#!/usr/bin/python # Attempt to reboot a node in debug state. import plc api = plc.getAuthAPI() import sys import os import const from getsshkeys import SSHKnownHosts import subprocess import time import database import moncommands from sets import Set import ssh.pxssh as pxssh import ssh.fdpexpect as fdpexpect import ssh.pexpect as pexpect from unified_model import * from emailTxt import mailtxt from nodeconfig import network_config_to_str import traceback import config import signal class Sopen(subprocess.Popen): def kill(self, signal = signal.SIGTERM): os.kill(self.pid, signal) #from Rpyc import SocketConnection, Async from Rpyc import SocketConnection, Async from Rpyc.Utils import * fb = None def get_fbnode(node): global fb if fb is None: fb = database.dbLoad("findbad") fbnode = fb['nodes'][node]['values'] return fbnode class NodeConnection: def __init__(self, connection, node, config): self.node = node self.c = connection self.config = config def get_boot_state(self): if self.c.modules.os.path.exists('/tmp/source'): return "dbg" elif self.c.modules.os.path.exists('/vservers'): return "boot" else: return "unknown" def get_dmesg(self): self.c.modules.os.system("dmesg > /var/log/dmesg.bm.log") download(self.c, "/var/log/dmesg.bm.log", "log/dmesg.%s.log" % self.node) log = open("log/dmesg.%s.log" % self.node, 'r') return log def get_bootmanager_log(self): download(self.c, "/tmp/bm.log", "log/bm.%s.log.gz" % self.node) os.system("zcat log/bm.%s.log.gz > log/bm.%s.log" % (self.node, self.node)) log = open("log/bm.%s.log" % self.node, 'r') return log def dump_plconf_file(self): c = self.c self.c.modules.sys.path.append("/tmp/source/") self.c.modules.os.chdir('/tmp/source') log = c.modules.BootManager.log('/tmp/new.log') bm = c.modules.BootManager.BootManager(log,'boot') BootManagerException = c.modules.Exceptions.BootManagerException InitializeBootManager = c.modules.BootManager.InitializeBootManager ReadNodeConfiguration = c.modules.BootManager.ReadNodeConfiguration bm_continue = True InitializeBootManager.Run(bm.VARS, bm.LOG) try: ReadNodeConfiguration.Run(bm.VARS, bm.LOG) except Exception, x: bm_continue = False print " ERROR:", x print " Possibly, unable to find valid configuration file" if bm_continue and self.config and not self.config.quiet: for key in bm.VARS.keys(): print key, " == ", bm.VARS[key] else: if self.config and not self.config.quiet: print " Unable to read Node Configuration" def compare_and_repair_nodekeys(self): c = self.c self.c.modules.sys.path.append("/tmp/source/") self.c.modules.os.chdir('/tmp/source') log = c.modules.BootManager.log('/tmp/new.log') bm = c.modules.BootManager.BootManager(log,'boot') BootManagerException = c.modules.Exceptions.BootManagerException InitializeBootManager = c.modules.BootManager.InitializeBootManager ReadNodeConfiguration = c.modules.BootManager.ReadNodeConfiguration bm_continue = True plcnode = api.GetNodes({'hostname': self.node}, None)[0] InitializeBootManager.Run(bm.VARS, bm.LOG) try: ReadNodeConfiguration.Run(bm.VARS, bm.LOG) except Exception, x: bm_continue = False print "exception" print x print " Possibly, unable to find valid configuration file" if bm_continue: print " NODE: %s" % bm.VARS['NODE_KEY'] print " PLC : %s" % plcnode['key'] if bm.VARS['NODE_KEY'] == plcnode['key']: return True else: if api.UpdateNode(self.node, {'key': bm.VARS['NODE_KEY']}): print " Successfully updated NODE_KEY with PLC" return True else: return False #for key in bm.VARS.keys(): # print key, " == ", bm.VARS[key] else: print " Unable to retrieve NODE_KEY" def bootmanager_running(self): if self.c.modules.os.path.exists('/tmp/BM_RUNNING'): return True else: return False def set_nodestate(self, state='boot'): return api.UpdateNode(self.node, {'boot_state' : state}) def restart_node(self, state='boot'): api.UpdateNode(self.node, {'boot_state' : state}) pflags = PersistFlags(self.node, 1*60*60*24, db='restart_persistflags') if not pflags.getRecentFlag('gentlekill'): print " Killing all slice processes... : %s" % self.node cmd_slicekill = "ls -d /proc/virtual/[0-9]* | awk -F '/' '{print $4}' | xargs -I{} /usr/sbin/vkill -s 9 --xid {} -- 0" self.c.modules.os.system(cmd_slicekill) cmd = """ shutdown -r +1 & """ print " Restarting %s : %s" % ( self.node, cmd) self.c.modules.os.system(cmd) pflags.setRecentFlag('gentlekill') pflags.save() else: print " Restarting with sysrq 'sub' %s" % self.node cmd = """ (sleep 5; echo 