"""Functionality common to all account classes. Each account class must provide five methods: create(), destroy(), configure(), start(), and stop(). In addition, it must provide static member variables SHELL, which contains the unique shell that it uses; and TYPE, which contains a description of the type that it uses. TYPE is divided hierarchically by periods; at the moment the only convention is that all sliver accounts have type that begins with sliver. Because Python does dynamic method lookup, we do not bother with a boilerplate abstract superclass. There are any number of race conditions that may result from the fact that account names are not unique over time. Moreover, it's a bad idea to perform lengthy operations while holding the database lock. In order to deal with both of these problems, we use a worker thread for each account name that ever exists. On 32-bit systems with large numbers of accounts, this may cause the NM process to run out of *virtual* memory! This problem may be remedied by decreasing the maximum stack size. """ import Queue import os import pwd import threading import logger import tools # shell path -> account class association shell_acct_class = {} # account type -> account class association type_acct_class = {} def register_class(acct_class): """Call once for each account class. This method adds the class to the dictionaries used to look up account classes by shell and type.""" shell_acct_class[acct_class.SHELL] = acct_class type_acct_class[acct_class.TYPE] = acct_class # private account name -> worker object association and associated lock _name_worker_lock = threading.Lock() _name_worker = {} def all(): """Return the names of all accounts on the system with recognized shells.""" return [pw_ent[0] for pw_ent in pwd.getpwall() if pw_ent[6] in shell_acct_class] def get(name): """Return the worker object for a particular username. If no such object exists, create it first.""" _name_worker_lock.acquire() try: if name not in _name_worker: _name_worker[name] = Worker(name) return _name_worker[name] finally: _name_worker_lock.release() def install_keys(rec): """Write to 's authorized_keys file.""" name = rec['name'] dot_ssh = '/home/%s/.ssh' % name def do_installation(): if not os.access(dot_ssh, os.F_OK): os.mkdir(dot_ssh) tools.write_file(dot_ssh + '/authorized_keys', lambda thefile: thefile.write(rec['keys'])) logger.log('%s: installing ssh keys' % name) tools.fork_as(name, do_installation) class Worker: # these semaphores are acquired before creating/destroying an account _create_sem = threading.Semaphore(1) _destroy_sem = threading.Semaphore(1) def __init__(self, name): self.name = name # username self._acct = None # the account object currently associated with this worker # task list # outsiders request operations by putting (fn, args...) tuples on _q # the worker thread (created below) will perform these operations in order self._q = Queue.Queue() tools.as_daemon_thread(self._run) def ensure_created(self, rec): """Cause the account specified by to exist if it doesn't already.""" self._q.put((self._ensure_created, rec.copy())) def _ensure_created(self, rec): curr_class = self._get_class() next_class = type_acct_class[rec['account_type']] if next_class != curr_class: self._destroy(curr_class) self._create_sem.acquire() try: next_class.create(self.name) finally: self._create_sem.release() self._make_acct_obj() self._acct.configure(rec) if next_class != curr_class: self._acct.start() def ensure_destroyed(self): self._q.put((self._ensure_destroyed,)) def _ensure_destroyed(self): self._destroy(self._get_class()) def start(self): self._q.put((self._start,)) def _start(self): self._make_acct_obj() self._acct.start() def stop(self): self._q.put((self._stop,)) def _stop(self): self._make_acct_obj() self._acct.stop() def _destroy(self, curr_class): self._acct = None if curr_class: self._destroy_sem.acquire() try: curr_class.destroy(self.name) finally: self._destroy_sem.release() def _get_class(self): try: shell = pwd.getpwnam(self.name)[6] except KeyError: return None return shell_acct_class[shell] def _make_acct_obj(self): curr_class = self._get_class() if not isinstance(self._acct, curr_class): self._acct = curr_class(self.name) def _run(self): while True: try: cmd = self._q.get() cmd[0](*cmd[1:]) except: logger.log_exc()