#!/usr/bin/python # # Average bandwidth monitoring script. Run periodically via cron(8) to # enforce a soft limit on daily bandwidth usage for each slice. If a # slice is found to have exceeded its daily bandwidth usage when the # script is run, its instantaneous rate will be capped at the desired # average rate. Thus, in the worst case, a slice will only be able to # send a little more than twice its average daily limit. # # Two separate limits are enforced, one for destinations exempt from # the node bandwidth cap, and the other for all other destinations. # # Mark Huang # Andy Bavier # Faiyaz Ahmed # Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: bwmon.py,v 1.20 2007/01/10 16:51:04 faiyaza Exp $ # import os import sys import time import pickle import database import socket #import xmlrpclib import bwlimit import logger from sets import Set try: sys.path.append("/etc/planetlab") from plc_config import * except: logger.log("bwmon: Warning: Configuration file /etc/planetlab/plc_config.py not found") PLC_NAME = "PlanetLab" PLC_SLICE_PREFIX = "pl" PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS = "support@planet-lab.org" PLC_MAIL_SLICE_ADDRESS = "SLICE@slices.planet-lab.org" # Utility functions #from pl_mom import * # Constants seconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60 bits_per_byte = 8 # Defaults debug = False verbose = 0 datafile = "/var/lib/misc/bwmon.dat" #nm = None # Burst to line rate (or node cap). Set by NM. default_MaxRate = bwlimit.get_bwcap() default_Maxi2Rate = bwlimit.bwmax # Min rate 8 bits/s default_MinRate = 0 # 5.4 Gbyte per day. 5.4 * 1024 k * 1024M * 1024G # 5.4 Gbyte per day max allowed transfered per recording period default_MaxKByte = 5662310 default_ThreshKByte = int(.8 * default_MaxKByte) # 16.4 Gbyte per day max allowed transfered per recording period to I2 default_Maxi2KByte = 17196646 default_Threshi2KByte = int(.8 * default_Maxi2KByte) # Default share quanta default_Share = 1 # Average over 1 day period = 1 * seconds_per_day # Message template template = \ """ The slice %(slice)s has transmitted more than %(bytes)s from %(hostname)s to %(class)s destinations since %(since)s. Its maximum %(class)s burst rate will be capped at %(new_maxrate)s/s until %(until)s. Please reduce the average %(class)s transmission rate of the slice to %(limit)s per %(period)s. """.lstrip() footer = \ """ %(date)s %(hostname)s bwcap %(slice)s """.lstrip() class Slice: """ Stores the last recorded bandwidth parameters of a slice. xid - slice context/VServer ID name - slice name time - beginning of recording period in UNIX seconds bytes - low bandwidth bytes transmitted at the beginning of the recording period i2bytes - high bandwidth bytes transmitted at the beginning of the recording period (for I2 -F) ByteMax - total volume of data allowed ByteThresh - After thresh, cap node to (maxbyte - bytes)/(time left in period) ExemptByteMax - Same as above, but for i2. ExemptByteThresh - i2 ByteThresh maxrate - max_rate slice attribute. maxexemptrate - max_exempt_rate slice attribute. self.emailed = did we email during this recording period """ def __init__(self, xid, name, maxrate, maxi2rate, bytes, i2bytes, data): self.xid = xid self.name = name self.time = 0 self.bytes = 0 self.i2bytes = 0 self.MaxRate = default_MaxRate self.MinRate = default_MinRate self.Maxi2Rate = default_Maxi2Rate self.MaxKByte = default_MaxKByte self.ThreshKByte = default_ThreshKByte self.Maxi2KByte = default_Maxi2KByte self.Threshi2KByte = default_Threshi2KByte self.Share = default_Share self.emailed = False # Get real values where applicable self.reset(maxrate, maxi2rate, bytes, i2bytes, data) def __repr__(self): return self.name @database.synchronized def updateSliceAttributes(self, data): for sliver in data['slivers']: if sliver['name'] == self.name: for attribute in sliver['attributes']: if attribute['name'] == 'net_min_rate': self.MinRate = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Min Rate - %s" \ %(self.name, self.MinRate)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_max_rate': self.MaxRate = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Max Rate - %s" \ %(self.name, self.MaxRate)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_i2_min_rate': self.Mini2Rate = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Min i2 Rate - %s" \ %(self.name, self.Mini2Rate)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_i2_max_rate': self.Maxi2Rate = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Max i2 Rate - %s" \ %(self.name, self.Maxi2Rate)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_max_kbyte': self.MaxKByte = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Max KByte lim - %s" \ %(self.name, self.MaxKByte)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_i2_max_kbyte': self.Maxi2KByte = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Max i2 KByte - %s" \ %(self.name, self.Maxi2KByte)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_thresh_kbyte': self.ThreshKByte = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Thresh KByte - %s" \ %(self.name, self.ThreshKByte)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_i2_thresh_kbyte': self.Threshi2KByte = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. i2 Thresh KByte - %s" \ %(self.name, self.Threshi2KByte)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_share': self.Share = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Net Share - %s" \ %(self.name, self.Share)) elif attribute['name'] == 'net_i2_share': self.Sharei2 = attribute['value'] logger.log("bwmon: Updating %s. Net i2 Share - %s" \ %(self.name, self.i2Share)) def reset(self, runningmaxrate, runningmaxi2rate, usedbytes, usedi2bytes, data): """ Begin a new recording period. Remove caps by restoring limits to their default values. """ # Query Node Manager for max rate overrides self.updateSliceAttributes(data) # Reset baseline time self.time = time.time() # Reset baseline byte coutns self.bytes = usedbytes self.i2bytes = usedi2bytes # Reset email self.emailed = False # Reset rates. if (self.MaxRate != runningmaxrate) or (self.Maxi2Rate != runningmaxi2rate): logger.log("bwmon: %s reset to %s/%s" % \ (self.name, bwlimit.format_tc_rate(self.MaxRate), bwlimit.format_tc_rate(self.Maxi2Rate))) bwlimit.set(xid = self.xid, minrate = self.MinRate, maxrate = self.MaxRate, maxexemptrate = self.Maxi2Rate, minexemptrate = self.Mini2Rate, share = self.Share) def update(self, runningmaxrate, runningmaxi2rate, usedbytes, usedi2bytes, data): """ Update byte counts and check if byte limits have been exceeded. """ # Query Node Manager for max rate overrides self.updateSliceAttributes(data) # Prepare message parameters from the template message = "" params = {'slice': self.name, 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'since': time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.time)) + " GMT", 'until': time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.time + period)) + " GMT", 'date': time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + " GMT", 'period': format_period(period)} if usedbytes >= (self.bytes + (self.ThreshKByte * 1024)): maxbyte = self.MaxKByte * 1024 bytesused = bytes - self.bytes timeused = int(time.time() - self.time) new_maxrate = int(((maxbyte - bytesused) * 8)/(period - timeused)) if new_maxrate < self.MinRate: new_maxrate = self.MinRate else: new_maxrate = self.MaxRate # Format template parameters for low bandwidth message params['class'] = "low bandwidth" params['bytes'] = format_bytes(usedbytes - self.bytes) params['maxrate'] = bwlimit.format_tc_rate(runningmaxrate) params['limit'] = format_bytes(self.MaxKByte * 1024) params['new_maxrate'] = bwlimit.format_tc_rate(new_maxrate) if verbose: logger.log("bwmon: %(slice)s %(class)s " \ "%(bytes)s of %(limit)s (%(new_maxrate)s/s maxrate)" % \ params) # Cap low bandwidth burst rate if new_maxrate != runningmaxrate: message += template % params logger.log("bwmon: %(slice)s %(class)s capped at %(new_maxrate)s/s " % params) if usedi2bytes >= (self.i2bytes + (self.Threshi2KByte * 1024)): maxi2byte = self.Maxi2KByte * 1024 i2bytesused = i2bytes - self.i2bytes timeused = int(time.time() - self.time) new_maxi2rate = int(((maxi2byte - i2bytesused) * 8)/(period - timeused)) if new_maxi2rate < self.Mini2Rate: new_maxi2rate = self.Mini2Rate else: new_maxi2rate = self.Maxi2Rate # Format template parameters for high bandwidth message params['class'] = "high bandwidth" params['bytes'] = format_bytes(usedi2bytes - self.i2bytes) params['maxrate'] = bwlimit.format_tc_rate(runningmaxi2rate) params['limit'] = format_bytes(self.Maxi2KByte * 1024) params['new_maxexemptrate'] = bwlimit.format_tc_rate(new_maxi2rate) if verbose: logger.log("bwmon: %(slice)s %(class)s " \ "%(bytes)s of %(limit)s (%(new_maxrate)s/s maxrate)" % params) # Cap high bandwidth burst rate if new_maxi2rate != runningmaxi2rate: message += template % params logger.log("bwmon: %(slice)s %(class)s capped at %(new_maxexemptrate)s/s" % params) # Apply parameters if new_maxrate != runningmaxrate or new_maxi2rate != runningmaxi2rate: bwlimit.set(xid = self.xid, maxrate = new_maxrate, maxexemptrate = new_maxi2rate) # Notify slice if message and self.emailed == False: subject = "pl_mom