#!/usr/bin/env ./Shell.py # # Test script example # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: Test.py,v 1.10 2006/10/16 21:57:28 mlhuang Exp $ # from pprint import pprint from string import letters, digits, punctuation import re import socket import struct from random import Random random = Random() def randfloat(min = 0.0, max = 1.0): return float(min) + (random.random() * (float(max) - float(min))) def randint(min = 0, max = 1): return int(randfloat(min, max + 1)) # See "2.2 Characters" in the XML specification: # # #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] # avoiding # [#x7F-#x84], [#x86-#x9F], [#xFDD0-#xFDDF] low_xml_chars = map(unichr, [0x9, 0xA, 0xD]) low_xml_chars += map(unichr, xrange(0x20, 0x7F - 1)) low_xml_chars += map(unichr, xrange(0x84 + 1, 0x86 - 1)) low_xml_chars += map(unichr, xrange(0x9F + 1, 0xFF)) valid_xml_chars = list(low_xml_chars) valid_xml_chars += map(unichr, xrange(0xFF + 1, 0xD7FF)) valid_xml_chars += map(unichr, xrange(0xE000, 0xFDD0 - 1)) valid_xml_chars += map(unichr, xrange(0xFDDF + 1, 0xFFFD)) def randstr(length, pool = valid_xml_chars, encoding = "utf-8"): sample = random.sample(pool, min(length, len(pool))) while True: s = u''.join(sample) bytes = len(s.encode(encoding)) if bytes > length: sample.pop() elif bytes < length: sample += random.sample(pool, min(length - bytes, len(pool))) random.shuffle(sample) else: break return s def randhostname(): # 1. Each part begins and ends with a letter or number. # 2. Each part except the last can contain letters, numbers, or hyphens. # 3. Each part is between 1 and 64 characters, including the trailing dot. # 4. At least two parts. # 5. Last part can only contain between 2 and 6 letters. hostname = 'a' + randstr(61, letters + digits + '-') + '1.' + \ 'b' + randstr(61, letters + digits + '-') + '2.' + \ 'c' + randstr(5, letters) return hostname def unicmp(a, b, encoding = "utf-8"): """ When connected directly to the DB, values are returned as raw 8-bit strings that may need to be decoded (as UTF-8 by default) in order to compare them against expected Python Unicode strings. """ is8bit = re.compile("[\x80-\xff]").search if isinstance(a, str) and is8bit(a): a = unicode(a, encoding) if isinstance(b, str) and is8bit(b): b = unicode(b, encoding) return a == b admin = {'AuthMethod': "capability", 'Username': config.PLC_API_MAINTENANCE_USER, 'AuthString': config.PLC_API_MAINTENANCE_PASSWORD, 'Role': "admin"} user = {'AuthMethod': "password", 'Role': "user"} pi = {'AuthMethod': "password", 'Role': "pi"} tech = {'AuthMethod': "password", 'Role': "tech"} # Add sites site_ids = [] for i in range(3): name = randstr(254) abbreviated_name = randstr(50) login_base = randstr(20, letters).lower() latitude = int(randfloat(-90.0, 90.0) * 1000) / 1000.0 longitude = int(randfloat(-180.0, 180.0) * 1000) / 1000.0 # Add site print "AddSite(%s)" % login_base, site_id = AddSite(admin, name, abbreviated_name, login_base, {'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude}) # Should return a unique site_id assert site_id not in site_ids site_ids.append(site_id) print "=>", site_id # Check site print "GetSites(%d)" % site_id, site = GetSites(admin, [site_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'abbreviated_name', 'login_base', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'site_id': assert unicmp(site[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Update site name = randstr(254) abbreviated_name = randstr(50) latitude = int(randfloat(-90.0, 90.0) * 1000) / 1000.0 longitude = int(randfloat(-180.0, 180.0) * 1000) / 1000.0 max_slices = 10 print "UpdateSite(%s)" % login_base, UpdateSite(admin, site_id, {'name': name, 'abbreviated_name': abbreviated_name, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'max_slices': max_slices}) site = GetSites(admin, [site_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'abbreviated_name', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'max_slices': assert unicmp(site[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" print "GetSites", sites = GetSites(admin, site_ids) assert