#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/plcsh # # Bootstraps the PLC database with a default administrator account and # a default site, defines default slice attribute types, and # creates/updates default system slices. # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: db-config 7454 2007-12-11 18:55:00Z faiyaza $ # $HeadURL$ from plc_config import PLCConfiguration import sys def main(): cfg = PLCConfiguration() cfg.load() variables = cfg.variables() # Load variables into dictionaries for category_id, (category, variablelist) in variables.iteritems(): globals()[category_id] = dict(zip(variablelist.keys(), [variable['value'] for variable in variablelist.values()])) # Create/update the default administrator account (should be # person_id 2). admin = { 'person_id': 2, 'first_name': "Default", 'last_name': "Administrator", 'email': plc['root_user'], 'password': plc['root_password'] } persons = GetPersons([admin['person_id']]) if not persons: person_id = AddPerson(admin) if person_id != admin['person_id']: # Huh? Someone deleted the account manually from the database. DeletePerson(person_id) raise Exception, "Someone deleted the \"%s %s\" account from the database!" % \ (admin['first_name'], admin['last_name']) UpdatePerson(person_id, { 'enabled': True }) else: person_id = persons[0]['person_id'] UpdatePerson(person_id, admin) # Create/update the default site (should be site_id 1) if plc_www['port'] == '80': url = "http://" + plc_www['host'] + "/" elif plc_www['port'] == '443': url = "https://" + plc_www['host'] + "/" else: url = "http://" + plc_www['host'] + ":" + plc_www['port'] + "/" site = { 'site_id': 1, 'name': plc['name'] + " Central", 'abbreviated_name': plc['name'], 'login_base': plc['slice_prefix'], 'is_public': False, 'url': url, 'max_slices': 100 } sites = GetSites([site['site_id']]) if not sites: site_id = AddSite(site['name'], site['abbreviated_name'], site['login_base'], site) if site_id != site['site_id']: DeleteSite(site_id) raise Exception, "Someone deleted the \"%s\" site from the database!" % \ site['name'] sites = [site] # Must call UpdateSite() even after AddSite() to update max_slices site_id = sites[0]['site_id'] UpdateSite(site_id, site) # The default administrator account must be associated with a site # in order to login. AddPersonToSite(admin['person_id'], site['site_id']) SetPersonPrimarySite(admin['person_id'], site['site_id']) # Grant admin and PI roles to the default administrator account AddRoleToPerson(10, admin['person_id']) AddRoleToPerson(20, admin['person_id']) # Setup default PlanetLabConf entries default_conf_files = [ # NTP configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/ntp.conf.php', 'dest': '/etc/ntp.conf', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd restart', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/ntp/step-tickers.php', 'dest': '/etc/ntp/step-tickers', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd restart', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # SSH server configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/sshd_config', 'dest': '/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'file_permissions': '600', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/etc/init.d/sshd restart', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # Administrative SSH keys {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/keys.php?root', 'dest': '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/bin/chmod 700 /root/.ssh', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/keys.php?site_admin', 'dest': '/home/site_admin/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'site_admin', 'file_group': 'site_admin', 'preinstall_cmd': 'grep -q site_admin /etc/passwd', 'postinstall_cmd': '/bin/chmod 700 /home/site_admin/.ssh', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # Log rotation configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/logrotate.conf', 'dest': '/etc/logrotate.conf', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # updatedb/locate nightly cron job {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/slocate.cron', 'dest': '/etc/cron.daily/slocate.cron', 'file_permissions': '755', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # YUM configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/yum.conf.php?gpgcheck=1', 'dest': '/etc/yum.conf', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/delete-rpm-list-production', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/delete-rpm-list', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # PLC configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/get_plc_config.php', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/plc_config', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/get_plc_config.php?python', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/plc_config.py', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/get_plc_config.php?perl', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/plc_config.pl', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/get_plc_config.php?php', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/php/plc_config.php', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # XXX