#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # S.Çağlar Onur from PLC.Config import Config from PLC.Faults import PLCPermissionDenied from PLC.Nodes import Node, Nodes from PLC.Persons import Person, Persons from PLC.Sessions import Session, Sessions from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pyaspects.meta import MetaAspect import memcache import os import sys class BaseRateLimit(object): def __init__(self): self.config = Config("/etc/planetlab/plc_config") # FIXME: change with Config values self.prefix = "ratelimit" self.minutes = 5 # The time period self.requests = 50 # Number of allowed requests in that time period self.expire_after = (self.minutes + 1) * 60 self.whitelist = [] def log(self, line): log = open("/var/log/plc_api_ratelimit.log", "a") date = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M") log.write("%s - %s\n" % (date, line)) log.flush() def mail(self, to): sendmail = os.popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -N never -t -f%s" % self.config.PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS, "w") subject = "[PLCAPI] Maximum allowed number of API calls exceeded" header = {'from': "%s Support <%s>" % (self.config.PLC_NAME, self.config.PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS), 'to': "%s, %s" % (to, self.config.PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS), 'version': sys.version.split(" ")[0], 'subject': subject} body = "Maximum allowed number of API calls exceeded for the user %s within the last %s minutes." % (to, self.minutes) # Write headers sendmail.write( """ Content-type: text/plain From: %(from)s Reply-To: %(from)s To: %(to)s X-Mailer: Python/%(version)s Subject: %(subject)s """.lstrip() % header) # Write body sendmail.write(body) # Done sendmail.close() def before(self, wobj, data, *args, **kwargs): # ratelimit_128.112.139.115_201011091532 = 1 # ratelimit_128.112.139.115_201011091533 = 14 # ratelimit_128.112.139.115_201011091534 = 11 # Now, on every request we work out the keys for the past five minutes and use get_multi to retrieve them. # If the sum of those counters exceeds the maximum allowed for that time period, we block the request. api_method_name = wobj.name api_method_source = wobj.source try: api_method = args[0]["AuthMethod"] except: return # decode api_method_caller if api_method == "session": api_method_caller = Sessions(wobj.api, {'session_id': args[0]["session"]}) if api_method_caller == []: return elif api_method_caller[0]["person_id"] != None: api_method_caller = Persons(wobj.api, api_method_caller[0]["person_id"])[0]["email"] elif api_method_caller[0]["node_id"] != None: api_method_caller = Nodes(wobj.api, api_method_caller[0]["node_id"])[0]["hostname"] else: api_method_caller = args[0]["session"] elif api_method == "password" or api_method == "capability": api_method_caller = args[0]["Username"] elif api_method == "gpg": api_method_caller = args[0]["name"] elif api_method == "hmac" or api_method == "hmac_dummybox": api_method_caller = args[0]["node_id"] elif api_method == "anonymous": api_method_caller = "anonymous" else: api_method_caller = "unknown" # excludes if api_method_source == None or api_method_source[0] == self.config.PLC_API_IP or api_method_source[0] in self.whitelist: return # sanity check if api_method_caller == None: self.log("%s called from %s with Username = None?" % (api_method_name, api_method_source[0])) return # normalize unicode string otherwise memcache throws an exception api_method_caller = str(api_method_caller) mc = memcache.Client(["%s:11211" % self.config.PLC_API_HOST]) now = datetime.now() current_key = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (self.prefix, api_method_caller, api_method_source[0], now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) keys_to_check = ["%s_%s_%s_%s" % (self.prefix, api_method_caller, api_method_source[0], (now - timedelta(minutes = minute)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) for minute in range(self.minutes + 1)] try: mc.incr(current_key) except ValueError: mc.set(current_key, 1, time=self.expire_after) results = mc.get_multi(keys_to_check) total_requests = 0 for i in results: total_requests += results[i] if total_requests > self.requests: self.log("%s - %s" % (api_method_source[0], api_method_caller)) caller_key = "%s_%s" % (self.prefix, api_method_caller) if mc.get(caller_key) == None: mc.set(caller_key, 1, time = self.expire_after) if (api_method == "session" and api_method_caller.__contains__("@")) or (api_method == "password" or api_method == "capability"): self.mail(api_method_caller) raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Maximum allowed number of API calls exceeded" def after(self, wobj, data, *args, **kwargs): return class RateLimitAspect_class(BaseRateLimit): __metaclass__ = MetaAspect name = "ratelimitaspect_class" def __init__(self): BaseRateLimit.__init__(self) def before(self, wobj, data, *args, **kwargs): BaseRateLimit.before(self, wobj, data, *args, **kwargs) def after(self, wobj, data, *args, **kwargs): BaseRateLimit.after(self, wobj, data, *args, **kwargs) RateLimitAspect = RateLimitAspect_class