's' > /proc/sysrq-trigger; echo 'u' > /proc/sysrq-trigger; echo 'b' > /proc/sysrq-trigger ) & """ self.c.modules.os.system(cmd) return def restart_bootmanager(self, forceState): self.c.modules.os.chdir('/tmp/source') if self.c.modules.os.path.exists('/tmp/BM_RUNNING'): print " BootManager is already running: try again soon..." else: print " Starting 'BootManager.py %s' on %s " % (forceState, self.node) cmd = "( touch /tmp/BM_RUNNING ; " + \ " python ./BootManager.py %s &> server.log < /dev/null ; " + \ " rm -f /tmp/BM_RUNNING " + \ ") &" cmd = cmd % forceState self.c.modules.os.system(cmd) return import random class PlanetLabSession: globalport = 22000 + int(random.random()*1000) def __init__(self, node, nosetup, verbose): self.verbose = verbose self.node = node self.port = None self.nosetup = nosetup self.command = None self.setup_host() def get_connection(self, config): return NodeConnection(SocketConnection("localhost", self.port), self.node, config) def setup_host(self): self.port = PlanetLabSession.globalport PlanetLabSession.globalport = PlanetLabSession.globalport + 1 args = {} args['port'] = self.port args['user'] = 'root' args['hostname'] = self.node args['monitordir'] = config.MONITOR_SCRIPT_ROOT ssh_port = 22 if self.nosetup: print "Skipping setup" return # COPY Rpyc files to host cmd = "rsync -qv -az -e ssh %(monitordir)s/Rpyc/ %(user)s@%(hostname)s:Rpyc 2> /dev/null" % args if self.verbose: print cmd # TODO: Add timeout timeout = 120 localos = moncommands.CMD() ret = localos.system(cmd, timeout) print ret if ret != 0: print "\tUNKNOWN SSH KEY FOR %s; making an exception" % self.node #print "MAKE EXPLICIT EXCEPTION FOR %s" % self.node k = SSHKnownHosts(); k.updateDirect(self.node); k.write(); del k ret = localos.system(cmd, timeout) print ret if ret != 0: print "\tFAILED TWICE" #sys.exit(1) raise Exception("Failed twice trying to login with updated ssh host key") t1 = time.time() # KILL any already running servers. ssh = moncommands.SSH(args['user'], args['hostname'], ssh_port) (ov,ev) = ssh.run_noexcept2("""<<\EOF rm -f out.log echo "kill server" >> out.log ps ax | grep Rpyc | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill 2> /dev/null ; echo "export" >> out.log export PYTHONPATH=$HOME ; echo "start server" >> out.log python Rpyc/Servers/forking_server.py &> server.log & echo "done" >> out.log EOF""") #cmd = """ssh %(user)s@%(hostname)s """ + \ # """'ps ax | grep Rpyc | grep -v grep | awk "{print \$1}" | xargs kill 2> /dev/null' """ #cmd = cmd % args #if self.verbose: print cmd ## TODO: Add timeout #print localos.system(cmd,timeout) ## START a new rpyc server. #cmd = """ssh -n %(user)s@%(hostname)s "export PYTHONPATH=\$HOME; """ + \ # """python Rpyc/Servers/forking_server.py &> server.log < /dev/null &" """ #cmd = cmd % args #if self.verbose: print cmd #print localos.system(cmd,timeout) print ssh.ret # TODO: Add timeout # This was tricky to make synchronous. The combination of ssh-clients-4.7p1, # and the following options seems to work well. cmd = """ssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -o BatchMode=yes """ + \ """-o PermitLocalCommand=yes -o LocalCommand='echo "READY"' """ + \ """-o ConnectTimeout=120 """ + \ """-n -N -L %(port)s:localhost:18812 """ + \ """%(user)s@%(hostname)s""" cmd = cmd % args if self.verbose: print cmd self.command = Sopen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # TODO: the read() here may block indefinitely. Need a better # approach therefore, that includes a timeout. #ret = self.command.stdout.read(5) ret = moncommands.read_t(self.command.stdout, 5) t2 = time.time() if 'READY' in ret: # NOTE: There is still a slight race for machines that are slow... self.timeout = 2*(t2-t1) print "Sleeping for %s sec" % self.timeout time.sleep(self.timeout) return if self.command.returncode is not None: print "Failed to establish tunnel!" raise Exception("SSH Tunnel exception : %s %s" % (self.node, self.command.returncode)) raise Exception("Unknown SSH Tunnel Exception: still running, but did not report 'READY'") def __del__(self): if self.command: if self.verbose: print "Killing SSH session %s" % self.port self.command.kill() def steps_to_list(steps): ret_list = [] for (id,label) in steps: ret_list.append(label) return ret_list def index_to_id(steps,index): if index < len(steps): return steps[index][0] else: return "done" def reboot(hostname, config=None, forced_action=None): # NOTE: Nothing works if the bootcd is