Required for old Node Manager # Proper configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/propd.conf', 'dest': '/etc/proper/propd.conf', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/etc/init.d/proper restart', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': True, 'always_update': False}, # XXX Required for old Node Manager # Bandwidth cap {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/bwlimit.php', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/bwcap', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': True, 'always_update': False}, # Proxy ARP setup {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/proxies.php', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/proxies', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # Firewall configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/iptables', 'dest': '/etc/sysconfig/iptables', 'file_permissions': '600', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/blacklist.php', 'dest': '/etc/planetlab/blacklist', 'file_permissions': '600', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/sbin/iptables-restore --noflush < /etc/planetlab/blacklist', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': True, 'always_update': False}, # /etc/issue {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/issue.php', 'dest': '/etc/issue', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # Kernel parameters {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/sysctl.php', 'dest': '/etc/sysctl.conf', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/sbin/sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # Sendmail configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/sendmail.mc', 'dest': '/etc/mail/sendmail.mc', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/sendmail.cf', 'dest': '/etc/mail/sendmail.cf', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': 'service sendmail restart', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # GPG signing keys {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora', 'dest': '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/get_gpg_key.php', 'dest': '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-planetlab', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-planetlab', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # Ping of death configuration # the 'restart' postcommand doesn't work, b/c the pod script doesn't support it. {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/ipod.conf.php', 'dest': '/etc/ipod.conf', 'file_permissions': '644', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/etc/init.d/pod start', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False}, # sudo configuration {'enabled': True, 'source': 'PlanetLabConf/sudoers', 'dest': '/etc/sudoers', 'file_permissions': '440', 'file_owner': 'root', 'file_group': 'root', 'preinstall_cmd': '', 'postinstall_cmd': '/usr/sbin/visudo -c', 'error_cmd': '', 'ignore_cmd_errors': False, 'always_update': False} ] # Get list of existing (enabled, global) files conf_files = GetConfFiles() conf_files = filter(lambda conf_file: conf_file['enabled'] and \ not conf_file['node_ids'] and \ not conf_file['nodegroup_ids'], conf_files) dests = [conf_file['dest'] for conf_file in conf_files] conf_files = dict(zip(dests, conf_files)) # Create/update default PlanetLabConf entries for default_conf_file in default_conf_files: if default_conf_file['dest'] not in dests: AddConfFile(default_conf_file) else: conf_file = conf_files[default_conf_file['dest']] UpdateConfFile(conf_file['conf_file_id'], default_conf_file) # Setup default slice attribute types default_attribute_types = [ # Slice type (only vserver is supported) {'name': "type", 'description': "Type of slice (e.g. vserver)", 'min_role_id': 20}, # System slice {'name': "system", 'description': "Is a default system slice (1) or not (0 or unset)", 'min_role_id': 10}, # Slice enabled (1) or suspended (0) {'name': "enabled", 'description': "Slice enabled (1 or unset) or suspended (0)", 'min_role_id': 10}, # Slice reference image {'name': "vref", 'description': "Reference image", 'min_role_id': 30}, # Slice initialization script {'name': "initscript", 'description': "Slice initialization script", 'min_role_id': 10}, # CPU share {'name': "cpu_min", 'description': "Minimum CPU share (ms/s)", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "cpu_share", 'description': "Number of CPU shares", 'min_role_id': 10}, # Bandwidth limits {'name': "net_min_rate", 'description': "Minimum bandwidth (kbps)", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_max_rate", 'description': "Maximum bandwidth (kbps)", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_i2_min_rate", 'description': "Minimum bandwidth over I2 routes (kbps)", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_i2_max_rate", 'description': "Maximum bandwidth over I2 routes (kbps)", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_max_kbyte", 'description': "Maximum daily