#!/bin/env python # # compare: a tool to compare kernel config files # # Marc E. Fiuczynski # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: kread.py,v 1.3 2006/12/01 02:43:01 mef Exp $ # import sys, re, os, stat import cStringIO, cPickle currentconfig = "" files = [] configs = {} meta = None def _config(parts,fb): global currentconfig currentconfig = parts[1] return None def _help(parts,fb): global currentconfig helptxt = "" lineno = 0 while True: line = fb.readline() lineno = lineno + 1 if len(line)==0: break if not line[0].isspace(): break if len(line)>1: newline = line.lstrip() else: newline = line helptxt = helptxt+newline configs[currentconfig]=helptxt return line def _source(parts,fb): filename = "".join(parts[1:]) if filename[0]=='"' or filename[0]=='\'': filename=filename[1:] if filename[-1]=='"' or filename[-1]=='\'': filename=filename[:-1] process(filename) return None def _noop(parts,fb): return None keywords = {"config":_config, "help":_help, "---help---":_help, "source":_source} def process(filename): files.append((filename,os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME])) fb = open(filename) lineno = 0 line = fb.readline() while True: lineno = lineno + 1 if len(line)==0:break line = line.strip() parts = line.split() if len(parts)==0: line = fb.readline() else: func = keywords.get(parts[0],_noop) line = func(parts,fb) if line == None: line = fb.readline() fb.close() def init(force): global configs global files ARCH=os.getenv("ARCH","i386") reprocess = True try: f = open(".kread.db","r") meta = cPickle.load(f) f.close() configs, files = meta reprocess = False try: for file, mtime in files: cur_mtime = os.stat(file)[stat.ST_MTIME] if mtime <> cur_mtime: reprocess = True break except: pass except IOError, e: pass if reprocess or force: meta = (configs, files) process("arch/%s/Kconfig" % ARCH) try: f = open(".kread.db.tmp","w") cPickle.dump(meta,f,True) f.close() os.rename(".kread.db.tmp", ".kread.db") except IOError, e: pass def gethelp(option): if option[:len("CONFIG_")] == "CONFIG_": option=option[len("CONFIG_"):] helptxt = configs.get(option,"") return helptxt if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 1: print """USAGE\n%s configoptionname""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) else: if sys.argv[1] == "-f" and len(sys.argv)>=2: force = True options=sys.argv[2:] else: options = sys.argv[1:] force = False init(force) for option in options: helptxt = gethelp(option) print "CONFIG_%s:\n%s" % (option,helptxt)