capped bandwidth of slice %(slice)s on %(hostname)s" % params if debug: logger.log("bwmon: "+ subject) logger.log("bwmon: "+ message + (footer % params)) else: self.emailed = True slicemail(self.name, subject, message + (footer % params)) def GetSlivers(data): # Defaults global datafile, \ period, \ default_MaxRate, \ default_Maxi2Rate, \ default_MinRate, \ default_MaxKByte,\ default_ThreshKByte,\ default_Maxi2KByte,\ default_Threshi2KByte,\ default_Share,\ verbose verbose = True # All slices names = [] try: f = open(datafile, "r+") if verbose: logger.log("bwmon: Loading %s" % datafile) (version, slices) = pickle.load(f) f.close() # Check version of data file if version != "$Id: bwmon.py,v 1.20 2007/01/10 16:51:04 faiyaza Exp $": logger.log("bwmon: Not using old version '%s' data file %s" % (version, datafile)) raise Exception except Exception: version = "$Id: bwmon.py,v 1.20 2007/01/10 16:51:04 faiyaza Exp $" slices = {} # Get special slice IDs root_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("root") default_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("default") # {name: xid} live = {} for sliver in data['slivers']: live[sliver['name']] = bwlimit.get_xid(sliver['name']) # Get actual running values from tc. for params in bwlimit.get(): (xid, share, minrate, maxrate, minexemptrate, maxexemptrate, usedbytes, usedi2bytes) = params # Ignore root and default buckets if xid == root_xid or xid == default_xid: continue name = bwlimit.get_slice(xid) if name is None: # Orphaned (not associated with a slice) class name = "%d?" % xid bwlimit.off(xid) # Monitor only the specified slices if names and name not in names: continue #slices is populated from the pickle file #xid is populated from bwlimit (read from /etc/passwd) if slices.has_key(xid): slice = slices[xid] if time.time() >= (slice.time + period) or \ usedbytes < slice.bytes or usedi2bytes < slice.i2bytes: # Reset to defaults every 24 hours or if it appears # that the byte counters have overflowed (or, more # likely, the node was restarted or the HTB buckets # were re-initialized). slice.reset(maxrate, maxexemptrate, usedbytes, usedi2bytes, data) else: # Update byte counts slice.update(maxrate, maxexemptrate, usedbytes, usedi2bytes, data) else: # New slice, initialize state if verbose: logger.log("bwmon: New Slice %s" % name) slice = slices[xid] = Slice(xid, name, maxrate, maxexemptrate, usedbytes, usedi2bytes, data) # Delete dead slices dead = Set(slices.keys()) - Set(live.values()) for xid in dead: del slices[xid] bwlimit.off(xid) logger.log("bwmon: Saving %s" % datafile) f = open(datafile, "w") pickle.dump((version, slices), f) f.close() #def GetSlivers(data): # for sliver in data['slivers']: # if sliver.has_key('attributes'): # print sliver # for attribute in sliver['attributes']: # if attribute['name'] == "KByteThresh": print attribute['value'] def start(options, config): pass def format_bytes(bytes, si = True): """ Formats bytes into a string """ if si: kilo = 1000. else: # Officially, a kibibyte kilo = 1024. if bytes >= (kilo * kilo * kilo): return "%.1f GB" % (bytes / (kilo * kilo * kilo)) elif bytes >= 1000000: return "%.1f MB" % (bytes / (kilo * kilo)) elif bytes >= 1000: return "%.1f KB" % (bytes / kilo) else: return "%.0f bytes" % bytes def format_period(seconds): """ Formats a period in seconds into a string """ if seconds == (24 * 60 * 60): return "day" elif seconds == (60 * 60): return "hour" elif seconds > (24 * 60 * 60): return "%.1f days" % (seconds / 24. / 60. / 60.) elif seconds > (60 * 60): return "%.1f hours" % (seconds / 60. / 60.) elif seconds > (60): return "%.1f minutes" % (seconds / 60.) else: return "%.0f seconds" % seconds def slicemail(slice, subject, body): sendmail = os.popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -N never -t -f%s" % PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS, "w") # PLC has a separate list for pl_mom messages if PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS == "support@planet-lab.org": to = ["pl-mom@planet-lab.org"] else: to = [PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS] if slice is not None and slice != "root": to.append(PLC_MAIL_SLICE_ADDRESS.replace("SLICE", slice)) header = {'from': "%s Support <%s>" % (PLC_NAME, PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS), 'to': ", ".join(to), 'version': sys.version.split(" ")[0], 'subject': subject} # Write headers sendmail.write( """ Content-type: text/plain From: %(from)s Reply-To: %(from)s To: %(to)s X-Mailer: Python/%(version)s Subject: %(subject)s """.lstrip() % header) # Write body sendmail.write(body) # Done sendmail.close()