network Tx KByte limit.", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_thresh_kbyte", 'description': "KByte limit before warning and throttling.", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_i2_max_kbyte", 'description': "Maximum daily network Tx KByte limit to I2 hosts.", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_i2_thresh_kbyte", 'description': "KByte limit to I2 hosts before warning and throttling.", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_share", 'description': "Number of bandwidth shares", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "net_i2_share", 'description': "Number of bandwidth shares over I2 routes", 'min_role_id': 10}, # Disk quota {'name': "disk_max", 'description': "Disk quota (1k disk blocks)", 'min_role_id': 10}, # Proper operations {'name': "proper_op", 'description': "Proper operation (e.g. bind_socket)", 'min_role_id': 10}, # XXX Required for old Node Manager # Special attributes applicable to Slice Creation Service (pl_conf) slice {'name': "plc_slice_type", 'description': "Type of slice rspec to be created", 'min_role_id': 20}, {'name': "plc_agent_version", 'description': "Version of PLC agent (slice creation service) software to be deployed", 'min_role_id': 10}, {'name': "plc_ticket_pubkey", 'description': "Public key used to verify PLC-signed tickets", 'min_role_id': 10} ] # Get list of existing attribute types attribute_types = GetSliceAttributeTypes() attribute_types = [attribute_type['name'] for attribute_type in attribute_types] # Create/update default slice attribute types for default_attribute_type in default_attribute_types: if default_attribute_type['name'] not in attribute_types: AddSliceAttributeType(default_attribute_type) else: UpdateSliceAttributeType(default_attribute_type['name'], default_attribute_type) # Create/update system slices legacy_slices = [ # XXX Required for old Node Manager {'name': "pl_conf", 'description': "PlanetLab Slice Creation Service (SCS)", 'url': url, 'instantiation': "plc-instantiated", # Renew forever 'expires': sys.maxint, 'attributes': [('plc_slice_type', "VServerSlice"), ('plc_agent_version', "1.0"), ('plc_ticket_pubkey', "")]}, # XXX Required for old Node Manager {'name': "pl_conf_vserverslice", 'description': "Default attributes for vserver slices", 'url': url, 'instantiation': "plc-instantiated", # Renew forever 'expires': sys.maxint, 'attributes': [('cpu_share', "32"), ('plc_slice_type', "VServerSlice"), ('disk_max', "5000000")]}, ] default_slices = [ # PlanetFlow {'name': plc['slice_prefix'] + "_netflow", 'description': "PlanetFlow Traffic Auditing Service", 'url': url, 'instantiation': "plc-instantiated", # Renew forever 'expires': sys.maxint, 'attributes': [('system', "1"), ('vref', "planetflow"), ('proper_op', "open file=/etc/passwd, flags=r"), ('proper_op', "create_socket"), ('proper_op', "bind_socket")]}, ] ### xxx - to review once new node manager rolls out # if PLC_SLICE_PREFIX is left to default - this is meant for the public PL only if plc['slice_prefix'] == 'pl': # create both legacy slices together with netflow through default_slices default_slices += legacy_slices else: # we use another slice prefix : disable legacy slices if already created for legacy_slice in legacy_slices: try: DeleteSlice(legacy_slice['name']) except: pass for default_slice in default_slices: slices = GetSlices([default_slice['name']]) if slices: slice = slices[0] UpdateSlice(slice['slice_id'], default_slice) else: AddSlice(default_slice) slice = GetSlices([default_slice['name']])[0] # Create/update all attributes slice_attributes = [] if slice['slice_attribute_ids']: # Delete unknown attributes for slice_attribute in GetSliceAttributes(slice['slice_attribute_ids']): if (slice_attribute['name'], slice_attribute['value']) \ not in default_slice['attributes']: DeleteSliceAttribute(slice_attribute['slice_attribute_id']) else: slice_attributes.append((slice_attribute['name'], slice_attribute['value'])) for (name, value) in default_slice['attributes']: if (name, value) not in slice_attributes: AddSliceAttribute(slice['name'], name, value) installfailed = """ Once the node meets these requirements, please reinitiate the install by visiting: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/nodes/?id=%(node_id)d Update the BootState to 'Reinstall', then reboot the node. If you have already performed this step and are still receiving this message, please reply so that we may investigate the problem. """ # Load default message templates message_templates = [ {'message_id': 'Verify account', 'subject': "Verify account registration", 'template': """ Please verify that you registered for a %(PLC_NAME)s account with the username %(email)s by visiting: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/persons/register.php?id=%(person_id)d&key=%(verification_key)s If you did not register for a %(PLC_NAME)s account, please ignore this message, or contact %(PLC_NAME)s Support <%(PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS)s>. """ }, {'message_id': 'New PI account', 'subject': "New PI account registration from %(first_name)s %(last_name)s <%(email)s> at %(site_name)s", 'template': """ %(first_name)s %(last_name)s <%(email)s> has signed up for a new %(PLC_NAME)s account at %(site_name)s and has requested a PI role. PIs are responsible for enabling user accounts, creating slices, and ensuring that all users abide by the %(PLC_NAME)s Acceptable Use Policy. Only %(PLC_NAME)s administrators may enable new PI accounts. If you are a PI at %(site_name)s, please respond and indicate whether this registration is acceptable. To view the request, visit: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/persons/index.php?id=%(person_id)d """ }, {'message_id': 'New account', 'subject': "New account registration from %(first_name)s %(last_name)s <%(email)s> at %(site_name)s", 'template': """ %(first_name)s %(last_name)s <%(email)s> has signed up for a new %(PLC_NAME)s account at %(site_name)s and has requested the following roles: %(roles)s. To deny the request or enable the account, visit: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/persons/index.php?id=%(person_id)d """ }, {'message_id': 'Password reset requested', 'subject': "Password reset requested", 'template': """ Someone has requested that the password of your %(PLC_NAME)s account %(email)s be reset. If this person was you, you may continue with the reset by visiting: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/persons/reset_password.php?id=%(person_id)d&key=%(verification_key)s If you did not request that your password be reset, please contact %(PLC_NAME)s Support <%(PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS)s>. Do not quote or otherwise include any of this text in any correspondence. """ }, {'message_id': 'Password reset', 'subject': "Password reset", 'template': """ The password of your %(PLC_NAME)s account %(email)s has been temporarily reset to: %(password)s Please change it at as soon as possible by visiting: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/persons/index.php?id=%(person_id)d If you did not request that your password be reset, please contact %(PLC_NAME)s Support <%(PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS)s>. Do not quote or otherwise include any of this text in any correspondence. """ }, # Boot Manager messages {'message_id': "installfinished", 'subject': "%(hostname)s completed installation", 'template': """ %(hostname)s just completed installation. The node should be usable in a couple of minutes if installation was successful. """ }, {'message_id': "insufficientdisk", 'subject': "%(hostname)s does not have sufficient disk space", 'template': """ %(hostname)s failed to boot because it does not have sufficent disk space, or because its disk controller was not recognized. Please replace the current disk or disk controller or install additional disks to meet the current hardware requirements. """ + installfailed }, {'message_id': "insufficientmemory", 'subject': "%(hostname)s does not have sufficient memory", 'template': """ %(hostname)s failed to boot because it does not have sufficent memory. Please install additional memory to meet the current hardware requirements. """ + installfailed }, {'message_id': "authfail", 'subject': "%(hostname)s failed to authenticate", 'template': """ %(hostname)s failed to authenticate for the following reason: %(fault)s The most common reason for authentication failure is that the authentication key stored in the node configuration file, does not match the key on record. There are two possible steps to resolve the problem. 1. If you have used an All-in-one BootCD that includes the plnode.txt file, then please check your machine for any old boot media, either in the floppy drive, or on a USB stick. It is likely that an old configuration is being used instead of the new configuration stored on the BootCD. Or, 2. If you are using Generic BootCD image, then regenerate the node configuration file by visiting: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/nodes/?id=%(node_id)d Under 'Download', follow the 'Download plnode.txt file for %(hostname)s' option, and save the downloaded file as plnode.txt on either a floppy disk or a USB flash drive. Be sure the 'Boot State' is set to 'Boot', and, then reboot the node. If you have already performed this step and are still receiving this message, please reply so that we can help investigate the problem. """ }, {'message_id': "notinstalled", 'subject': "%(hostname)s is not installed", 'template': """ %(hostname)s failed to boot because it has either never been installed, or the installation is corrupt. Please check if the hard drive has failed, and replace it if so. After doing so, visit: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/nodes/?id=%(node_id)d Change the 'Boot State' to 'Reinstall', and then reboot the node. If you have already performed this step and are still receiving this message, please reply so that we may investigate the problem. """ }, {'message_id': "hostnamenotresolve", 'subject': "%(hostname)s does not resolve", 'template': """ %(hostname)s failed to boot because its hostname does not resolve, or does resolve but does not match its configured IP address. Please