This file documents the contents of this module See the devel/ subdir for more devel-oriented doc. ==================== 1 minute howto * REQUIREMENTS is to have python + django installed django ** should be straightforward ** see devel/django-install.txt in case of trouble * git clone git:// -- or -- * git clone ssh:// * edit myslice/ and ** change DEVELOPER_ROOT if you didnt clone into ~/git/myslice-django ** change the location of your backend API (not yet supported) * init django $ syncdb [ at this point point it *might* be needed to run $ make allst but as far as running a local server is concerned you should be good without that feedback on this is appreciated] * run a local server: $ runserver * use it from your browser ==================== Status For now there's not much in here; * Logging in should be easy using one of the few hard coded accounts this was the simplest possible way to demonstrate deferring authorization elsewhere * To logout, click on 'logged as *jean*', this shows a confirmation page.. Right now the UI has 4 views: * the most useful one being the 'Plugin' view which demonstrates all the available plugins see test_plugin_view in engine/ * slice view : only demonstrates how to use URLs to pass arguments along * scroll view : forget about that one, but it does illustrate that some pages can be made public (no need to login) * tab view : a hand-made tab widget (last three from slice/ Third party tools shipped: * jquery * datatables * bootstrap not much effort has been put into coming up with a nice layout and all, feel free to tweak that but it's probably way too early for that ==================== Contents: 1st level subdirs ========== code from git * myslice: this is the django 'project', where to look for . . * engine: the code for building / rendering plugins * plugins: the actual code for plugins * auth: a django 'app' that deals with authentication; see especially auth.backend.MyCustomBackend for how to use a separate authentication system, as well as for how to enable it * slice: a django app for dealing with slice views * insert_above: a third-party django app for adding on-the-fly mentions to css or js files that need to go in the header * templates/ * some global templates (django templates, i.e. (essentially html) fragments that can be specializied) more on this below * static/ * third party stuff (bootstrapfs, jquery, datatables) * + some global static files (css, js, images..) see more about that below too * devel: no code in there, only various notes and other scripts useful for developers ========== automatically generated * all-static: (generated, no need to source-control) this is where ' collectstatic' will gather all your static contents if you run a local server make has convenience targets to refresh this area $ make clean-static $ make static * myslice.sqlite3 this is where django stores its own stuff, as per ==================== conventions for templates and static * templates: we store this under templates/ within the corresponding app, e.g. auth/templates/login.html for now this is mostly about html, but the engine can be used for rendering anything including js(on) or whatever.. * static files: we chose to have all static files (images, but also javascript and stylesheets) in the various proj or app where they belong, under a static/ subdir that has this structure: where-it-belongs/ static/ img/ css/ js/ NOTE. in essence any of these files can be moved around (from e.g. one templates/ dir to another) at any time without any change needed in the code * filenames / locations you can run the following make targets to have a summary of where things are $ make list-html list-js list-css list-img -- or -- $ make list-all as far as possible it's great to have things named the same after e.g. say a plugin name like e.g. plugins/ plugins/templates/quickfilter.html plugins/static/js/quickfilter.js plugins/static/css/quickfilter.css it's sometimes not working though, so here are a few additional conventions the global layout (for now I needed only one) is named layout-myslice.html it provides the global layout with one menu stuck on top and 2 divs 3/4 1/4 the views that I currently have are all named in templates/view-<>.html they all extend a layout they should/could admittedly move where they belong (in auth/slice/engine) so that they would go with their code, but for now it's impler this way and there are 3 'widgets' (login, logout, and topmenu) these could maybe be best implemented as a plugin now that I have the right model for that however esp. for the login/logout I'm not quite sure this will remain over time so for now it's good enough like this So in summary there's still room for a lot of improvement on this particular topic.. At the very least topmenu should be made a plugin, and maybe also login/logout