list) (node_ids, hostnames) = self.separate_types(value)[0:2] # Translate hostnames into node_ids if hostnames: nodes = Nodes(self.api, hostnames, ['node_id']).dict('node_id') node_ids += nodes.keys() # Add new ids, remove stale ids if self['node_ids'] != node_ids: from PLC.Methods.AddSliceToNodes import AddSliceToNodes from PLC.Methods.DeleteSliceFromNodes import DeleteSliceFromNodes new_nodes = set(node_ids).difference(self['node_ids']) stale_nodes = set(self['node_ids']).difference(node_ids) if new_nodes: AddSliceToNodes.__call__(AddSliceToNodes(self.api), auth, self['slice_id'], list(new_nodes)) if stale_nodes: DeleteSliceFromNodes.__call__(DeleteSliceFromNodes(self.api), auth, self['slice_id'], list(stale_nodes)) def associate_slice_tags(self, auth, fields, value): """ Deletes slice_tag_ids not found in value list (using DeleteSliceTag). Adds slice_tags if slice_fields w/o slice_id is found (using AddSliceTag). Updates slice_tag if slice_fields w/ slice_id is found (using UpdateSlceiAttribute). """ assert 'slice_tag_ids' in self assert isinstance(value, list) (attribute_ids, blank, attributes) = self.separate_types(value) # There is no way to add attributes by id. They are # associated with a slice when they are created. # So we are only looking to delete here if self['slice_tag_ids'] != attribute_ids: from PLC.Methods.DeleteSliceTag import DeleteSliceTag stale_attributes = set(self['slice_tag_ids']).difference(attribute_ids) for stale_attribute in stale_attributes: DeleteSliceTag.__call__(DeleteSliceTag(self.api), auth, stale_attribute['slice_tag_id']) # If dictionary exists, we are either adding new # attributes or updating existing ones. if attributes: from PLC.Methods.AddSliceTag import AddSliceTag from PLC.Methods.UpdateSliceTag import UpdateSliceTag added_attributes = filter(lambda x: 'slice_tag_id' not in x, attributes) updated_attributes = filter(lambda x: 'slice_tag_id' in x, attributes) for added_attribute in added_attributes: if 'tag_type' in added_attribute: type = added_attribute['tag_type'] elif 'tag_type_id' in added_attribute: type = added_attribute['tag_type_id'] else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Must specify tag_type or tag_type_id" if 'value' in added_attribute: value = added_attribute['value'] else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Must specify a value" if 'node_id' in added_attribute: node_id = added_attribute['node_id'] else: node_id = None if 'nodegroup_id' in added_attribute: nodegroup_id = added_attribute['nodegroup_id'] else: nodegroup_id = None AddSliceTag.__call__(AddSliceTag(self.api), auth, self['slice_id'], type, value, node_id, nodegroup_id) for updated_attribute in updated_attributes: attribute_id = updated_attribute.pop('slice_tag_id') if attribute_id not in self['slice_tag_ids']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Attribute doesnt belong to this slice" else: UpdateSliceTag.__call__(UpdateSliceTag(self.api), auth, attribute_id, updated_attribute) def sync(self, commit = True): """ Add or update a slice. """ # Before a new slice is added, delete expired slices if 'slice_id' not in self: expired = Slices(self.api, expires = -int(time.time())) for slice in expired: slice.delete(commit) Row.sync(self, commit) def delete(self, commit = True): """ Delete existing slice. """ assert 'slice_id' in self # Clean up miscellaneous join tables for table in self.join_tables: self.api.db.do("DELETE FROM %s WHERE slice_id = %d" % \ (table, self['slice_id'])) # Mark as deleted self['is_deleted'] = True self.sync(commit) class Slices(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the slices table in the database. """ def __init__(self, api, slice_filter = None, columns = None, expires = int(time.time())): Table.__init__(self, api, Slice, columns) sql = "SELECT %s FROM view_slices WHERE is_deleted IS False" % \ ", ".join(self.columns) if expires is not None: if expires >= 0: sql += " AND expires > %d" % expires else: expires = -expires sql += " AND expires < %d" % expires if slice_filter is not None: if isinstance(slice_filter, (list, tuple, set)): # Separate the list into integers and strings ints = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long)), slice_filter) strs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, StringTypes), slice_filter) slice_filter = Filter(Slice.fields, {'slice_id': ints, 'name': strs}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % slice_filter.sql(api, "OR") elif isinstance(slice_filter, dict): slice_filter = Filter(Slice.fields, slice_filter) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % slice_filter.sql(api, "AND") elif isinstance (slice_filter, StringTypes): slice_filter = Filter(Slice.fields, {'name':[slice_filter]}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % slice_filter.sql(api, "AND") elif isinstance (slice_filter, int): slice_filter = Filter(Slice.fields, {'slice_id':[slice_filter]}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % slice_filter.sql(api, "AND") else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Wrong slice filter %r"%slice_filter self.selectall(sql)