open Unix open Globals open Dirwatcher open Inotify open Fifowatcher open Frontend open Printf let delete_prefix prefix str = let len = String.length str in let plen = String.length prefix in if (String.sub str 0 plen <> prefix) then raise Bad_path else Relpath(String.sub str (plen+1) (len-plen-1)) let rec list_check lst elt = match lst with | [] -> false | car::cdr -> if (car==elt) then true else list_check cdr elt (* * One backendHandler class for each * backend. Builds the initial * tree for the frontend and * watches for directory * events. *) class backendHandler dir_root (frontend_lst: frontendHandler list) = let mk_rel_path = delete_prefix dir_root in object(this) val file_regexp = ref (Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*") method new_dir fqp func = let s = Unix.stat fqp in List.iter (fun frontend-> frontend#mkdir (mk_rel_path fqp) (s.st_perm); Dirwatcher.add_watch fqp [S_Create;S_Delete] (Some(func))) frontend_lst; method new_script fqp = let s = Unix.stat fqp in List.iter (fun frontend-> frontend#mkentry (mk_rel_path fqp) fqp (s.st_perm)) frontend_lst val dir_regexp = Str.regexp "^dir_"; method handle_dir_event dirname evlist fname = let fqp = String.concat "/" [dirname;fname] in if (Str.string_match !file_regexp fname 0) then begin let is_event = list_check evlist in if (is_event Create) then begin if (is_event Isdir) then begin this#new_dir fqp this#handle_dir_event end else (* It's a new script *) begin (* if (Str.string_match dir_regexp fname 0) then let fqp = String.concat "/" [dirname;String.sub fname 4 ((String.length fname)-4+1)] in let real_fqp = String.concat "/" [dirname;fname] in this#new_dir fqp this#handle_spool_event; Hashtbl.add spools fqp real_fqp else*) this#new_script fqp end end else if (is_event Delete) then begin if (is_event Isdir) then begin (*this#rm_watch fqp;*) List.iter (fun frontend-> frontend#rmdir (mk_rel_path fqp)) frontend_lst end else List.iter (fun frontend -> frontend#unlink (mk_rel_path fqp)) frontend_lst end end else (* regex not matched *) () initializer let rec build_initial_tree dir = let dir_handle = opendir dir in let cont = ref true in while (!cont) do try let curfile = readdir dir_handle in let fqp = String.concat "/" [dir;curfile] in if (Str.string_match !file_regexp curfile 0) then let s = Unix.stat fqp in begin match s.st_kind with | S_DIR -> this#new_dir fqp this#handle_dir_event; build_initial_tree fqp; | S_REG -> this#new_script fqp | _ -> printf "Don't know what to do with %s\n" curfile;flush Pervasives.stdout end with _->cont:=false;() done in begin build_initial_tree dir_root; Dirwatcher.add_watch dir_root [S_Create;S_Delete] (Some(this#handle_dir_event)); end end