#!/usr/bin/python # # Bootstraps the PLC database with a default administrator account and # a default site. # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: api-config,v 1.5 2006/03/29 19:17:26 mlhuang Exp $ # import plcapilib (plcapi, moreopts, argv) = plcapilib.plcapi(globals()) from plc_config import PLCConfiguration import xmlrpclib import sys def main(): cfg = PLCConfiguration() cfg.load() variables = cfg.variables() # Load variables into dictionaries (category, variablelist) = variables['plc'] plc = dict(zip(variablelist.keys(), [variable['value'] for variable in variablelist.values()])) (category, variablelist) = variables['plc_www'] plc_www = dict(zip(variablelist.keys(), [variable['value'] for variable in variablelist.values()])) (category, variablelist) = variables['plc_api'] plc_api = dict(zip(variablelist.keys(), [variable['value'] for variable in variablelist.values()])) # Create/update the default administrator account (should be # person_id 2). admin = { 'person_id': 2, 'first_name': "Default", 'last_name': "Administrator", 'email': plc['root_user'], 'password': plc['root_password'] } persons = AdmGetPersons([admin['person_id']]) if not persons: person_id = AdmAddPerson(admin['first_name'], admin['last_name'], admin) if person_id != admin['person_id']: # Huh? Someone deleted the account manually from the database. AdmDeletePerson(person_id) raise Exception, "Someone deleted the \"%s %s\" account from the database!" % \ (admin['first_name'], admin['last_name']) AdmSetPersonEnabled(person_id, True) else: person_id = persons[0]['person_id'] AdmUpdatePerson(person_id, admin) # Create/update the default site (should be site_id 1) if plc_www['port'] == '80': url = "http://" + plc_www['host'] + "/" elif plc_www['port'] == '443': url = "https://" + plc_www['host'] + "/" else: url = "http://" + plc_www['host'] + ":" + plc_www['port'] + "/" site = { 'site_id': 1, 'name': plc['name'] + " Central", 'abbreviated_name': plc['name'], # XXX Default site slice_prefix/login_base must be "pl_" # 'login_base': plc['slice_prefix'], 'login_base': "pl", 'is_public': False, 'url': url, 'max_slices': 100 } sites = AdmGetSites([site['site_id']]) if not sites: site_id = AdmAddSite(site['name'], site['abbreviated_name'], site['login_base'], site) if site_id != site['site_id']: AdmDeleteSite(site_id) raise Exception, "Someone deleted the \"%s\" site from the database!" % \ site['name'] sites = [site] # Must call AdmUpdateSite() even after AdmAddSite() to update max_slices site_id = sites[0]['site_id'] # XXX login_base cannot be updated del site['login_base'] AdmUpdateSite(site_id, site) # The default administrator account must be associated with a site # in order to login. AdmAddPersonToSite(admin['person_id'], site['site_id']) AdmSetPersonPrimarySite(admin['person_id'], site['site_id']) # Grant admin and PI roles to the default administrator account AdmGrantRoleToPerson(admin['person_id'], 10) AdmGrantRoleToPerson(admin['person_id'], 20) # Further bootstrap the database. A few PlanetLabConf entries are # absolutely required, and NM requires the slice tables to be # populated. # # XXX This data should really become part of the DB schema so that # we don't have to copy it from PLC. For now, this code is only # intended to be called at build time, when we know that we have # access to PLC. Once the tables have been populated, this code # should never be called again and PLC access is not required, # i.e., end users of MyPLC should never see this code be executed. # Use xmlrpclib to connect to PLC temporarily. plcapilib cannot # connect to multiple servers at once. auth = {'AuthMethod': 'anonymous'} PLC = None conf_files = AdmGetConfFile() if not conf_files: if PLC is None: PLC = xmlrpclib.Server("https://www.planet-lab.org/PLCAPI/") for conf_file in PLC.AnonAdmGetConfFile(auth): if conf_file['enabled'] and \ not conf_file['node_id'] and \ not conf_file['nodegroup_id']: AdmCreateConfFile(conf_file['enabled'], conf_file['source'], conf_file['dest'], conf_file['file_permissions'], conf_file['file_owner'], conf_file['file_group'], conf_file['preinstall_cmd'], conf_file['postinstall_cmd'], conf_file['error_cmd'], conf_file['ignore_cmd_errors'], conf_file['always_update']) # Setup default slice attribute types, slices, and # attributes. These are hard-coded here because we cannot safely # support an anonymous interface to the SliceAttribute functions, # yet we also do not want to require API authentication for # bootstrapping. if not SliceAttributeTypeList(): # Create system attribute types attribute_types = [{'name': "general_prop_share", 'description': "general share", 'is_exclusive': False, 'min_role_id': 10, 'max_per_slice': 1, 'value_fields': [{'description': "", 'name': "general_prop_share", 'type': "integer"}]}, {'name': "initscript", 'description': "slice initialization script", 'is_exclusive': False, 'min_role_id': 10, 'max_per_slice': 1, 'value_fields': [{'description': "", 'name': "initscript_id", 'type': "integer"}]}, {'name': "plc_slice_type", 'description': "Type of slice rspec to be created", 'is_exclusive': True, 'min_role_id': 20, 'max_per_slice': 1, 'value_fields': [{'description': "rspec class", 'name': "type", 'type': "string"}]}, {'name': "nm_cpu_share", 'description': "Number of CPU shares to be allocated to slice", 'is_exclusive': True, 'min_role_id': 10, 'max_per_slice': 1, 'value_fields': [{'description': "number of shares", 'name': "cpu_share", 'type': "integer"}]}, {'name': "plc_agent_version", 'description': "Version of PLC agent (slice creation service) software to be deployed", 'is_exclusive': True, 'min_role_id': 10, 'max_per_slice': 1, 'value_fields': [{'description': "current version of PLC agent (SCS)", 'name': "version", 'type': "string"}]}, {'name': "plc_ticket_pubkey", 'description': "Public key used to verify PLC-signed tickets", 'is_exclusive': True, 'min_role_id': 10, 'max_per_slice': 1, 'value_fields': [{'description': "PEM-encoded public key", 'name': "key", 'type': "string"}]}, {'name': "nm_disk_quota", 'description': "Disk quota", 'is_exclusive': True, 'min_role_id': 10, 'max_per_slice': 1, 'value_fields': [{'description': "Number of 1k disk blocks", 'name': "quota", 'type': "integer"}]}] for attribute_type in attribute_types: SliceAttributeTypeCreate(attribute_type['name'], attribute_type['description'], attribute_type['min_role_id'], attribute_type['max_per_slice'], attribute_type['is_exclusive'], attribute_type['value_fields']) # Get contents of SSL public certificate used for signing tickets try: plc_ticket_pubkey = "" for line in file(plc_api['ssl_key_pub']): # Skip comments if line[0:5] != "-----": # XXX The embedded newlines matter, do not strip()! plc_ticket_pubkey += line except: plc_ticket_pubkey = '%KEY%' # Create/update system slices slices = [{'name': "pl_conf", 'description': "PlanetLab Slice Creation Service (SCS)", 'url': url, 'attributes': {'plc_slice_type': {'type': "VServerSlice"}, 'plc_agent_version': {'version': "1.0"}, 'plc_ticket_pubkey': {'key': plc_ticket_pubkey}}}, {'name': "pl_conf_vserverslice", 'description': "Default attributes for vserver slices", 'url': url, 'attributes': {'nm_cpu_share': {'cpu_share': 32}, 'plc_slice_type': {'type': "VServerSlice"}, 'nm_disk_quota': {'quota': 5000000}}}] for slice in slices: try: SliceInfo([slice['name']]) except: SliceCreate(slice['name']) SliceSetInstantiationMethod(slice['name'], 'plc-instantiated') SliceUpdate(slice['name'], slice['url'], slice['description']) # Renew forever SliceRenew(slice['name'], sys.maxint) # Create/update all attributes for attribute, values in slice['attributes'].iteritems(): SliceAttributeSet(slice['name'], attribute, values) if __name__ == '__main__': main()