set(site_ids) == set([site['site_id'] for site in sites]) print "=>", site_ids print "GetRoles", roles = GetRoles(admin) role_ids = [role['role_id'] for role in roles] roles = [role['name'] for role in roles] roles = dict(zip(roles, role_ids)) print "=>", role_ids # Add users person_ids = [] for auth in user, pi, tech: first_name = randstr(128) last_name = randstr(128) # 119 + 1 + 64 + 64 + 6 = 254 email = (randstr(119, letters + digits) + "@" + randhostname()).lower() bio = randstr(254) # Accounts are disabled by default enabled = False auth['Username'] = email auth['AuthString'] = randstr(254) # Add account print "AddPerson(%s)" % email, person_id = AddPerson(admin, first_name, last_name, {'email': email, 'bio': bio, 'password': auth['AuthString']}) # Should return a unique person_id assert person_id not in person_ids person_ids.append(person_id) print "=>", person_id # Check account print "GetPersons(%d)" % person_id, person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] for key in 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'bio', 'person_id', 'enabled': assert unicmp(person[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Update account first_name = randstr(128) last_name = randstr(128) bio = randstr(254) print "UpdatePerson(%d)" % person_id, UpdatePerson(admin, person_id, {'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'bio': bio}) print "=> OK" # Check account again person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] for key in 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'bio': assert unicmp(person[key], locals()[key]) # Check that account is really disabled try: assert not AuthCheck(auth) except: pass # Add role role_id = roles[auth['Role']] print "AddRoleToPerson(%d, %d)" % (role_id, person_id), AddRoleToPerson(admin, role_id, person_id) person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] assert [role_id] == person['role_ids'] print "=> OK" # Enable account UpdatePerson(admin, person_id, {'enabled': True}) # Check authentication print "AuthCheck(%s)" % auth['Username'], assert AuthCheck(auth) print "=> OK" # Associate account with each site for site_id in site_ids: print "AddPersonToSite(%d, %d)" % (person_id, site_id), AddPersonToSite(admin, person_id, site_id) print "=> OK" # Make sure it really did it person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] person_site_ids = person['site_ids'] assert set(site_ids) == set(person['site_ids']) # First site should be the primary site print "SetPersonPrimarySite(%d, %d)" % (person_id, person_site_ids[1]), SetPersonPrimarySite(auth, person_id, person_site_ids[1]) person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] assert person['site_ids'][0] == person_site_ids[1] print "=> OK" print "GetPersons", persons = GetPersons(admin, person_ids) assert set(person_ids) == set([person['person_id'] for person in persons]) print "=>", person_ids # Add node groups nodegroup_ids = [] for i in range(3): name = randstr(50) description = randstr(200) # Add node group print "AddNodeGroup", nodegroup_id = AddNodeGroup(admin, name, {'description': description}) # Should return a unique nodegroup_id assert nodegroup_id not in nodegroup_ids nodegroup_ids.append(nodegroup_id) print "=>", nodegroup_id # Check node group print "GetNodeGroups(%d)" % nodegroup_id, nodegroup = GetNodeGroups(admin, [nodegroup_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'description', 'nodegroup_id': assert unicmp(nodegroup[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Update node group name = randstr(16, letters + ' ' + digits) description = randstr(200) print "UpdateNodeGroup", UpdateNodeGroup(admin, nodegroup_id, {'name': name, 'description': description}) print "=> OK" # Check node group again nodegroup = GetNodeGroups(admin, [nodegroup_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'description', 'nodegroup_id': assert unicmp(nodegroup[key], locals()[key]) print "GetNodeGroups", nodegroups = GetNodeGroups(admin, nodegroup_ids) assert set(nodegroup_ids) == set([nodegroup['nodegroup_id'] for nodegroup in nodegroups]) print "=>", nodegroup_ids # Add nodes node_ids = [] for site_id in site_ids: for i in range(3): hostname = randhostname() boot_state = 'inst' model = randstr(255) # Add node print "AddNode(%s)" % hostname, node_id = AddNode(admin, site_id, hostname, {'boot_state': boot_state, 'model': model}) # Should return a unique node_id assert node_id not in node_ids node_ids.append(node_id) print "=>", node_id # Check node print "GetNodes(%d)" % node_id, node = GetNodes(admin, [node_id])[0] for key in 'hostname', 'boot_state', 'model', 'node_id': assert unicmp(node[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Update node hostname = randhostname() model = randstr(255) print "UpdateNode(%d)" % node_id, UpdateNode(admin, node_id, {'hostname': hostname, 'model': model}) print "=> OK" # Check node again node = GetNodes(admin, [node_id])[0] for key in 'hostname', 'boot_state', 'model', 'node_id': assert unicmp(node[key], locals()[key]) # Add to node groups for nodegroup_id in nodegroup_ids: print "AddNodeToNodeGroup(%d, %d)" % (nodegroup_id, node_id), AddNodeToNodeGroup(admin, nodegroup_id, node_id) print "=> OK" print "GetNodes", nodes = GetNodes(admin, node_ids) assert set(node_ids) == set([node['node_id'] for node in nodes]) print "=>", node_ids print "GetNodeGroups", nodegroups = GetNodeGroups(admin, nodegroup_ids) for nodegroup in nodegroups: assert set(nodegroup['node_ids']) == set(node_ids) print "=> OK" # Add node networks nodenetwork_ids = [] for node_id in node_ids: ip = randint(0, 0xffffffff) netmask = (0xffffffff << randint(2, 31)) & 0xffffffff network = ip & netmask broadcast = ((ip & netmask) | ~netmask) & 0xffffffff gateway = randint(network + 1, broadcast - 1) dns1 = randint(0, 0xffffffff) bwlimit = randint(500000, 10000000) for method in 'static', 'dhcp': optional = {'bwlimit': bwlimit} if method == 'static': for key in 'ip', 'netmask', 'network', 'broadcast', 'gateway', 'dns1': optional[key] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>L', locals()[key])) # Add node network print "AddNodeNetwork(%s)" % method, nodenetwork_id = AddNodeNetwork(admin, node_id, method, 'ipv4', optional) # Should return a unique nodenetwork_id assert nodenetwork_id not in nodenetwork_ids nodenetwork_ids.append(nodenetwork_id) print "=>", nodenetwork_id # Check node network print "GetNodeNetworks(%d)" % nodenetwork_id, nodenetwork = GetNodeNetworks(admin, [nodenetwork_id])[0] if method == 'static': for key in 'ip', 'netmask', 'network', 'broadcast', 'gateway', 'dns1': address = struct.unpack('>L', socket.inet_aton(nodenetwork[key]))[0] assert address == locals()[key] print "=> OK" # Update node network optional = {'bwlimit': bwlimit} if nodenetwork['method'] == 'static': for key in 'ip', 'netmask', 'network', 'broadcast', 'gateway', 'dns1': optional[key] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>L', locals()[key])) print "UpdateNodeNetwork(%d)" % nodenetwork_id, UpdateNodeNetwork(admin, nodenetwork['nodenetwork_id'], optional) print "=> OK" # Check node network again nodenetwork = GetNodeNetworks(admin, [nodenetwork_id])[0] if nodenetwork['method'] == 'static': for key in 'ip', 'netmask', 'network', 'broadcast', 'gateway', 'dns1': address = struct.unpack('>L', socket.inet_aton(nodenetwork[key]))[0] assert address == locals()[key] print "GetNodeNetworks", nodenetworks = GetNodeNetworks(admin, nodenetwork_ids) assert set(nodenetwork_ids) == set([nodenetwork['nodenetwork_id'] for nodenetwork in nodenetworks]) print "=>", nodenetwork_ids # Add slice attribute types attribute_type_ids = [] for i in range(3): name = randstr(100) description = randstr(254) min_role_id = random.sample(roles.values(), 1)[0] # Add slice attribute type print "AddSliceAttributeType", attribute_type_id = AddSliceAttributeType(admin, name, {'description': description, 'min_role_id': min_role_id}) # Should return a unique attribute_type_id assert attribute_type_id not in attribute_type_ids attribute_type_ids.append(attribute_type_id) print "=>", attribute_type_id # Check slice attribute type print "GetSliceAttributeTypes(%d)" % attribute_type_id, attribute_type = GetSliceAttributeTypes(admin, [attribute_type_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'min_role_id', 'description': assert unicmp(attribute_type[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Update slice attribute type name = "attribute_" + randstr(10, letters + '_') description = randstr(254) min_role_id = random.sample(roles.values(), 1)[0] print "UpdateSliceAttributeType(%d)" % attribute_type_id, UpdateSliceAttributeType(admin, attribute_type_id, {'name': name, 'description': description, 'min_role_id': min_role_id}) attribute_type = GetSliceAttributeTypes(admin, [attribute_type_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'min_role_id', 'description': assert unicmp(attribute_type[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Add slices and slice attributes slice_ids = [] slice_attribute_ids = [] for site in sites: for i in range(10): name = site['login_base'] + "_" + randstr(11, letters).lower() url = "http://" + randhostname() + "/" description = randstr(2048) # Add slice print "AddSlice(%s)" % name, slice_id = AddSlice(admin, name, {'url': url, 'description': description}) # Should return a unique slice_id assert slice_id not in slice_ids slice_ids.append(slice_id) print "=>", slice_id # Check slice print "GetSlices(%d)" % slice_id, slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'url', 'description', 'slice_id': assert unicmp(slice[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Update slice url = "http://" + randhostname() + "/" description = randstr(2048) print "UpdateSlice(%d)" % slice_id, UpdateSlice(admin, slice_id, {'url': url, 'description': description}) slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] for key in 'name', 'url', 'description', 'slice_id': assert unicmp(slice[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Add slice to all nodes print "AddSliceToNodes(%d, %s)" % (slice_id, str(node_ids)), AddSliceToNodes(admin, name, node_ids) slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] assert set(node_ids) == set(slice['node_ids']) print "=> OK" # Add users to slice for person_id in person_ids: print "AddPersonToSlice(%d, %d)" % (person_id, slice_id), AddPersonToSlice(admin, person_id, slice_id) print "=> OK" slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] assert set(person_ids) == set(slice['person_ids']) # Set slice/sliver attributes for attribute_type_id in attribute_type_ids: value = randstr(16, letters + '_' + digits) # Make it a sliver attribute with 50% probability node_id = random.sample(node_ids + [None] * len(node_ids), 1)[0] # Add slice attribute print "AddSliceAttribute(%d, %d)" % (slice_id, attribute_type_id), if node_id is None: slice_attribute_id = AddSliceAttribute(admin, slice_id, attribute_type_id, value) else: slice_attribute_id = AddSliceAttribute(admin, slice_id, attribute_type_id, value, node_id) # Should return a unique slice_attribute_id assert slice_attribute_id not in slice_attribute_ids slice_attribute_ids.append(slice_attribute_id) print "=>", slice_attribute_id # Check slice attribute print "GetSliceAttributes(%d)" % slice_attribute_id, slice_attribute = GetSliceAttributes(admin, [slice_attribute_id])[0] for key in 'attribute_type_id', 'slice_id', 'node_id', 'slice_attribute_id', 'value': assert unicmp(slice_attribute[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Update slice attribute url = "http://" + randhostname() + "/" description = randstr(2048) print "UpdateSliceAttribute(%d)" % slice_attribute_id, UpdateSliceAttribute(admin, slice_attribute_id, value) slice_attribute = GetSliceAttributes(admin, [slice_attribute_id])[0] for key in 'attribute_type_id', 'slice_id', 'node_id', 'slice_attribute_id', 'value': assert unicmp(slice_attribute[key], locals()[key]) print "=> OK" # Delete slices for slice_id in slice_ids: # Delete slice attributes slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] for slice_attribute_id in slice['slice_attribute_ids']: print "DeleteSliceAttribute(%d, %d)" % (slice_id, slice_attribute_id), DeleteSliceAttribute(admin, slice_attribute_id) print "=> OK" slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] assert not slice['slice_attribute_ids'] # Delete users from slice for person_id in person_ids: print "DeletePersonFromSlice(%d, %d)" % (person_id, slice_id), DeletePersonFromSlice(admin, person_id, slice_id) print "=> OK" slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] assert not slice['person_ids'] # Delete nodes from slice print "DeleteSliceFromNodes(%d, %s)" % (slice_id, node_ids), DeleteSliceFromNodes(admin, slice_id, node_ids) print "=> OK" slice = GetSlices(admin, [slice_id])[0] assert not slice['node_ids'] # Delete slice print "DeleteSlice(%d)" % slice_id, DeleteSlice(admin, slice_id) assert not GetSlices(admin, [slice_id]) # Make sure it really deleted it slices = GetSlices(admin, slice_ids) assert slice_id not in [slice['slice_id'] for slice in slices] print "=> OK" print "GetSlices", assert not GetSlices(admin, slice_ids) print "=> []" # Delete slice attribute types for attribute_type_id in attribute_type_ids: # Delete slice attribute type print "DeleteSliceAttributeType(%d)" % attribute_type_id, DeleteSliceAttributeType(admin, attribute_type_id) assert not GetSliceAttributeTypes(admin, [attribute_type_id]) # Make sure it really deleted it attribute_types = GetSliceAttributeTypes(admin, attribute_type_ids) assert attribute_type_id not in [attribute_type['attribute_type_id'] for attribute_type in attribute_types] print "=> OK" print "GetSliceAttributeTypes", assert not GetSliceAttributeTypes(admin, attribute_type_ids) print "=> []" # Delete node networks for nodenetwork_id in nodenetwork_ids: print "DeleteNodeNetwork(%d)" % nodenetwork_id, DeleteNodeNetwork(admin, nodenetwork_id) print "=>", "OK" print "GetNodeNetworks", assert not GetNodeNetworks(admin, nodenetwork_ids) print "=> []" # Delete nodes for node_id in node_ids: # Remove from node groups for nodegroup_id in nodegroup_ids: print "DeleteNodeFromNodeGroup(%d, %d)" % (nodegroup_id, node_id), DeleteNodeFromNodeGroup(admin, nodegroup_id, node_id) print "=> OK" node = GetNodes(admin, [node_id])[0] assert not node['nodegroup_ids'] # Delete node print "DeleteNode(%d)" % node_id, DeleteNode(admin, node_id) assert not GetNodes(admin, [node_id]) # Make sure it really deleted it nodes = GetNodes(admin, node_ids) assert node_id not in [node['node_id'] for node in nodes] print "=> OK" print "GetNodes", assert not GetNodes(admin, node_ids) print "=> []" nodegroups = GetNodeGroups(admin, nodegroup_ids) for nodegroup in nodegroups: assert not set(node_ids).intersection(nodegroup['node_ids']) # Delete users for person_id in person_ids: # Remove from each site for site_id in site_ids: print "DeletePersonFromSite(%d, %d)" % (person_id, site_id), DeletePersonFromSite(admin, person_id, site_id) print "=> OK" person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] assert not person['site_ids'] # Revoke role person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] for role_id in person['role_ids']: print "DeleteRoleFromPerson(%d, %d)" % (role_id, person_id), DeleteRoleFromPerson(admin, role_id, person_id) print "=> OK" person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] assert not person['role_ids'] # Disable account UpdatePerson(admin, person_id, {'enabled': False}) person = GetPersons(admin, [person_id])[0] assert not person['enabled'] # Delete account print "DeletePerson(%d)" % person_id, DeletePerson(admin, person_id) assert not GetPersons(admin, [person_id]) print "=> OK" print "GetPersons", assert not GetPersons(admin, person_ids) print "=> []" # Delete node groups for nodegroup_id in nodegroup_ids: print "DeleteNodeGroup(%d)" % nodegroup_id, DeleteNodeGroup(admin, nodegroup_id) assert not GetNodeGroups(admin, [nodegroup_id]) print "=> OK" print "GetNodeGroups", assert not GetNodeGroups(admin, nodegroup_ids) print "=> []" # Delete sites for site_id in site_ids: print "DeleteSite(%d)" % site_id, DeleteSite(admin, site_id) assert not GetSites(admin, [site_id]) print "=> OK" print "GetSites", assert not GetSites(admin, site_ids) print "=> []"