REALLY old. # So, this is the first step. fbnode = get_fbnode(hostname) if fbnode['category'] == "OLDBOOTCD": print "...NOTIFY OWNER TO UPDATE BOOTCD!!!" args = {} args['hostname_list'] = " %s" % hostname m = PersistMessage(hostname, "Please Update Boot Image for %s" % hostname, mailtxt.newbootcd_one[1] % args, True, db='bootcd_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) print "\tDisabling %s due to out-of-date BOOTCD" % hostname api.UpdateNode(hostname, {'boot_state' : 'disable'}) return True node = hostname print "Creating session for %s" % node # update known_hosts file (in case the node has rebooted since last run) if config and not config.quiet: print "...updating known_hosts ssh-rsa key for %s" % node try: k = SSHKnownHosts(); k.update(node); k.write(); del k except: from nodecommon import email_exception email_exception() print traceback.print_exc() return False try: if config == None: session = PlanetLabSession(node, False, True) else: session = PlanetLabSession(node, config.nosetup, config.verbose) except Exception, e: msg = "ERROR setting up session for %s" % hostname print msg print traceback.print_exc() from nodecommon import email_exception email_exception(msg) print e return False try: conn = session.get_connection(config) except EOFError: # NOTE: sometimes the wait in setup_host() is not long enough. # So, here we try to wait a little longer before giving up entirely. try: time.sleep(session.timeout*4) conn = session.get_connection(config) except: print traceback.print_exc() from nodecommon import email_exception email_exception() return False if forced_action == "reboot": conn.restart_node('rins') return True boot_state = conn.get_boot_state() if boot_state == "boot": print "...Boot state of %s already completed : skipping..." % node return True elif boot_state == "unknown": print "...Unknown bootstate for %s : skipping..."% node return False else: pass if conn.bootmanager_running(): print "...BootManager is currently running. Skipping host %s" % node return True #if config != None: # if config.force: # conn.restart_bootmanager(config.force) # return True # Read persistent flags, tagged on one week intervals. pflags = PersistFlags(hostname, 3*60*60*24, db='debug_persistflags') if config and not config.quiet: print "...downloading dmesg from %s" % node dmesg = conn.get_dmesg() child = fdpexpect.fdspawn(dmesg) sequence = [] while True: steps = [ ('scsierror' , 'SCSI error : <\d+ \d+ \d+ \d+> return code = 0x\d+'), ('ioerror' , 'end_request: I/O error, dev sd\w+, sector \d+'), ('ccisserror' , 'cciss: cmd \w+ has CHECK CONDITION byte \w+ = \w+'), ('buffererror', 'Buffer I/O error on device dm-\d, logical block \d+'), ('hdaseekerror', 'hda: dma_intr: status=0x\d+ { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }'), ('hdacorrecterror', 'hda: dma_intr: error=0x\d+ { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=\d+, sector=\d+'), ('atareadyerror' , 'ata\d+: status=0x\d+ { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }'), ('atacorrecterror' , 'ata\d+: error=0x\d+ { UncorrectableError }'), ('sdXerror' , 'sd\w: Current: sense key: Medium Error'), ('ext3error' , 'EXT3-fs error (device dm-\d+): ext3_find_entry: reading directory #\d+ offset \d+'), ('floppytimeout','floppy0: floppy timeout called'), ('floppyerror', 'end_request: I/O error, dev fd\w+, sector \d+'), # hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } # hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=23331263, sector=23331263 # floppy0: floppy timeout called # end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 # Buffer I/O error on device dm-2, logical block 8888896 # ata1: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } # ata1: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError } # SCSI error : <0 0 0 0> return code = 0x8000002 # sda: Current: sense key: Medium Error # Additional sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed # SCSI error : <0 2 0 0> return code = 0x40001 # end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 572489600 ] id = index_to_id(steps, child.expect( steps_to_list(steps) + [ pexpect.EOF ])) sequence.append(id) if id == "done": break s = Set(sequence) if config and not config.quiet: print "\tSET: ", s if len(s) > 1: print "...Potential drive errors on %s" % node if len(s) == 2 and 'floppyerror' in s: print "...Should investigate. Continuing with node." else: print "...Should investigate. Skipping node." # TODO: send message related to these errors. args = {} args['hostname'] = hostname args['log'] = conn.get_dmesg().read() m = PersistMessage(hostname, mailtxt.baddisk[0] % args, mailtxt.baddisk[1] % args, True, db='hardware_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) conn.set_nodestate('disable') return False print "...Downloading bm.log from %s" % node log = conn.get_bootmanager_log() child = fdpexpect.fdspawn(log) try: if config.collect: return True except: pass time.sleep(1) if config and not config.quiet: print "...Scanning bm.log for errors" action_id = "dbg" sequence = [] while True: steps = [ ('bminit' , 'Initializing the BootManager.'), ('cfg' , 'Reading node configuration file.'), ('auth' , 'Authenticating node with PLC.'), ('getplc' , 'Retrieving details of node from PLC.'), ('update' , 'Updating node boot state at PLC.'), ('hardware' , 'Checking if hardware requirements met.'), ('installinit' , 'Install: Initializing.'), ('installdisk' , 'Install: partitioning disks.'), ('installbootfs', 'Install: bootstrapfs tarball.'), ('installcfg' , 'Install: Writing configuration files.'), ('installstop' , 'Install: Shutting down installer.'), ('update2' , 'Updating node boot state at PLC.'), ('installinit2' , 'Install: Initializing.'), ('validate' , 'Validating node installation.'), ('rebuildinitrd', 'Rebuilding initrd'), ('netcfg' , 'Install: Writing Network Configuration files.'), ('update3' , 'Updating node configuration.'), ('disk' , 'Checking for unused disks to add to LVM.'), ('update4' , 'Sending hardware configuration to PLC.'), ('debug' , 'Starting debug mode'), ('bmexceptmount', 'BootManagerException during mount'), ('bmexceptvgscan', 'BootManagerException during vgscan/vgchange'), ('bmexceptrmfail', 'Unable to remove directory tree: /tmp/mnt'), ('exception' , 'Exception'), ('nocfg' , 'Found configuration file planet.cnf on floppy, but was unable to parse it.'), ('protoerror' , 'XML RPC protocol error'), ('nodehostname' , 'Configured node hostname does not resolve'), ('implementerror', 'Implementation Error'), ('readonlyfs' , '[Errno 30] Read-only file system'), ('noinstall' , 'notinstalled'), ('bziperror' , 'bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing.'), ('noblockdev' , "No block devices detected."), ('dnserror' , 'Name or service not known'), ('downloadfail' , 'Unable to download main tarball /boot/bootstrapfs-planetlab-i386.tar.bz2 from server.'), ('disktoosmall' , 'The total usable disk size of all disks is insufficient to be usable as a PlanetLab node.'), ('hardwarerequirefail' , 'Hardware requirements not met'), ('mkfsfail' , 'while running: Running mkfs.ext2 -q -m 0 -j /dev/planetlab/vservers failed'), ('nofilereference', "No such file or directory: '/tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/planetlab-f8-i386/etc/hosts'"), ('kernelcopyfail', "cp: cannot stat `/tmp/mnt/sysimg/boot/kernel-boot': No such file or directory"), ('chrootfail' , 'Running chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg'), ('modulefail' , 'Unable to get list of system modules'), ('writeerror' , 'write error: No space left on device'), ('nospace' , "No space left on device"), ('nonode' , 'Failed to authenticate call: No such node'), ('authfail' , 'Failed to authenticate call: Call could not be authenticated'), ('bootcheckfail' , 'BootCheckAuthentication'), ('bootupdatefail' , 'BootUpdateNode'), ] list = steps_to_list(steps) index = child.expect( list + [ pexpect.EOF ]) id = index_to_id(steps,index) sequence.append(id) if id == "exception": if config and not config.quiet: print "...Found An Exception!!!" elif index == len(list): #print "Reached EOF" break s = "-".join(sequence) print " FOUND SEQUENCE: ", s # NOTE: We get or set the flag based on the current sequence identifier. # By using the sequence identifier, we guarantee that there will be no # frequent loops. I'm guessing there is a better way to track loops, # though. #if not config.force and pflags.getRecentFlag(s): # pflags.setRecentFlag(s) # pflags.save() # print "... flag is set or it has already run recently. Skipping %s" % node # return True sequences = {} # restart_bootmanager_boot for n in ["bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-disk-update4-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-disk-update4-update3-exception-protoerror-update-protoerror-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-disk-update4-update3-update3-implementerror-bootupdatefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-disk-update4-update3-update3-exception-protoerror-update-protoerror-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-disk-update4-update3-exception-protoerror-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-disk-update4-update3-exception-chrootfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-exception-protoerror-update-protoerror-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-protoerror-exception-update-protoerror-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-protoerror-exception-update-bootupdatefail-authfail-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-protoerror-exception-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-exception-protoerror-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-implementerror-update-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n : "restart_bootmanager_boot"}) # conn.restart_bootmanager('rins') for n in [ "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-exception-modulefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-exception-modulefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-bmexceptmount-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-bmexceptmount-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-bmexceptvgscan-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-installinit-installdisk-bziperror-exception-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-installinit-installdisk-installbootfs-exception-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-bmexceptvgscan-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-installinit-installdisk-installbootfs-exception-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-implementerror-nofilereference-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-installinit-installdisk-exception-mkfsfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-exception-chrootfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-installinit-installdisk-installbootfs-installcfg-installstop-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-disk-update4-update3-update3-kernelcopyfail-exception-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-installinit-installdisk-installbootfs-installcfg-installstop-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-disk-update4-update3-update3-kernelcopyfail-exception-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", # actual solution appears to involve removing the bad files, and # continually trying to boot the node. "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-disk-update4-update3-update3-implementerror-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-exception-bmexceptmount-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-exception-bmexceptmount-exception-noinstall-update-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n : "restart_bootmanager_rins"}) # repair_node_keys sequences.update({"bminit-cfg-auth-bootcheckfail-authfail-exception-update-bootupdatefail-authfail-debug-done": "repair_node_keys"}) # conn.restart_node('rins') for n in ["bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-exception-chrootfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-disk-update4-exception-chrootfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-installinit-installdisk-installbootfs-installcfg-exception-chrootfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-writeerror-exception-chrootfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-installinit-exception-bmexceptrmfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-installinit-exception-bmexceptrmfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-disk-update4-update3-implementerror-bootupdatefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-implementerror-readonlyfs-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-nospace-exception-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-implementerror-nospace-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-implementerror-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-installinit-installdisk-installbootfs-exception-downloadfail-update-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n : "restart_node_rins"}) # restart_node_boot for n in ["bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-implementerror-bootupdatefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-implementerror-bootcheckfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-implementerror-bootcheckfail-update-implementerror-bootupdatefail-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-implementerror-nospace-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-installinit-installdisk-installbootfs-exception-downloadfail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-installinit-validate-implementerror-update-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n: "restart_node_boot"}) # update_node_config_email for n in ["bminit-cfg-exception-nocfg-update-bootupdatefail-nonode-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-exception-update-bootupdatefail-nonode-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-bootcheckfail-nonode-exception-update-bootupdatefail-nonode-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n : "update_node_config_email"}) for n in [ "bminit-cfg-exception-nodehostname-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-update-exception-nodehostname-update-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n : "nodenetwork_email"}) # update_bootcd_email for n in ["bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-exception-noblockdev-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-exception-noblockdev-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-noblockdev-exception-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-noblockdev-exception-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-exception-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n : "update_bootcd_email"}) for n in [ "bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-installinit-validate-rebuildinitrd-netcfg-update3-implementerror-nofilereference-update-debug-done", ]: sequences.update({n: "suspect_error_email"}) # update_hardware_email sequences.update({"bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-exception-disktoosmall-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done" : "update_hardware_email"}) sequences.update({"bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-hardware-disktoosmall-exception-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done" : "update_hardware_email"}) # broken_hardware_email sequences.update({"bminit-cfg-auth-getplc-update-hardware-exception-hardwarerequirefail-update-debug-done" : "broken_hardware_email"}) # bad_dns_email for n in [ "bminit-cfg-update-implementerror-bootupdatefail-dnserror-update-implementerror-bootupdatefail-dnserror-done", "bminit-cfg-auth-implementerror-bootcheckfail-dnserror-update-implementerror-bootupdatefail-dnserror-done", ]: sequences.update( { n : "bad_dns_email"}) flag_set = True if s not in sequences: print " HOST %s" % hostname print " UNKNOWN SEQUENCE: %s" % s args = {} args['hostname'] = hostname args['sequence'] = s args['bmlog'] = conn.get_bootmanager_log().read() m = PersistMessage(hostname, mailtxt.unknownsequence[0] % args, mailtxt.unknownsequence[1] % args, False, db='unknown_persistmessages') m.reset() m.send([config.cc_email]) conn.restart_bootmanager('boot') # NOTE: Do not set the pflags value for this sequence if it's unknown. # This way, we can check it again after we've fixed it. flag_set = False else: if sequences[s] == "restart_bootmanager_boot": if config and not config.quiet: print "...Restarting BootManager.py on %s "% node conn.restart_bootmanager('boot') elif sequences[s] == "restart_bootmanager_rins": if config and not config.quiet: print "...Restarting BootManager.py on %s "% node conn.restart_bootmanager('rins') elif sequences[s] == "restart_node_rins": conn.restart_node('rins') elif sequences[s] == "restart_node_boot": conn.restart_node('boot') elif sequences[s] == "repair_node_keys": if conn.compare_and_repair_nodekeys(): # the keys either are in sync or were forced in sync. # so try to reboot the node again. conn.restart_bootmanager('rins') pass else: # there was some failure to synchronize the keys. print "...Unable to repair node keys on %s" % node elif sequences[s] == "suspect_error_email": args = {} args['hostname'] = hostname args['sequence'] = s args['bmlog'] = conn.get_bootmanager_log().read() m = PersistMessage(hostname, "Suspicous error from BootManager on %s" % args, mailtxt.unknownsequence[1] % args, False, db='suspect_persistmessages') m.reset() m.send([config.cc_email]) conn.restart_bootmanager('boot') elif sequences[s] == "update_node_config_email": print "...Sending message to UPDATE NODE CONFIG" args = {} args['hostname'] = hostname m = PersistMessage(hostname, mailtxt.plnode_cfg[0] % args, mailtxt.plnode_cfg[1] % args, True, db='nodeid_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) conn.dump_plconf_file() conn.set_nodestate('disable') elif sequences[s] == "nodenetwork_email": print "...Sending message to LOOK AT NODE NETWORK" args = {} args['hostname'] = hostname args['bmlog'] = conn.get_bootmanager_log().read() m = PersistMessage(hostname, mailtxt.plnode_cfg[0] % args, mailtxt.plnode_cfg[1] % args, True, db='nodenet_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) conn.dump_plconf_file() conn.set_nodestate('disable') elif sequences[s] == "update_bootcd_email": print "...NOTIFY OWNER TO UPDATE BOOTCD!!!" import getconf args = {} args.update(getconf.getconf(hostname)) # NOTE: Generates boot images for the user: args['hostname_list'] = "%s" % hostname m = PersistMessage(hostname, "Please Update Boot Image for %s" % hostname, mailtxt.newalphacd_one[1] % args, True, db='bootcd_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) print "\tDisabling %s due to out-of-date BOOTCD" % hostname conn.set_nodestate('disable') elif sequences[s] == "broken_hardware_email": # MAKE An ACTION record that this host has failed hardware. May # require either an exception "/minhw" or other manual intervention. # Definitely need to send out some more EMAIL. print "...NOTIFYING OWNERS OF BROKEN HARDWARE on %s!!!" % hostname # TODO: email notice of broken hardware args = {} args['hostname'] = hostname args['log'] = conn.get_dmesg().read() m = PersistMessage(hostname, mailtxt.baddisk[0] % args, mailtxt.baddisk[1] % args, True, db='hardware_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) conn.set_nodestate('disable') elif sequences[s] == "update_hardware_email": print "...NOTIFYING OWNERS OF MINIMAL HARDWARE FAILURE on %s!!!" % hostname args = {} args['hostname'] = hostname args['bmlog'] = conn.get_bootmanager_log().read() m = PersistMessage(hostname, mailtxt.minimalhardware[0] % args, mailtxt.minimalhardware[1] % args, True, db='minhardware_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) conn.set_nodestate('disable') elif sequences[s] == "bad_dns_email": print "...NOTIFYING OWNERS OF DNS FAILURE on %s!!!" % hostname args = {} try: node = api.GetNodes(hostname)[0] net = api.GetNodeNetworks(node['nodenetwork_ids'])[0] except: from nodecommon import email_exception email_exception() print traceback.print_exc() # TODO: api error. skip email, b/c all info is not available, # flag_set will not be recorded. return False nodenet_str = network_config_to_str(net) args['hostname'] = hostname args['network_config'] = nodenet_str args['nodenetwork_id'] = net['nodenetwork_id'] m = PersistMessage(hostname, mailtxt.baddns[0] % args, mailtxt.baddns[1] % args, True, db='baddns_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(hostname) emails = plc.getTechEmails(loginbase) m.send(emails) conn.set_nodestate('disable') if flag_set: pflags.setRecentFlag(s) pflags.save() return True # MAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): import parser as parsermodule parser = parsermodule.getParser() parser.set_defaults(child=False, collect=False, nosetup=False, verbose=False, force=None, quiet=False) parser.add_option("", "--child", dest="child", action="store_true", help="This is the child mode of this process.") parser.add_option("", "--force", dest="force", metavar="boot_state", help="Force a boot state passed to BootManager.py.") parser.add_option("", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="Extra quiet output messages.") parser.add_option("", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Extra debug output messages.") parser.add_option("", "--nonet", dest="nonet", action="store_true", help="Do not setup the network, use existing log files to re-run a test pass.") parser.add_option("", "--collect", dest="collect", action="store_true", help="No action, just collect dmesg, and bm.log") parser.add_option("", "--nosetup", dest="nosetup", action="store_true", help="Do not perform the orginary setup phase.") parser = parsermodule.getParser(['nodesets', 'defaults'], parser) config = parsermodule.parse_args(parser) if config.nodelist: nodes = config.getListFromFile(config.nodelist) elif config.node: nodes = [ config.node ] else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) for node in nodes: reboot(node, config) if __name__ == "__main__": main()