check the network settings for the node, especially its hostname, IP address, and DNS servers, by visiting: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/nodes/?id=%(node_id)d Correct any errors, and change the 'Boot State' to 'Reinstall', and then reboot the node. If you have already performed this step and are still receiving this message, please reply so that we may investigate the problem. """ }, # XXX N.B. I don't think these are necessary, since there's no # way that the Boot Manager would even be able to contact the # API to send these messages. {'message_id': "noconfig", 'subject': "%(hostname)s does not have a configuration file", 'template': """ %(hostname)s failed to boot because it could not find a PlanetLab configuration file. To create this file, visit: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/nodes/?id=%(node_id)d Click the Configuration File link, and save the downloaded file as plnode.txt on either a floppy disk or a USB flash drive. Change the 'Boot State' to 'Reinstall', and then reboot the node. If you have already performed this step and are still receiving this message, please reply so that we may investigate the problem. """ }, {'message_id': "nodetectednetwork", 'subject': "%(hostname)s has unsupported network hardware", 'template': """ %(hostname)s failed to boot because it has network hardware that is unsupported by the current production kernel. If it has booted successfully in the past, please try re-installing it by visiting: https://%(PLC_WWW_HOST)s:%(PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT)d/db/nodes/?id=%(node_id)d Change the 'Boot State' to 'Reinstall', and then reboot the node. If you have already performed this step and are still receiving this message, please reply so that we may investigate the problem. """ }, ] for template in message_templates: messages = GetMessages([template['message_id']]) if not messages: AddMessage(template) ### Setup Initial PCU information pcu_types = [{'model': 'AP79xx', 'name': 'APC AP79xx', 'pcu_protocol_types': [{ 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'APC79xxHttp', 'supported': False}, { 'port': 23, 'protocol': 'APC79xx', 'supported': True}, { 'port': 22, 'protocol': 'APC79xx', 'supported': True}], }, {'model': 'Masterswitch', 'name': 'APC Masterswitch', 'pcu_protocol_types': [{ 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'APCMasterHttp', 'supported': False}, { 'port': 23, 'protocol': 'APCMaster', 'supported': True}, { 'port': 22, 'protocol': 'APCMaster', 'supported': True}], }, {'model': 'DS4-RPC', 'name': 'BayTech DS4-RPC', 'pcu_protocol_types': [{ 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'BayTechHttp', 'supported': False}, { 'port': 23, 'protocol': 'BayTech', 'supported': True}, { 'port': 22, 'protocol': 'BayTech', 'supported': True}], }, {'model': 'IP-41x_IP-81x', 'name': 'Dataprobe IP-41x & IP-81x', 'pcu_protocol_types': [ { 'port': 23, 'protocol': 'IPALTelnet', 'supported': True}, { 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'IPALHttp', 'supported': False}], }, {'model': 'DRAC3', 'name': 'Dell RAC Version 3', 'pcu_protocol_types': [], }, {'model': 'DRAC4', 'name': 'Dell RAC Version 4', 'pcu_protocol_types': [{ 'port': 443, 'protocol': 'DRACRacAdm', 'supported': True}, { 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'DRACRacAdm', 'supported': False}, { 'port': 22, 'protocol': 'DRAC', 'supported': True}], }, {'model': 'ePowerSwitch', 'name': 'ePowerSwitch 1/4/8x', 'pcu_protocol_types': [{ 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'ePowerSwitch', 'supported': True}], }, {'model': 'ilo2', 'name': 'HP iLO2 (Integrated Lights-Out)', 'pcu_protocol_types': [{ 'port': 443, 'protocol': 'HPiLOHttps', 'supported': True}, { 'port': 22, 'protocol': 'HPiLO', 'supported': True}], }, {'model': 'ilo1', 'name': 'HP iLO version 1', 'pcu_protocol_types': [], }, {'model': 'PM211-MIP', 'name': 'Infratec PM221-MIP', 'pcu_protocol_types': [], }, {'model': 'AMT2.5', 'name': 'Intel AMT v2.5 (Active Management Technology)', 'pcu_protocol_types': [], }, {'model': 'AMT3.0', 'name': 'Intel AMT v3.0 (Active Management Technology)', 'pcu_protocol_types': [], }, {'model': 'WTI_IPS-4', 'name': 'Western Telematic (WTI IPS-4)', 'pcu_protocol_types': [], }, {'model': 'unknown', 'name': 'Unknown Vendor or Model', 'pcu_protocol_types': [{ 'port': 443, 'protocol': 'UnknownPCU', 'supported': False}, { 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'UnknownPCU', 'supported': False}, { 'port': 23, 'protocol': 'UnknownPCU', 'supported': False}, { 'port': 22, 'protocol': 'UnknownPCU', 'supported': False}], }] # Get all model names pcu_models = [type['model'] for type in GetPCUTypes()] for type in pcu_types: protocol_types = type['pcu_protocol_types'] # Take this value out of the struct. del type['pcu_protocol_types'] if type['model'] not in pcu_models: # Add the name/model info into DB id = AddPCUType(type) # for each protocol, also add this. for ptype in protocol_types: AddPCUProtocolType(id, ptype) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # Local variables: # tab-width: 4 # mode: python # End: