#!/usr/bin/python # # Interactive shell for testing PLCAPI # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2005 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: Shell.py,v 1.15 2006/12/11 11:56:37 thierry Exp $ # import os, sys import traceback import getopt import pydoc import pg import xmlrpclib import getpass from PLC.API import PLCAPI from PLC.Parameter import Mixed from PLC.Auth import Auth from PLC.Config import Config from PLC.Method import Method import PLC.Methods # the list of globals formerly defined by Shell.py before it was made a class former_globals = ['api','auth','config','begin','commit','calls'] pyhelp = help def help(thing): """ Override builtin help() function to support calling help(method). """ # help(method) if isinstance(thing, Shell.Callable) and thing.name is not None: pydoc.pager(system.methodHelp(thing.name)) return # help(help) if thing == help: thing = pyhelp # help(...) pyhelp(thing) #################### class Shell: def __init__ (self,argv,config=None): # Defaults if config is not None: self.config=config else: # support running on non-myplc boxes default_config_file = "/etc/planetlab/plc_config" try: open (default_config_file).close() except: default_config_file="/dev/null" self.config = default_config_file self.url = None self.method = None self.user = None self.password = None self.role = None self.xmlrpc = False self.server = None # More convenient multicall support self.multi = False self.calls = [] self.argv = argv def init_from_argv (self): try: (opts, argv) = getopt.getopt(self.argv[1:], "f:h:m:u:p:r:x", ["config=", "cfg=", "file=", "host=","url=", "method=", "username=", "user=", "password=", "pass=", "authstring=", "role=", "xmlrpc", "help"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print "Error: ", err.msg self.usage(self.argv) for (opt, optval) in opts: if opt == "-f" or opt == "--config" or opt == "--cfg" or opt == "--file": self.config = optval elif opt == "-h" or opt == "--host" or opt == "--url": self.url = optval elif opt == "-m" or opt == "--method": self.method = optval elif opt == "-u" or opt == "--username" or opt == "--user": self.user = optval elif opt == "-p" or opt == "--password" or opt == "--pass" or opt == "--authstring": self.password = optval elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--role": self.role = optval elif opt == "-x" or opt == "--xmlrpc": self.xmlrpc = True elif opt == "--help": self.usage(self.argv) def usage(self,argv): print "Usage: %s [OPTION]..." % argv[0] print "Options:" print " -f, --config=FILE PLC configuration file" print " -h, --url=URL API URL" print " -m, --method=METHOD API authentication method" print " -u, --user=EMAIL API user name" print " -p, --password=STRING API password" print " -r, --role=ROLE API role" print " -x, --xmlrpc Use XML-RPC interface" print " --help This message" sys.exit(1) def init_connection(self): # Append PLC to the system path sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(self.argv[0]))) try: # If any XML-RPC options have been specified, do not try # connecting directly to the DB. if (self.url, self.method, self.user, self.password, self.role, self.xmlrpc) != \ (None, None, None, None, None, False): raise Exception # Otherwise, first try connecting directly to the DB. If this # fails, try connecting to the API server via XML-RPC. self.api = PLCAPI(self.config) self.config = self.api.config self.server = None except: # Try connecting to the API server via XML-RPC self.api = PLCAPI(None) self.config = Config(self.config) if self.url is None: if int(self.config.PLC_API_PORT) == 443: self.url = "https://" else: self.url = "http://" self.url += config.PLC_API_HOST + \ ":" + str(config.PLC_API_PORT) + \ "/" + config.PLC_API_PATH + "/" self.server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.url, allow_none = 1) # Default is to use capability authentication if (self.method, self.user, self.password) == (None, None, None): self.method = "capability" if self.method == "capability": if self.user is None: self.user = self.config.PLC_API_MAINTENANCE_USER if self.password is None: self.password = self.config.PLC_API_MAINTENANCE_PASSWORD if self.role is None: self.role = "admin" elif self.method is None: self.method = "password" if self.role == "anonymous" or self.method == "anonymous": self.auth = {'AuthMethod': "anonymous"} else: if self.user is None: print "Error: must specify a username with -u" self.usage() if self.password is None: try: self.password = getpass.getpass() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print sys.exit(0) self.auth = {'AuthMethod': self.method, 'Username': self.user, 'AuthString': self.password} if self.role is not None: self.auth['Role'] = self.role def begin(self): if self.calls: raise Exception, "multicall already in progress" self.multi = True def commit(self): if calls: ret = [] self.multi = False results = system.multicall(calls) for result in results: if type(result) == type({}): raise xmlrpclib.Fault(item['faultCode'], item['faultString']) elif type(result) == type([]): ret.append(result[0]) else: raise ValueError, "unexpected type in multicall result" else: ret = None self.calls = [] self.multi = False return ret class Callable: """ Wrapper to call a method either directly or remotely. Initialize with no arguments to use as a dummy class to support tab completion of API methods with dots in their names (e.g., system.listMethods). """ def __init__(self, shell, method = None): self.shell=shell self.name = method if method is not None: # Figure out if the function requires an authentication # structure as its first argument. self.auth = False try: func = shell.api.callable(method) if func.accepts and \ (isinstance(func.accepts[0], Auth) or \ (isinstance(func.accepts[0], Mixed) and \ filter(lambda param: isinstance(param, Auth), func.accepts[0]))): self.auth = True except: traceback.print_exc() # XXX Ignore undefined methods for now pass if shell.server is not None: self.func = getattr(shell.server, method) else: self.func = func def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Automagically add the authentication structure if the function requires it and it has not been specified. """ if self.auth and \ (not args or not isinstance(args[0], dict) or \ (not args[0].has_key('AuthMethod') and \ not args[0].has_key('session'))): args = (self.shell.auth,) + args if self.shell.multi: self.shell.calls.append({'methodName': self.name, 'params': list(args)}) return None else: return self.func(*args, **kwds) def init_methods (self): # makes methods defined on self for method in PLC.Methods.methods: # ignore path-defined methods for now if "." not in method: setattr(self,method,Shell.Callable(self,method)) def init_globals (self): # Define all methods in the global namespace to support tab completion for method in PLC.Methods.methods: paths = method.split(".") if len(paths) > 1: first = paths.pop(0) if first not in globals(): globals()[first] = Shell.Callable(self) obj = globals()[first] for path in paths: if not hasattr(obj, path): if path == paths[-1]: setattr(obj, path, Shell.Callable(self,method)) else: setattr(obj, path, Shell.Callable(self)) obj = getattr(obj, path) else: globals()[method] = Shell.Callable(self,method) # Other stuff to be made visible in globals() for slot in former_globals: #print 'Inserting global',slot globals()[slot] = getattr(self,slot) def run_script (self): # Pop us off the argument stack self.argv.pop(0) execfile(self.argv[0],globals(),globals()) sys.exit(0) def show_config (self, verbose=False): if self.server is None: print "PlanetLab Central Direct API Access" self.prompt = "" elif self.auth['AuthMethod'] == "anonymous": self.prompt = "[anonymous]" print "Connected anonymously" else: self.prompt = "[%s]" % self.auth['Username'] print "%s connected using %s authentication" % \ (self.auth['Username'], self.auth['AuthMethod']) if verbose: print 'url',self.url print 'server',self.server print 'method',self.method print 'user',self.user, print 'password',self.password print 'role',self.role, print 'xmlrpc',self.xmlrpc, print 'multi',self.multi, print 'calls',self.calls def run_interactive (self): # Readline and tab completion support import atexit import readline import rlcompleter print 'Type "system.listMethods()" or "help(method)" for more information.' # Load command history history_path = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".plcapi_history") try: file(history_path, 'a').close() readline.read_history_file(history_path) atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, history_path) except IOError: pass # Enable tab completion readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") try: while True: command = "" while True: # Get line try: if command == "": sep = ">>> " else: sep = "... " line = raw_input(self.prompt + sep) # Ctrl-C except KeyboardInterrupt: command = "" print break # Build up multi-line command command += line # Blank line or first line does not end in : if line == "" or (command == line and line[-1] != ':'): break command += os.linesep # Blank line if command == "": continue # Quit elif command in ["q", "quit", "exit"]: break try: try: # Try evaluating as an expression and printing the result result = eval(command) if result is not None: print result except SyntaxError: # Fall back to executing as a statement exec command except Exception, err: traceback.print_exc() except EOFError: print pass # support former behaviour def run (self): if len(self.argv) < 2 or not os.path.exists(self.argv[1]): # Parse options if called interactively self.init_from_argv() self.init_connection() self.init_globals() # If called by a script if len(sys.argv) > 1 and os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): # self.show_config() self.run_script() else: self.show_config() self.run_interactive() # does not run anything, support for multi-plc, see e.g. TestPeers.py def init(self): self.init_from_argv() self.init_connection() self.init_methods() if __name__ == '__main__': Shell(sys.argv).run()